Catalog excerpts

Naturale / Natural SilkTech - SilkTech+ COLORE COME ESSENZA DELLA MATERIA. COLOUR AS THE ESSENCE OF MATTER. Ispirato alla resina cementizia spatolata a mano, Pigmento trova nella sensuale pastosità del colore la sua cifra espressiva. Materia che dà corpo a nuance uniche e irripetibili, compatte e insieme sfaccettate, resina significa anche superfici dalla plasticità ondulata e sinuosa, frutto di una gestualità sapiente e sempre nuova. Inspired by hand-trowelled cement resin, Pigmento expresses its personality through the sensuality of dense colour. Matter that gives substance to unique,...
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PURA MATERIA CERAMICA, RICCA DI SUGGESTIONI VISIVE E TATTILI Ceramic tiles of great purity, with a rich visual and tactile beauty Salvia - Perla
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Floor Salvia Nat. Rett. 120x278 - 471/4”x1097/16” Wall Peonia Nat. Rett. 120x278 - 471/4”x1097/16” Crema Nat. Rett. 120x278 - 471/4”x1
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Floor Verde Salvia Nat. Rett. 120x278 - 471/4”x1097/16” Wall Peonia Nat. Rett. 120x278 - 471/4”x1097/
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Floor Perla Silktech Rett. 120x120 - 471/4”x471/4” Wall Grigio Cenere Nat. Rett. 120x278 - 471/4”x1097/16” Furniture Abacus Amaranto, Piombo Matt 7,5x20 - 215/16”x77/8” Abacus Amaranto Plissè Lux 7,5x20 - 215/16”x77/8” Grigio Cenere, Perla Nat. Rett. 120x278 - 4
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Floor Perla Silktech Rett. 120x120 - 471/4”x471/4” Wall Pop Art Nat. Rett. 120x278 - 471/4”x1097/16” - Grigio Cenere Nat. Rett. 120x278 - 471/4”x1097/16” Furniture Abacus Piombo Matt 7,5x20 - 215/16”x77/8” - Abacus Amaranto Plissè Lux 7,5x20 - 215/16”x77/8” Amaranto Nat. Rett. 120x278
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UNA TEXTURE GRAFICA CHE NON FINISCE DI SORPRENDERE A graphic texture that never ceases to amaze Amaranto - Antracite
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Floor Amaranto Nat. Rett. 120x278 - 471/4”x1097/16” Wall Eden Silktech Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” - Abacus Amaranto Matt - Lux 7,5x20 - 215/16”x77/8” Furniture Antracite, Grigio Cenere Nat. Rett. 120x278 - 471/4
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Floor Amaranto Nat. Rett. 120x278 - 471/4”x1097/16” Wall Eden Silktech Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” Furniture Antracite, Grigio Cenere Nat. Rett. 120x278 - 471/4”x1
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Floor Antracite Nat. Rett. 120x278 - 471/4”x1097/16” Wall Carioca Nat. Rett. 120x278 - 471/4”x1097/16” Amaranto Nat. Rett. 120x278 - 471/4”x1
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Floor Antracite Nat. Rett. 120x278 - 471/4”x1097/16” Wall Carioca Nat. Rett. 120x278 - 471/4”x1097/
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UNA SUPERFICIE MORBIDA DAL CARATTERE FORTEMENTE MATERICO A soft surface with a strong material character Grigio Basalto - Grigio Avio - Grigio Cenere
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Floor Grigio Basalto Nat. Rett. 120x278 - 471/4”x1097/16” Wall Pop Art Nat. Rett. 120x278 - 471/4”x1097/16” Antracite Nat. Rett. 120x278 - 471/4”x1
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Floor Grigio Basalto Nat. Rett. 120x278 - 471/4”x1097/16” Wall Pop Art Nat. Rett. 120x278 - 471/4”x1097/
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Floor Grigio Cenere Silktech Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” Wall Grigio Cenere Cardboard Silktech Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” Grigio Cenere Silktech Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” Furniture Abacus Petrolio Plissè Lux 7,5x20 - 215/16”x77/8” Abacus Petrolio Matt - Lux 7,5x20 - 215/16”x77/8” Grigio Cenere, Antracite Nat. Rett. 120x278
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Floor Grigio Cenere Silktech Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” Wall Grigio Cenere Cardboard Silktech Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” Furniture Abacus Petrolio Plissè Lux 7,5x20 - 215/16”x77/8” - Grigio Cenere Nat. Rett. 120x278 - 471/4
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Floor Grigio Avio Silktech Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” Wall Eden Silktech Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” - Grigio Avio Silktech Rett. 60x120 - 471/4”x1097/16” Furniture Grigio Avio Nat. Rett. 120x278 - 235/
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Floor Grigio Avio Silktech Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” Wall Eden Silktech Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471
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TENDENZE CROMATICHE CHE FONDONO SENSA ZIONI ED EMOZIONI Enticing colour trends that speak to our emotions Crema - Cappuccino
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Floor Cappuccino Silktech Rett. 120x120 - 471/4”x471/4” Wall Cappuccino Cardboard Silktech Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471
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Floor Cappuccino Silktech Plus Rett. 60x120 - 23 5/8”x47 1/4” Wall Cappuccino Nat. Rett. 120x278 - 47 1/4”x109 7/16” Furniture Cappuccino Nat. Rett. 120x278 - 47 1/4”x10
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Floor Cappuccino Silktech Plus Rett. 60x120 - 23 5/8”x47 1/4
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Floor Crema Silktech Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” - Crema Silktech Plus Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” Wall Abacus Senape Plissè Lux 7,5x20 - 215/16”x77/8” - Amaranto, Cappuccino Nat. Rett. 120x278 - 471/4”x1097/16” Furniture Crema, Amaranto Nat. Rett. 120x278 - 4
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Colours and Sizes | Couleurs et Formats | Farben und Formate | Colores y Tamaños | Цвета и Форматы Decors | Decors | Dekore | Decorados | Декоры 120x120 - 471/4”x471/4” Silktech Rett. ELNH Antracite ELNJ Grigio Basalto ELNK Grigio Cenere ELNL Perla ELNM Crema ELNN Cappuccino 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” Silktech Rett. ELNQ Antracite ELNR Grigio Basalto ELNS Grigio Avio ELNT Grigio Cenere ELNU Perla ELNV Crema ELNW Cappuccino ELNX Verde Salvia ELNY Amaranto Silktech Plus Rett. - R11 ELPT Antracite T31 ELPU Grigio Basalto T31 ELPV Grigio Cenere T31 ELPW Perla T31 ELPX Crema T31 ELPY Cappuccino T31...
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COLORI E FORMATI 120x278 - 471/4”x1097/16” Colours and Sizes | Couleurs et Formats | Farben und Formate | Colores y Tamaños | Цвета и Форматы DECORI 120x278 - 471/4”x1097/16” Decors | Decors | Dekore | Decorados | Декоры ELNA Perla ELNC Crema ELND Cappuccino ELNE Verde Salvia ELNF Amaranto 120x278 - 471/4”x1097/16” Naturale Rett. T99 120x278 - 471/4”x1097/16” Naturale Rett. ELSS Carioca A
Open the catalog to page 27All EMILGROUP catalogs and technical brochures
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