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Cornerstone Alpen 2020.11
1 / 23Pages

Catalog excerpts

Cornerstone Alpen 2020.11 - 2

DUE PIETRE ICONICHE, BAVARIA STONE E VALSER, IN UN’INTERPRETAZIONE NATURALE E FEDELE. LA MATERICITÀ E IL CALORE DELLE PIETRE ALPINE E LE PERFORMANCE DEL GRÈS PORCELLANATO PER UNA COLLEZIONE UNIVERSALE, IDEALE PER AMBIENTI RESIDENZIALI E COMMERCIALI. Two iconic stones, Bavaria Stone and Valser, in a natural and faithful interpretation. The texture and warmth of Alpine stone and the performance of porcelain stoneware for a universal collection that is ideal for residential and commercial settings. VALSER BAVARIA STON

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Cornerstone Alpen 2020.11 - 3

BAVARIA STONE Ispirata alle pietre calcaree bavaresi, Bavaria Stone si caratterizza per uno stile luminoso ed equilibrato dall’estetica contemporanea e versatile. Inspired by Bavarian limestone, Bavaria Stone is distinctive for its luminous and balanced style and its contemporary and versatile appearance.

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Cornerstone Alpen 2020.11 - 4

HOME LIVING 30x60 - 1113/16”x235/8” Bavaria Stone Nat. Rett. 4

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Cornerstone Alpen 2020.11 - 5

60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” Bavaria Stone Nat. Rett. 60x60 - 235/8”x235/8” Bavaria Stone Nat. Rett. 30x60 - 1113/16”x235/8” Bavaria Stone Nat. R

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Cornerstone Alpen 2020.11 - 6

HOME BATHROOM 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” Bavaria Stone Nat. Rett. 60x60 - 235/8”x235/8” Bavaria Stone Nat. Rett. 30x30 - 1113/16”x1113/16” Mosaico 5x5 Bavaria Stone

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Cornerstone Alpen 2020.11 - 7

Decori e pezzi speciali sviluppati per soddisfare qualunque esigenza progettuale. Decors and trims developed to satisfy every design requirement. 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” Bavaria Stone Nat. Rett. 60x60 - 235/8”x235/8” Bavaria Stone Nat. Rett. 30x30 - 1113/16”x1113/16” Mosaico 5x5 Bavaria Stone Na

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Cornerstone Alpen 2020.11 - 8

PUBLIC SPACES 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” Bavaria Stone Nat. Rett. 12

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Cornerstone Alpen 2020.11 - 9

BAVARIA STONE BAVARIA STONE FORMATI SIZES - FORMATS - FORMATE - TAMAÑOS - ФОРМАТЫ 60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” EH17 Bavaria Stone Nat. Rett. 60x60 - 235/8”x235/8” EH1D Bavaria Stone Nat. Rett. 30x60 - 1113/16”x235/8” EH1F Bavaria Stone Nat. Rett. DECORI DECORS - DECORS - DEKORE - DECORADOS - ДЕКОРЫ MOSAICO 5x5* LISTELLI SFALSATI* Su rete in fibra | On fibre mesh backing | Sur filet en fibre de verre | Auf Glasfasernetz | Sobre malla

Open the catalog to page 9
Cornerstone Alpen 2020.11 - 10

Ispirata alle quarziti di origine alpina, Valser ha un’estetica sofisticata, in grado di interpretare con eleganza ogni spazio architettonico. Inspired by Alpine quartzite, Valser has a sophisticated appearance that adds a touch of elegance to every architectural space.

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Cornerstone Alpen 2020.11 - 12

HOME KITCHEN 45x90 - 1711/16”x357/16” Valser Nat. Rett. 45x90 - 1711/16”x357/16” Valser Nat. Rett. 2

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Cornerstone Alpen 2020.11 - 14

60x120 - 235/8”x471/4” Valser Nat. Rett. 30x60 - 1113/16”x235/8” Valser Nat. Rett. 30x60 - 1113/16”x235/8” Listelli Sfalsati Valser Na

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Cornerstone Alpen 2020.11 - 15

SPA & SAUNAS Fedeltà rispetto all’ispirazione naturale e resistenza anche in ambienti caldi e umidi rende Valser la scelta ideale per spa e saune. Inspired by nature and resistant also in warm and humid environments, Valser is the perfect choice for spas and saunas.

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Cornerstone Alpen 2020.11 - 16

VALSER FORMATI SIZES - FORMATS - FORMATE - TAMAÑOS - ФОРМАТЫ Realizzabile su richiesta in versione R11 per ordine minimo di 500mq. - Can be produced in R11 version on request, for minimum orders of 500 m2 Disponible sur demande en version R11 pour commande minimale de 500 m2 - Auf Anfrage in Ausführung R11 bei Mindestbestellmenge von 500 qm lieferbar Realizable por encargo en versión R11 con un pedido mínimo de 500 m² - При минимальном заказе 500 кв.м по требованию может выпускаться в варианте R11 DECORI DECORS - DECORS - DEKORE - DECORADOS - ДЕКОРЫ MOSAICO 5x5* LISTELLI SFALSATI* Su rete...

