Catalog excerpts

Gres Fine Porcellanato UNA COLLEZIONE ISPIRATA ALLA PIETRA GRANITICA. RIGORE E VERSATILITÀ PER IL DESIGN CONTEMPORANEO A collection inspired by granite rock. Elegance and versatility for contemporary design.
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NATURALE TECNICA NATURALE TECNICA NATURALE TECNICA A rich assortment of finishes, sizes and colours, to ensure the right design solution is always available for every type of setting, both indoor and outdoor. NATURALE TECNICA Una ricca gamma di finiture, formati e colori per trovare sempre la soluzione progettuale più adatta in tutte le tipologie di ambienti, indoor e outdoor. 3 TEXTURE 7 SIZES 5 COLOURS MIX AND MATCH NATURALE TECNICA ROUGH GRAIN FINE GRAIN
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GREY Grey Rough Grain Nat. Rett. 120x120 - 471/4”x471/4” Grey Rough Grain Nat. Rett. 120x240 - 471/4”x941/2” Cage Grey Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4
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GREY / DARK Grey Rough Grain Nat. Rett. 120x240 - 471/4”x941/2” Grey Rough Grain Nat. Rett. 120x120 - 471/4”x471/4” Dark Rough Grain Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” Cage Dark Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x4
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GREY Grey Rough Grain Nat. Rett. 120x120 - 471/4”x471/4”
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DARK / GREY Cage Dark Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” Dark Rough Grain Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” Dark Fine Grain Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” Grey Rough Grain Nat. Rett. 120x240 - 471/4”x941
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DARK Dark Rough Grain Nat. Rett. 60x60 - 235/8”x235/8” Dark Fine Grain Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” Cage Dark Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4
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Cage Grey Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” White Rough Grain Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” Grey Rough Grain Nat. Rett. 80x80 - 311/2”x311/2” 20m
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WHITE White Fine Grain Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4”
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SAND Sand Rough Grain Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” Cage Sand Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4”
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SAND Sand Rough Grain Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” Cage Sand Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4”
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Taupe Fine Grain Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” Taupe Rough Grain Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” Cage Taupe Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4
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TAUPE / SAND Taupe Rough Grain Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” Sand Fine Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” Cage Taupe Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4
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SAND Sand Fine Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” Sand Rough Grain Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” Sand Big Mix 30x30 - 1113/16”x1113/16
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GREY/DARK Grey Fine Grain Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” Cage Grey Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” Dark Rough Grain Nat. Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4
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Grainstone 20MM assicura l’equilibrio ideale tra ricercatezza estetica e prestazioni tecniche elevate nelle più svariate ambientazioni esterne. Alla possibilità di realizzare percorsi, camminamenti e altre soluzioni progettuali outdooor in piena armonia con l’ambiente circostante e in assoluta continuità con gli spazi interni, si aggiunge la garanzia di impiego di un materiale eccezionalmente resistente ai carichi e a tutti i tipi di agenti atmosferici. Facile da posare a secco su erba, sabbia e ghiaia, Grainstone 20MM può essere incollato anche su massetto, permettendo di realizzare...
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HIGH-PERFORMING GOOD LOOKS. Grainstone 20MM delivers the ideal combination of exquisite appearance and outstanding technical performances in the most widely varying outdoor locations. Paths, pavements and other outdoor solutions that merge perfectly into the surrounding environment and seamlessly continue indoor design schemes can be created with a material offering exceptional resistance to loads, weather and other atmospheric factors. Easily installed dry on grass, sand and gravel, Grainstone 20MM can also be glued to concrete screeds for vehicle-resistant pavings, or for other projects...
