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Portland Stone
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Catalog excerpts

Portland Stone - 1

#ERGON w engineered stone

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Portland Stone - 2

Design through the ages Portland Stone reinterpreta con sguardo nuovo una pietra calcarea antichissima, consentendo a Ergon di portare nel design contemporaneo la forza ancestrale di una materia che ha attraversato ere geologiche mantenendo intatto il suo carisma. La pietra di Portland, materiale privilegiato per le architetture più prestigiose delle Isole Britanniche, diventa così finitura progettuale dalle prestazioni estetiche e tecniche di massimo livello. Due diverse superfici, un decoro e 5 colori, per realizzazioni complete e sempre più sofisticate. La proposta delle finiture si...

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Portland Stone - 3

CROSS CUT Sand Talc Ash I 6,5 mm 120x278 - 47,/4"x1097/’6" I 9 mm 90x180 - 357/16"x707/8" Sand Talc Ash Lead Anthracite I 9 mm 60x120 - 235/8"x471/4" 30x60 - 1113/16"x235/8" VE|N CUT Bocciardato CROSS CUT Bocciardato LUO' Sand Lead Anthracite I 20 mm 60x120 - 235/8"x471/4" 120x120 - 471/4"x471/4"

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Portland Stone - 4

Sand Talc Ash Lead Anthracite I 9 mm 60x120 - 235/8"x47,/4'' 30x60 - 1113/16"x235/8“

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Portland Stone - 6

Cross Cut Talc Nat. Rett. 120x278 - 471,4'x1097'16' Vein Cut Talc Nat. Rett. 90x180 - 357,16'x707/8'

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Portland Stone - 7

Vein Cut Talc Nat. Rett. 120x278 - 471/4”x1097/16” Cross Cut Talc Nat. Rett. 120x278 - 471/4”x1097/16” Vein Cut Talc Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4

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Portland Stone - 8

Vein Cut Ash Nat. Rett. 120x278 - 471/4”x1097/16” Vein Cut Ash Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” Lines Ash Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” Cross Cut Ash Nat. Rett. 120x278 - 471/4”x1097

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Portland Stone - 9

Vein Cut Ash Nat. Rett. 120x278 - 471/4”x1097/16” Cross Cut Ash Nat. Rett. 120x278 - 471/4”x1097/16”

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Portland Stone - 10

Vein Cut Ash Nat. Rett. 120x278 - 471/4”x1097/16” Lines Ash Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” Cross Cut Ash Nat. Rett. 120x120 - 471/4”x471/4

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Portland Stone - 11

Vein Cut Sand Nat. Rett. 120x278 - 471/4”x1097/16” Lines Sand Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” Vein Cut Sand Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” Cross Cut Sand Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x47

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Portland Stone - 12

Lines Sand Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” Cross Cut Sand Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” Cross Cut Sand Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471

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Portland Stone - 13

Cross Cut Sand Bocciardato Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4 Vein Cut Sand Nat. Rett. 120x278 - 471/4”x1097/16” Cross Cut Sand Bocciardato Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4 Cross Cut Sand Nat. Rett. 120x278 - 471/4”x1097/16

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Portland Stone - 14

Vein Cut Sand Nat. Rett. 120x278 - 471/4”x1097/16” Cross Cut Sand Nat. Rett. 120x278 - 471/4”x1097/16” Cross Cut Sand Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” Mosaico Wallcut Cross Cut Sand Nat.19,4x29,9 - 75/8”x11

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Portland Stone - 15

Cross Cut Anthracite Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” Vein Cut Anthracite Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4”

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Portland Stone - 16

Cross Cut Anthracite Nat. Rett. 120x120 - 471/4”x471/4” Vein Cut Anthracite Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” Lines Anthracite Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4

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Portland Stone - 17

Vein Cut Lead Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” Cross Cut Lead Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” Lines Lead Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4

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Portland Stone - 18

Vein Cut Lead Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” Vein Cut Lead 20MM Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” Cross Cut Lead Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” Lines Lead Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x47

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Portland Stone - 19

ESTETICA E PRESTAZIONI Portlandstone 20mm assicura l’equilibrio ideale tra ricercatezza estetica e prestazioni tecniche elevate nelle più svariate ambientazioni esterne. Alla possibilità di realizzare percorsi, camminamenti e altre soluzioni progettuali outdooor in piena armonia con l’ambiente circostante e in assoluta continuità con gli spazi interni, si aggiunge la garanzia di impiego di un materiale eccezionalmente resistente ai carichi e a tutti i tipi di agenti atmosferici. Facile da posare a secco su erba, sabbia e ghiaia, Portlandstone 20mm può essere incollato anche su massetto,...

