

Catalog excerpts

VAIA - 1

Dornbracht VAIA Contents BETWEEN TRADITIONAL ELEGANCE AND CONTEMPORARY COOL 3D model: Rafael de Cárdenas Dornbracht VAIA Create a new balance EDITORIAL p. 03 ARCHITECTURE Rafael de Cárdenas p. 04 DORNBRACHT VAIA DARK PLATINUM MATT p. 52 PRODUCT INFORMATION p. 54 ARCHITECTURE Neri & Hu p. 22 Sketch: Lyndon Neri

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VAIA - 2

Dornbracht VAIA Contents BETWEEN TRADITIONAL ELEGANCE AND CONTEMPORARY COOL 3D model: Rafael de Cárdenas Transitional Style, a healthy balance between tried-and-tested features and new characteristics that is thought through, inviting and quickly makes you feel at home. EN Transitional Style, un sano equilibrio tra convenzionale e nuovo, ponderato, accogliente e che fa subito sentire a casa propria. IT Rafael de Cárdenas ARCHITECTURE Rafael de Cárdenas p. 04 Transitional Style, un equilibrado balance entre lo nuevo y lo conocido, meditado, acogedor y que proporciona la sensación de estar en...

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VAIA - 3

Dornbracht VAIA Editorial “We favour the strategic over the thematic, the cosmopolitan over the typological and the atmospheric over the static. Ever focused on the contemporary, we take diligent note of the past while day-dreaming the future.” Rafael de Cárdenas “In Asia, water to us is not just something that is for drinking, it’s not just something for cleansing, for us, water means a lot of emotional healing and physical healing.” Lyndon Neri EN The analysis of current design trends has always been an important source of inspiration for Dornbracht. VAIA is another result of this...

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VAIA - 4

Dornbracht VAIA Architecture FROM PAST TO PRESENT p. R D C– 0 1 Inspired by the ideas of Rafael de Cárdenas. 05 Brick and Corian, smoked glass and moss, bog oak, marble and DARK PLATINUM MATT, cognac-coloured leather and purple carpeted floors: here traces of wear meet new gloss, curved arches meet monoliths rich in edges, nature meets architecture. The bathroom as a progressive area of tension between tradition and modernity. Thus the fluid boundaries of Transitional Style are impressively in motion. EN I T Mattoni e Corian, vetro brunito e muschio, legno nero, marmo e DARK PLATINUM MATT,...

Open the catalog to page 4
VAIA - 6

Dornbracht VAIA Architecture A raw brickwork lattice curved into a niche and inside: a monolithic washstand made from cubes of various materials. Un abbinamento rustico con mattoni che formano una nicchia concava che all’interno ospita un lavabo monolitico realizzato con cubi di materiali diversi. Una unión de ladrillo bruto ondeante sobre un nido para formar un hueco y, dentro: un lavabo monolítico de cubos de diferentes materiales

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VAIA - 8

Dornbracht VAIA Architecture Elegant and mysterious: VAIA in DARK PLATINUM MATT with a dark under-mounted basin, tone-on-tone with the washstand. Prezioso e segreto: VAIA in DARK PLATINUM MATT con lavabo sottopiano, tono su tono con il piano del lavabo. Noble y misterioso: VAIA en DARK PLATINUM MATT, con una encimera oscura del mismo tono que el lavabo.

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VAIA - 9

Contrast of the textures: smooth, precisely worked materials meet rough, original surfaces. Contrasto tra le strutture: materiali lisci e lavorati con precisione incontrano superfici grezze e primordiali. Contraste de las texturas: los materiales lisos, trabajados con precisión, se encuentran con superficies crudas y naturales.

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VAIA - 10

Natural, organic shapes and functional, clear-cut lines: the round bathtub and the free-standing bath mixer in DARK PLATINUM MATT fit perfectly into the architecture. Forme naturali ed organiche e linee chiare e funzionali: la vasca da bagno rotonda e la sua rubinetteria freestanding in DARK PLATINUM MATT s’inseriscono perfettamente nell’architettura. Formas orgánicas naturales y líneas claras y funcionales: la bañera redonda y la batería para bañera montada de forma independiente en DARK PLATINUM MATT se integran perfectamente en la arquitectur

Open the catalog to page 10
VAIA - 12

TRANSITIONAL STYLE A draft by Rafael de Cárdenas A video on the creation of the VAIA architecture can be found at: Il filmato sulla nascita dell’architettura VAIA può essere visto all’ indirizzo: by Encontrará el vídeo sobre el origen R A F A E L D E C Á R D E N A S de la arquitectura VAIA en: A R C H I T E CT U R E AT N ew Yor k “ We fa vo ur t h e S T R AT E G I C over t h e T H EM AT I C , t h e C O S M O P O L I TA N over t h e T Y P O LO G I C A L an d t h e AT M O S P H ER I C over t h e S TAT I C . Ever fo cus e d on t h e C...

Open the catalog to page 12
VAIA - 13

TRANSITIONAL STYLE A draft by Rafael de Cárdenas A video on the creation of the VAIA architecture can be found at: Il filmato sulla nascita dell’architettura VAIA può essere visto all’ indirizzo: R a f a e l d e C á r d e n a s A R C H I T E CT U R E AT L A R G E, N E W YO R K Encontrará el vídeo sobre el origen de la arquitectura VAIA en: GL ASS FINS ALETTE IN VETRO A L E TA S D E V I D R I O RAFAEL DE CÁRDENAS’ interpretation of Transi tional Style is distinguished, in particular, through the unusual shape of the room....

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VAIA - 14

TRANSITIONAL STYLE A draft by Rafael de Cárdenas A video on the creation of the VAIA architecture can be found at: Il filmato sulla nascita dell’architettura VAIA può essere visto all’ indirizzo: IT “ Prefer iam o la ST R AT EGI A alla T EM AT I CA , il C O S M O P O LIT I S M O alla T I P O LO GI A e L’AT M O S FER A alla STAT I CA . S empre at tent i alla C O N T EM P O R A N EITÀ abbiam o un o c chio di r iguardo ver s o il PAS S ATO p er I M M AGI N A R E il FU T U R O.” Encontrará el vídeo sobre el origen de la arquitectura VAIA en:...

Open the catalog to page 14
VAIA - 15

TRANSITIONAL STYLE A draft by Rafael de Cárdenas A video on the creation of the VAIA architecture can be found at: Il filmato sulla nascita dell’architettura VAIA può essere visto all’ indirizzo: Encontrará el vídeo sobre el origen de la arquitectura VAIA en:

Open the catalog to page 15

All DORNBRACHT catalogs and technical brochures

  1. IMO

    20 Pages


    18 Pages


    15 Pages

  4. CYO

    32 Pages

  5. LifeSpa

    73 Pages

  6. Kitchen

    83 Pages

  7. Bathroom

    179 Pages

  8. Bath - IMO

    1 Pages

  9. Bath - CL.1

    2 Pages

  10. Bath - MEM

    1 Pages

  11. e tool Manual

    11 Pages

  12. Elemental Spa

    42 Pages

  13. Tara.

    41 Pages

  14. IMO

    13 Pages


    37 Pages


    52 Pages

  17. eTool ? Manual

    11 Pages

  18. SELV

    15 Pages

  19. Dornbracht MEM

    27 Pages

  20. Element Spa

    42 Pages

Archived catalogs

  1. Interiors

    23 Pages