Catalog excerpts

La Natura sa essere dolce e rilassante ma anche furiosa e selvaggia, una linfa vitale capace di diffondere suoni potenti che richiamano alla nostra relazione originaria con essa. che ci avvolge e ci cattura per le sue variazioni e imperfezioni ‘naturali’. Groove, pietra nordeuropea, riproduce il battito spontaneo, mutabile ed eterogeneo dell’elemento originario. Conferisce agli ambienti un design forte e caratterizzato, che concilia con la vera essenza della natura nel nome di una bellezza che porta con sé il fascino dell‘eternità. Nature can be not only gentle and soothing but also fierce...
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The interpretation of a northern European limestone with a strong personality, intentionally selected using every face of the stone, from the smoothest sides to crumbling faces with large amounts of impurities. So that all the powerful flaws can be seen to the full, the stone is considered exactly as it occurs in nature. The result is a high-impact collection, achieved by skilfully combining every face of the stone to create attractive, fluid, natural surfaces. Interprétation d’un calcaire très caractéristique du Nord de l’Europe, sélectionné selon chacune des facettes de la pierre : des...
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silence the silence of the mist
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Mosaico Penta Bright Grey Nat. 33x28,7 - 1215/16”x115/16”
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Nude Beige Nat. Rett. 60x60 - 235/8”x235/8” Nude Beige Nat. Rett. 30x60 - 1113/16”x235/8”
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Nude Beige Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4”
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Nude Beige Nat. Rett. 60x60 - 235/8”x235/8”
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Bright Grey Nat. Rett. 80x80 - 311/2”x311/2” Bright Grey Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4”
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Bright Grey Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4”
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Bright Grey Nat. Rett. 80x80 - 311/2”x311/2”
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Mistique Black Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4”
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Mistique Black Nat. Rett. 60x60 - 235/8”x235/8” Mosaico Penta Mistique Black Nat. 33x28,7 - 215/16”x115/16” Bright Grey Nat. Rett. 30x60 - 1113/16”x235/8
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Mistique Black Nat. Rett. 80x80 - 311/2”x311/2”
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Groove, declinata in 4 colori e in formati rettangolari e quadrati, è ideale per chi sa apprezzare la bellezza più intima e potente della natura. NUDE BEIGE BRIGHT GREY Groove, in 4 colours and rectangular and square shapes, is ideal for those who appreciate nature’s most intimate, most powerful beauty. Groove, disponible en 4 couleurs et dans des formats rectangulaires et carrés, séduit tous ceux qui savent apprécier la beauté la plus intime et la plus puissante de la nature. Die Kollektion Groove, in vier Farben sowie im Rechteck- und Quadratformat erhältlich, bringt die ursprüngliche...
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Colours and Sizes | Couleurs et Formats | Farben und Formate | Colores y Tamaños | Цвета и Форматы Colours and Sizes | Couleurs et Formats | Farben und Formate | Colores y Tamaños | Цвета и Форматы Nude Beige 9,5 mm. Naturale Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” ELC0 Hot White ELC1 Bright Grey ELC2 Mistique Black Naturale Rett. 80x80 - 311/2”x311/2” E364 Hot White E365 Nude Beige E366 Bright Grey E367 Mistique Black Naturale Rett. 60x60 - 235/8”x235/8” E35S Hot White E35U Nude Beige E35W Bright Grey E35Y Mistique Black Mistique Black Si consiglia la posa con fuga 2 mm. - Laying with a 2 mm-joint is...
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Listelli Sfalsati Nude Beige Nat. 30x60 - 1113/16”x235/8” DECORI Decors | Decors | Dekore | Decorados | Декоры MOSAICO PENTA* LISTELLI SFALSATI* * Su rete in fibra - On fibre mesh backing - Sur filet en fibre de verre - Auf Glasfas
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Groove Estetica e Prestazioni groove 20mm assicura l’equilibrio ideale tra ricercatezza estetica e prestazioni tecniche elevate nelle più svariate ambientazioni esterne. Alla possibilità di realizzare percorsi, camminamenti e altre soluzioni progettuali outdooor in piena armonia con l’ambiente circostante e in assoluta continuità con gli spazi interni, si aggiunge la garanzia di impiego di un materiale eccezionalmente resistente ai carichi e a tutti i tipi di agenti atmosferici. Facile da posare a secco su erba, sabbia e ghiaia, groove 20 mm può essere incollato anche su massetto,...
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GROOVE PEZZI SPECIALI Trims | Pieces Speciales | Formteile | Piezas Especiales | Специальные Изделия Dimensione Size ÄASTHETIK UND LEISTUNGEN Groove 20mm gewährleistet den perfekten Einklang zwischen ausgefeilter Ästhetik und hohen technischen Leistungen in verschiedensten Außenräumen. Leicht verlegbar im Gras-, Sand- oder Kiesbett, kann Groove 20mm auch auf Estrich verklebt werden. Die Kollektion eignet sich nicht nur für Bodenbeläge oder andere Lösungen in stark frequentierten gewerblichen und öffentlichen Bereichen, sondern ist auch zur Erstellen von Doppelböden perfekt. Groove 20mm ist...
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Dry - Pressed Ceramic Tiles ISO 13006 Annex G - UNI EN 14411 Annex G - BIa GL CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE Technical Features - Caracteristiques Techniquesa - Technische Eigenschaften Technische Eigenschaften - Caracteristicas Tecnicas - Технические Характеристики Standard - Norme Norm - Norma - Норма ASSORBIMENTO D’ACQUA (VALORE MEDIO IN %) Water absorption (Average value expressed in %) - Absorption d’eau (Valeur moyenne en %) Wasseraufnahme (Durchschnittswert in %) - Absorción de agua (Valor medio en %) Поглощение воды RESISTENZA ALLA FLESSIONE Value - Valeur Vorgabe - Valor - Средние...
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Provenza is a brand of Emilceramica S.r.l. a socio unico Sede Commerciale/Amministrativa emilgroup.it/provenza emilgroup.it Via Ghiarola Nuova, 29 - 41042 Fiorano Modenese (Mo) Italy T +39 0536 835111 - info@emilceramicagroup.it
Open the catalog to page 25All EMILGROUP catalogs and technical brochures
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Tele di Marmo Pure Onyx
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Salt Stone
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Stone Project
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Tele di Marmo
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Tele di Marmo Precious
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Architect Resin
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Tele di Marmo Selection
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Re Play Concrete
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Be Square
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Unique Travertine
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Oros Stone
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Unique Marble
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Acustico 12
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43 Pages
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57 Pages
Tele di Marmo Onyx
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Eureka 2021.06
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Provoak 2021.06
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TeleDiMarmoRevolution 2021.06
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Nordika 2021.06
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Stone Talk 2021.06
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20twenty 2021.06
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Chateau 2021.06
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Millelegni Remake 2021.06
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Alter-Ego 2021.06
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Medley 2021.04
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On Square 2021.05
23 Pages
Woodtouch 2021.03
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Pave&Go Catalogo Progetti
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Alter 2020.09
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Ego 2021.02
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Millelegni 2021.02
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Tele di Marmo Reloaded_2021.01
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Karman 2020.10
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Cornerstone Alpen 2020.11
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Externa 2020.09
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Externa Cotto 2020.09
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Externa Quarzite 2020.09
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