Catalog excerpts

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04 Product Description, Material Properties 05 Applications 06-08 Machining Fabrication Techniques 09 Cassettes Fabrication 10-11 Jointing & Fixing Techniques 12 Fire Classification 13 Surface, Transportation, Storage & Protection, Certifications 14-15 Technical Characteristics & Packing Instructions 17&19 Colour Samples etalbond® d3 Elval Colour's products etalbond® d3, d2, d1represent the category of etalbond® for signage and display. The letter "d" signifies the word display and the number signifies the thickness of the aluminium.
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Elval Colour is a leading European coated aluminium manufacturer which produces a full range of aluminium display, façade and roofing products of latest technology. More than 98% of its sales are exported in a total of 70 countries. With 40 years of experience in coating and colour matching, Elval Colour is a reliable partner that offers added value services to customers by assisting in product specification and selection to best suit the needs of the project/application. Customer orientation and dedication accompanies production and product delivery. Elval Colour is a member of the...
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PRODUCT DESCRIPTION With its high-quality, resilience and unique appearance, etalbond® offers sustainable construction quality and high creative standards. Due to its outstanding product properties, this material stands-out. Elval Colour’s products etalbond®d3, etalbond®d2, and etalbond®d1 for signage and display are sandwich type aluminium composite panels. They are produced using two aluminium sheets with either an LDPE core or a Fire Retardant* core (only d3), resulting in a total thickness of 2-6mm. etalbond®d3, d2, d1 are lightweight panels which incorporate a number of excellent...
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APPLICATIONS Ingenuity and creativity in design create new applications every day. With etalbond®d3, etalbond®d2, and etalbond®d1, Elval Colour covers effectively and efficiently all applications and acts as your partner in designing tailor made solutions to cover your needs. • Signage • Silk-screen and digital printing industry • Outdoor advertising • Exhibition areas (as stands and room partitions) • Bus stops • Gas stations • Decoration material • False-ceilings • Elevator/stair-wall facings • Indoor cladding • Industrial applications like machine cladding, bus inter
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COMPOSITE MATERIALS etalbond COMPOSITE MATERIALS MACHINING FABRICATION TECHNIQUES Saw Cutting Existing machinery and tooling for woodworking and metal can be used to sawcut etalbond®. A standard circular saw for aluminium sheets may be applied also for etalbond® in the same way. A carbide tip blade made for aluminium and plastic is recommended. The cutting needs to be done on the reverse side of the panels. Portable circular saws can be operational on small projects, provided they are equipped with a system of guides to ensure the cutting in straight lines. Contour Milling Milling cutters...
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etalbond TINY Shear Cutting etalbond® can be easily sheared deploying rotary shears or guillotine shears with advanced cutting technology. Square shear is the most efficient method to size a large quantity of panels. The tolerance between the shearing blades must be regulated to prevent excessive edge rounding of the upper side of the panel. Drilling etalbond® can be drilled with standard twist drills used for aluminium and plastics on machinery common for metals. Holes can be made on etalbond® with a hand drill or a drill press, with a drill bit or circle cutter. Chips removal during...
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Cleaning of the Edges In case burr occurs on the cut edges, or the edges need to be rounded, a common handheld scraper can be used after cutting, for smoothing out. We also recommend an abrasive pad for cleaning or deburring the edges of etalbond®. Rout and Return Standard processes used in metal and plastics industry can also be utilized for joining etalbond®. If etalbond® is to be joined to extrusion profiles or structural framing then, taping screws, rivets, bolts and nuts can be used. Structural adhesives and double faced high strength tapes can also be used in conjuction with...
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Q Leave a minimum space from the edge of the panel to ensure the squareness and geometry of the cut out shape Q Routing Q Cut off corner edge O Cut off slots Q Drill holes Q Side turn Q 90° turn on second routing line @ Close corner element Q 90° turn on outside routing line
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JOINTING & FIXING TECHNIQUES Riveting etalbond® panels can also be fastened together or joined to aluminium extruded elements with inox or aluminium blind rivets or bolts. In fastening with rivets there should be one fixed point at the middle of the etalbond® work piece. The other fastening points should be made flexible with sufficient hole play. Rivets head should always be large enough to cover the bore hole over 1mm in the panel. If blind rivets are to be used make use of special wide closing heads or tightly fitting washers for the protection of etalbond® surface. The suggested rivet...
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Please note: It is important to remove the protective film in the screwing area prior to screwing or riveting. Gluing Adhesives can be used along with double face tape (3MVHB) for fastening etalbond® temporary on flat surfaces such as walls, ceilings, furniture, coverings etc. Adhesive sealing compounds for high strength and elastic connections for inside uses we recommend the usage of either SIKAFLEX 252, SIKAFLEX 11FC, SIKA Bond –T2 or Prosyflex 3000 by Tremco. Please note: Prior to any adhesion work clean carefully the area to be adhered. Select most appropriate adhesive that ensures...
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COMPOSITE MATERIALS FRCORE Country etalbond® d2 PE CORE Country Test according to Classification EU
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Surface Elval Colour is working together with the leading liquid paint suppliers and designs the respective surfaces according to their specific application achieving optimal results for the customer. The enclosed metal samples show the original surfaces in the various colours, gloss levels and quality. The painted surface of coil coated metal, offers the highest performance compared to all other coatings due to: • The uniformity of cleaning, pretreatment and coating made by a highly controlled coil coating process. • The well-defined nature of the liquid paint layers designed for the...
Open the catalog to page 13All Elval Colour S.A. catalogs and technical brochures
etalbond d3, d2
2 Pages
Standard Colour Guide
8 Pages
Ceramic Style Colour Guide
4 Pages
Textured Colour Guide
4 Pages
Anodised Look Colour Guide
4 Pages
Metal Patinas Colour Guide
4 Pages
Dual Colour Guide
4 Pages
Matte Effect Colour Guide
4 Pages
Golden Style Colour Guide
4 Pages
Wood Effect Colour Guide
4 Pages
2 Pages
4 Pages
16 Pages
4 Pages
phosphorescent coatings
2 Pages
High Reflectivity Coating
2 Pages
ENF solid architecture
16 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
1 Pages
7 Pages
1 Pages