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Cornerstone Alpen 2020.11 - 17

Cornerstone Alpen 20mm instaure l’équilibre idéal entre raffinement esthétique et haute performance technique dans les contextes les plus disparates. Cornerstone Alpen 20mm gewährleistet den perfekten Einklang zwischen ausgefeilter Ästhetik und hohen technischen Leistungen in verschiedensten Außenräumen. Il est ainsi possible de réaliser des parcours, des cheminements et d’autres projets extérieurs en totale harmonie avec le milieu environnant et en continuité visuelle avec l’intérieur. De plus, la matière assure une résistance exceptionnelle aux charges et à tous les agents atmosphériques....

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Cornerstone Alpen 2020.11 - 18

OUTDOOR BAVARIA STONE 60x60 - 235/8”x235/8” EH2C Bavaria Stone Nat. Rett. 32

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Cornerstone Alpen 2020.11 - 20

PEZZI SPECIALI TRIMS - PIECES SPECIALES - FORMTEILE - PIEZAS ESPECIALES - СПЕЦИАЛЬНЫЕ ИЗДЕЛИЯ Dimensione Size Bavaria Stone Battiscopa - Skirting Gradino - Stair Tread Gradone - Step Angolare Dx | Sx Corner Tile Dx | Sx PEZZI SPECIALI Angolare Dx | Sx Corner Tile Dx | Sx Terminale - Endingpiece Ang. Terminale Dx | Sx Endingpiece Corner Dx | Sx Gradino - Stair Tread INSTALLATION SUGGESTIONS / CROQUIS DE POSE / VERLEGUNGSVORSCHLÄGE SUGERENCIAS DE COMPOSITION / ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЯ ПО УКЛАДКЕ TRIMS - PIECES SPECIALES - FORMTEILE - PIEZAS ESPECIALES - СПЕЦИАЛЬНЫЕ ИЗДЕЛИЯ Dimensione Size Gradone - Step...

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Cornerstone Alpen 2020.11 - 21

Dry - Pressed Ceramic Tiles ISO 13006 Annex G - UNI EN 14411 Annex G - BIa UGL CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE Technical Features - Caracteristiques Techniquesa - Technische Eigenschaften Technische Eigenschaften - Caracteristicas Tecnicas - Технические Характеристики ASSORBIMENTO D’ACQUA (VALORE MEDIO IN %) Standard - Norme Norm - Norma - Норма Value - Valeur Vorgabe - Valor - Средние Water absorption (Average value expressed in %) - Absorption d’eau (Valeur moyenne en %) Wasseraufnahme (Durchschnittswert in %) - Absorción de agua (Valor medio en %) Поглощение воды RESISTENZA ALLA FLESSIONE...

Open the catalog to page 21
Cornerstone Alpen 2020.11 - 23

Ergon is a brand of Emilceramica S.r.l. a socio unico Sede Commerciale/Amministrativa Via Ghiarola Nuova, 29 - 41042 Fiorano Modenese (Mo) Italy T +39 0536 835111 -

Open the catalog to page 23

All EMILGROUP catalogs and technical brochures

  1. Varana Stone

    23 Pages

  2. Matera Stone

    17 Pages

  3. Playwood

    15 Pages

  4. Everstone

    17 Pages

  5. EVO-Q

    11 Pages

  6. Kotto

    13 Pages

  7. I-Wood

    17 Pages

  8. Portland Stone

    25 Pages

  9. Fabrika

    23 Pages

  10. Forme

    31 Pages

  11. Salt Stone

    35 Pages

  12. GROOVE

    25 Pages

  13. GrainStone

    27 Pages

  14. MaPierre

    31 Pages

  15. Stone Project

    29 Pages

  16. Tele di Marmo

    27 Pages

  17. Pigmento

    31 Pages

  18. Lombarda

    25 Pages

  19. Revival

    25 Pages

  20. Abacus

    23 Pages

  21. Elegance Pro

    33 Pages

  22. Metallica

    25 Pages

  23. Cornerstone

    37 Pages

  24. Be Square

    17 Pages

  25. Oros Stone

    31 Pages

  26. Unique Marble

    31 Pages

  27. Dimore

    19 Pages

  28. Acustico 12

    19 Pages

  29. Tr3nd

    43 Pages

  30. Mimesis

    29 Pages

  31. Sixty

    57 Pages

  32. Eureka 2021.06

    25 Pages

  33. Medley 2021.04

    29 Pages

  34. Alter 2020.09

    21 Pages

  35. Ego 2021.02

    23 Pages

  36. Karman 2020.10

    43 Pages