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Colours and Sizes | Couleurs et Formats | Farben und Formate | Colores y Tamaños | Цвета и Форматы Colours and Sizes | Couleurs et Formats | Farben und Formate | Colores y Tamaños | Цвета и Форматы Fine Grain Rough Grain 9,5 mm. Naturale Rett. 90x90 - 357/16”x357/16” E0CU Taupe Rough Grain E0CT Sand Rough Grain Naturale Rett. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” E099 Taupe Fine Grain E098 Sand Fine Grain E0AX Taupe Rough Grain E0AW Sand Rough Grain Naturale Rett. 60x60 - 235/8”x235/8” E09N Taupe Fine Grain E09M Sand Fine Grain E0CG Taupe Rough Grain E0CF Sand Rough Grain Fine Grain Rough Grain Tecnica...
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Colours and Sizes | Couleurs et Formats | Farben und Formate | Colores y Tamaños | Цвета и Форматы Colours and Sizes | Couleurs et Formats | Farben und Formate | Colores y Tamaños | Цвета и Форматы Fine Grain Rough Grain 6,5 mm. Naturale Rett. 120x240 - 471/4”x941/2” E086 White Rough Grain E088 Grey Rough Grain Fine Grain Naturale Rett. 120x120 - 471/4”x471/4” E08A White Rough Grain E08D Grey Rough Grain Naturale Rett. 80x80 - 311/2”x311/2” E0E2 Grey Rough Grain Rough Grain 9,5 mm. Naturale Rett. 90x90 - 357/16”x357/16” E0CS White Rough Grain E0CV Grey Rough Grain E0CW Dark Rough Grain Fine...
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Decors | Decors | Dekore | Decorados | Декоры Decors | Decors | Dekore | Decorados | Декоры
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Decors | Decors | Dekore | Decorados | Декоры Decors | Decors | Dekore | Decorados | Декоры MOSAICO BIG MIX* FINE GRAIN | ROUGH GRAIN | CAGE LISTELLI SFALSATI* FINE GRAIN | ROUGH GRAIN | CAGE MOSAICO 3X3* FINE GRAIN Tessera - Chip 2,8x2,8 - 11/8”x11/8” * Su rete in fibra - On fibre mesh backing - Sur filet en fibre de verre - Auf Glasfasernetz - Sobre malla de fibra - На волоконной сетке 40 * Su rete in fibra - On fibre mesh backing - Sur f
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PEZZI SPECIALI PEZZI SPECIALI Trims | Pieces Speciales | Formteile | Piezas Especiales | Специальные Изделия Trims | Pieces Speciales | Formteile | Piezas Especiales | Специальные Изделия Dimensione Size Fascia di prezzo Price band Dimensione Size Gradone - Step ROUGH GRAIN Battiscopa - Skirting Angolare Dx | Sx Corner Tile Right | Left Terminale - Endingpiece Ang. Terminale Dx | Sx Endingpiece Corner Right | Left Gradino - Stair Tread Sx/Left EGHH Sx/Left EGHM ROUGH GRAIN Gradino - Stair Tread ROUGH GRAIN ROUGH GRAIN ROUGH GRAIN ROUGH GRAIN ROUGH GRAIN FINE GRAIN Nat. Rett. 33x80x5 -...
Open the catalog to page 23All EMILGROUP catalogs and technical brochures
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Tele di Marmo Precious
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Architect Resin
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Tele di Marmo Selection
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Re Play Concrete
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Be Square
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Oros Stone
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Unique Marble
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Acustico 12
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57 Pages
Tele di Marmo Onyx
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Eureka 2021.06
25 Pages
Provoak 2021.06
23 Pages
TeleDiMarmoRevolution 2021.06
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Nordika 2021.06
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Stone Talk 2021.06
43 Pages
20twenty 2021.06
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Chateau 2021.06
33 Pages
Millelegni Remake 2021.06
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Alter-Ego 2021.06
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Medley 2021.04
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On Square 2021.05
23 Pages
Woodtouch 2021.03
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Pave&Go Catalogo Progetti
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Alter 2020.09
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Ego 2021.02
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Millelegni 2021.02
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Tele di Marmo Reloaded_2021.01
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Karman 2020.10
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Cornerstone Alpen 2020.11
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Externa 2020.09
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Externa Cotto 2020.09
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Externa Quarzite 2020.09
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