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Portland Stone - 20

ESTHÉTIQUE ET PERFORMANCE Portlandstone 20mm instaure l’équilibre idéal entre raffinement esthétique et haute performance technique dans les contextes les plus disparates. Il est ainsi possible de réaliser des parcours, des cheminements et d’autres projets extérieurs en totale harmonie avec le milieu environnant et en continuité visuelle avec l’intérieur. De plus, la matière assure une résistance exceptionnelle aux charges et à tous les agents atmosphériques. Facile à poser à sec sur gazon, sur sable et sur gravier, Portlandstone 20mm se colle aussi sur chape pour composer des sols...

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Portland Stone - 21

Naturale Rett. 120x278 - 471/4'x1097/16' EMJQ Sand • T99 Naturale Rett. 90x180 - 35 7/16"x707/8" EMNQ Sand • T67 EMHV Anthracite • T59 8 patterns Bocciardato Rett. 120x120 - 471/4"x471/4" EMNW Sand • T59 EMGY Anthracite • T31 up to 20 patterns Bocciardato Rett. 60x120 - 235/8"x471/4" EMNR Sand • T31 Bocciardato Rett. 60x120 - 235/8"x471/4" EMHD Sand • T31 EMJ0 Anthracite • T14 up to 40 patterns Vein Cut Lead Naturale Rett. 80x80 - 311/2"x311/2" EMYD Sand • T25 Si consiglia la posa con fuga 2 mm. - Laying with a 2 mm-joint is recommended. Pose recommandee avec joints de 2 mm. - Es wird eine...

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Portland Stone - 22

DECORO LINES MOSAICO WALLCUT* CROSS CUT 30x60 - 1113/16”x235/8” EMJM Sand Naturale Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” EMJF Sand Naturale Rett. MOSAICO 5X5* CROSS CUT Tessera - Chip 4,8x4,8 - 17/8”x17/8” 30x60 - 1113/16”x235/8” EMJL Talc Naturale Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” EMJD Talc Naturale Rett. 30x60 - 1113/16”x235/8” EMJK Ash Naturale Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” EMJG Ash Naturale Rett. 30x60 - 1113/16”x235/8” EMJJ Lead Naturale Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” EMJC Lead Naturale Rett. 30x60 - 1113/16”x235/8” EMJH Anthracite Naturale Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” EMJE Anthracite Naturale Rett. 40...

Open the catalog to page 22

All EMILGROUP catalogs and technical brochures

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  5. EVO-Q

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  6. Kotto

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  7. I-Wood

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  8. Fabrika

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  9. Forme

    31 Pages

  10. Salt Stone

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  11. GROOVE

    25 Pages

  12. GrainStone

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  13. MaPierre

    31 Pages

  14. Stone Project

    29 Pages

  15. Tele di Marmo

    27 Pages

  16. Pigmento

    31 Pages

  17. Lombarda

    25 Pages

  18. Revival

    25 Pages

  19. Abacus

    23 Pages

  20. Elegance Pro

    33 Pages

  21. Metallica

    25 Pages

  22. Cornerstone

    37 Pages

  23. Be Square

    17 Pages

  24. Oros Stone

    31 Pages

  25. Unique Marble

    31 Pages

  26. Dimore

    19 Pages

  27. Acustico 12

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  28. Tr3nd

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  29. Mimesis

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  30. Sixty

    57 Pages

  31. Eureka 2021.06

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  32. Medley 2021.04

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  33. Alter 2020.09

    21 Pages

  34. Ego 2021.02

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  35. Karman 2020.10

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