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Unique Travertine
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Catalog excerpts

Unique Travertine - 2

Unique Tra vertine Unique Travertine, progettualità senza confini Unique Travertine è un inno alla matericità calcarea del travertino, una collezione suggestiva e versatile, capace di reinterpretare un materiale classico in una chiave inedita e attualissima: un progetto completo, realizzato attraverso lo studio delle diverse lavorazioni del travertino. La gamma si compone di numerose declinazioni, dalle più naturali come Vein Cut, con le tipiche venature longitudinali del taglio nel verso della vena, Minimal, che si ispira alla lavorazione del retro del travertino, fino alle versioni più...

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Unique Tra vertine Many Finishing ANCIENT RULED

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Cream Ruled Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” Cream Minimal Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471

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Cream Ruled Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” Cream Minimal Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471

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Cream Vein Cut Full Lapp Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4

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Cream Mosaico Mini Block Ancient Nat. 30x30 - 1113/16”x1113/16” Cream Minimal Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” Cream Opus Ancient Brec

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Cream Minimal Nat. Rett. 60x60 - 235/8”x235/8” Cream Ruled Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” Cream Minimal Nat. Rett. 90x180 - 357/16”

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White Ruled Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” White Vein Cut Full Lapp Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4”

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White Vein Cut Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” White Minimal Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” White Minimal Nat. Rett. 90x180 - 357/16”x707/8” White Ruled Nat. Rett. 7,5x60 - 215/16”x235/8” White Minimal Nat. Rett. 7,5x60 - 2

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White Minimal Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” White Minimal Nat. Rett. 90x180 - 357/16”x707/8” White Ruled Nat. Rett. 7,5x60 - 215/16”x235/8” White Minimal Nat. Rett. 7,5x60 - 215/1

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Silver Ruled Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” White Minimal Nat. Rett. 90x180 - 357/16”x707/8” Silver Vein Cut Full Lapp Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”

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Silver Ruled Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” Silver Vein Cut Full Lapp Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4”

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Silver Ruled Nat. Rett. 7,5x60 - 215/16”x235/8” Silver Minimal Nat. Rett. 7,5x60 - 215/16”x235/8” Silver Minimal Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”

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Chocolate Ruled Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” Chocolate Vein Cut Full Lapp Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471

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Chocolate Ruled Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” Chocolate Vein Cut Full Lapp Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471

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Chocolate Minimal Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4

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Chocolate Ancient Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4

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White Vein Cut Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” White Minimal Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” White Minimal Nat. Rett. 90x180 - 357/16”x707/8” Silver Opus Ancient Brecciato

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Silver Vein Cut Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” Silver Ruled Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” White Minimal Nat. Rett. 90x180 - 357/16”

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Cream Vein Cut Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” Cream Minimal Nat. Rett. 90x180 - 357/16”x707/8” Cream Ruled Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” Cream Ancient Tecnica Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/

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Cream Vein Cut Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” Cream Ruled Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” Cream Ancient Tecnica Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4

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Unique Travertine - 23

ESTETICA E PRESTAZIONI Unique Travertine 20mm assicura l’equilibrio ideale tra ricercatezza estetica e prestazioni tecniche elevate nelle più svariate ambientazioni esterne. Alla possibilità di realizzare percorsi, camminamenti e altre soluzioni progettuali outdooor in piena armonia con l’ambiente circostante e in assoluta continuità con gli spazi interni, si aggiunge la garanzia di impiego di un materiale eccezionalmente resistente ai carichi e a tutti i tipi di agenti atmosferici. Facile da posare a secco su erba, sabbia e ghiaia, Unique Travertine 20mm può essere incollato anche su...

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HIGH-PERFORMING GOOD LOOKS Unique Travertine 20mm delivers the ideal combination of exquisite appearance and outstanding technical performances in the most widely varying outdoor locations. Paths, pavements and other outdoor solutions that merge perfectly into the surrounding environment and seamlessly continue indoor design schemes can be created with a material offering exceptional resistance to loads, weather and other atmospheric factors. Easily installed dry on grass, sand and gravel, Unique Travertine 20mm can also be glued to concrete screeds for vehicleresistant pavings, or for...

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COLOURS / SIZES - COULEURS / FORMATS - FARBEN / FORMATE - COLORES / TAMAÑOS - ЦВЕТА / ФОРМАТЫ 7,5x60 - 215/16”x235/8” MINIMAL NATURALE EJQZ White Nat. Rett. EJR1 Silver Nat. Rett. EJR0 Cream Nat. Rett. EJT0 Chocolate Nat. Rett. RULED NATURALE EJR3 White Nat. Rett. EJR5 Silver Nat. Rett. EJR4 Cream Nat. Rett. EJT6 Chocolate Nat. Rett. 30x60 - 1113/16”x235/8” VEIN CUT NATURALE EJ7H White Nat. Rett. EJ7K Silver Nat. Rett. EJ7J Cream Nat. Rett. EJSL Chocolate Nat. Rett. 46 90x180 - 357/16”x707/8” VEIN CUT NATURALE EJSF White Nat. Rett. EJSG Cream Nat. Rett. MINIMAL NATURALE EJQV White Nat....

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DECORS - DECORS - DEKORE - DECORADOS - ДЕКОРЫ PEZZI SPECIALI * Su rete in fibra - On fibre mesh backing - Sur filet en fibre de verre Auf Glasfasernetz - Sobre malla de fibra - На волоконной сетке TRIMS - PIECES SPECIALES - FORMTEILE - PIEZAS ESPECIALES - СПЕЦИАЛЬНЫЕ ИЗДЕЛИЯ Dimensione Size Battiscopa - Skirting VEIN CUT EJDJ White Nat. VEIN CUT EJDN White Full Lapp VEIN CUT EJDL Silver Nat. VEIN CUT EJDQ Silver Full Lapp VEIN CUT EJDK Cream Nat. VEIN CUT EJDP Cream Full Lapp VEIN CUT EJTH Chocolate Nat. VEIN CUT EJTK Chocolate Full Lapp Gradino - Stair Tread Gradone - Step MINIMAL EJDW...

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