

Catalog excerpts

Harmonies - 1

Unique pa/ ce mtanga saerat da mWaw at oxyda* ran**. Harmon*** s'ejajrima iur tout las tons t* sa prate aisement a toutes le* compositions decorative* Son fwm« « se* couieurs p*miett*nt an outre o> ia eoordonnar A la gamma Mazurka GMdMe *fl <s se<rrf eornposs&dn 0/ ponratoin and erystfAt Harmon*** spaa** *> a* ronm ana aatrfy adapts to atf oVeonaftVe conspos/ttins. A rs conpariWe *rf€ft tna MaArta fane fmac Pnrs/v. Carta gamma da product *ma*lta* ttt erjmpoiaa da I formats tarra*, coordonn** an dimensions at tn couiturr This brand is composed o/ 4 Kfuar* snapas, coordinated in Los products sent IJvnto to»K ttf trama. an ptaqoas. amsi Qua las decors. Las (rw, bordures at littat* sont livnts p*' malre Imeair*. Tha products as* Daf * mounfnd on a r>Da/ oJass mash as a sneat Pattern? are produced M» sneer* too fmrei and txvda/s are avarfaWe fcy tme&r mrtf packs USAGE DCS PRODUITS HARMONIES ET PROGRESSION / USE OF HARMONIES AND PROGRESSION Murs axteneur* / £*tenor nails, facades / Facades . Fresques I Frescoes , Piscines / SwirnnvoQ-pooit. Halls / Ma#s , Couloirs / Comdors . Salle* da bains r bathrooms . Sols intetieur* prlvetif* / P/iv«ta rtetiot floors Fresques I realisable* sur matura / frestoesv can 5a made to measure. Les decors et 'rises peuvent #tre composes avec toutes les couieurs de la gamma Harmon las at Progression. Pdtferns ond borders can be designed with o// the range Harmonies. La noiondc des cinau\ dc Mm est uue rcaliic qui rcmontc a la Tin du Iflimc stick lorsquc. sonv rimpulsion d'Eugene Grasses la mosaiquccsl representee a I'lincdcs E\pc>&ihons L'nivcrscllcs aTCG uiie senc de cpialrc fresques dvoquani cliacuue unc saison Depms ccllc dale, elk n n Tail qiK s'accroiirc pour ;«lcindrc. aujourd hui unc dimension mondialc La saramc Harnionics a diji fail Ic lour des ctnq conlincnis, rccouvrani dc nombrcuscs facades el iniCrieurs dc baiiinems ^minisiratifs. edifices rcligicux, IICH\ publics, des inosquccs au Moscn-Oncni aux palaces lo plus prcs4inieu\ d'Europe- Fcnaus ilc Rrwrn Tt^tf-iii^ \% J i^i surtcd KKL J: iht- «md a| thv l ■ > aaaW) ^htii inkt I utfcnc Ormcf- * mlluciKe. ihc nunaK is represented at a "".LTvi KvhihihTi ^iih i < frur frewic* arh rcrniniiag of one of the Jour waaMS SITXC iUti TI ha*imh been gnvuing ^aiiil reavhav ^^>>. in mien»lk«ttl duncaMi Ihe H******** ranav ha> afceadv tnsvOoi oa all I'IST eonunessts, oo%xnns! nume- rous frontaswt and aJjaautfiatisc huiklmtf* aaevsars. rdip™ monumertv pubhc areas, fhwi sm>»uues m Asu \i\ihe mt»1 prelum* |uUoe« iti t utone

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Harmonies - 2

TRIM PIECES - Bordureft / Border* Outer tcrr& Dernii - pl«rr*» / Han*«fon** Dan* tousle* colons /in a//colors stngle &nd double buttnose Mur i kVaA: Cancaux decorc^s >' Decorated MM FrtM/ Borttot: AchoM Sol r Ftoor: decor spoc«i > SP^CVA* p*sffem CARREAUX DECORES / DECORATIVE PIECES Ces carreaux sont destines a etre associes a la gam me PROGRESSION et sont doncttionnes par 4 carreaux ou pas metre D&cocative pieces can match the PROGRESSION range and are packed by 4 pieces or by linear meter PapillonA PapillonB Rocaiile Boutoo* Petlts Pols DECORS / PATTERNS Exemples de melanges de formats en...

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  1. Mazurka

    2 Pages

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