Catalog excerpts

TARA .LOGIC / Issue 02
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<tara>Dornbracht - TARA .LOGIC </> <tara>Dornbracht - TARA .LOGIC </> <physical> ENDORPHINS " that create C O L O U R S / that create S H A P E S " <physical> ENDORPHINS " that create S H A P E S / that create C O L O U R S " <physical> Bringing to LIFE / <ELEGANCE and INTELLIGENCE>>> <physical> <tara>Dornbracht - TARA .LOGIC </> <tara>Dornbracht - TARA .LOGIC </> <physical> ENDORFINA " creare i C O L O R I / creare le F O R M E <physical> ENDORFINA " creare le F O R M E / creare i C O L O R I <physical> Destare VITA / <ELEGANZA e INTELLIGENZA>>> <physical> <tara>Dornbracht - TARA .LOGIC...
Open the catalog to page 2
BLOOD AND KEEPS ME ALIVE <04/05> Dornbracht - TARA .LOGIC > Dornbracht - TARA .LOGIC > Where do I come from > Where am I going TARA .LOGIC > Archetype T A R A - the new series=O R I G I N and F U T U R E Dornbracht - TARA .LOGIC > Dornbracht - TARA .LOGIC > Da dove vengo > Dove vado TARA .LOGIC > Archetipo T A R A - la nuova serie=O R I G I N E e F U T U R O Dornbracht - TARA .LOGIC > Dornbracht - TARA .LOGIC > De dónde vengo > adónde voy TARA .LOGIC > Arquetipo T A R A - La nueva serie=O R I G E N y F U T U R O Where do I come from > Where am I going Dornbracht - TARA .LOGIC > Dornbracht -...
Open the catalog to page 4
TARA .LOGIC <tara>Dornbracht - TARA .LOGIC </> <tara>Dornbracht - TARA .LOGIC </> <physical> R I T U A L A R C H I T E C T U R E for the B A T H R O O M <physical> A R C H I T E T T U R A <physical> A R C H I T E T T U R A <physical> A R C H I T E T T U R A R I T U A L para el B A N O R I T U A L para el B A N O R I T U A L para el B A N O <physical> A R Q U I T E C T U R A <physical> A R Q U I T E C T U R A <physical> A R Q U I T E C T U R A PREPARATION <01>mental preparation_cool down /beauty...
Open the catalog to page 6
<tara>Dornbracht - TARA .LOGIC </> <tara>Dornbracht - TARA .LOGIC </> <physical> the H E A R T pumps B L O O D through the B O D Y <physical> through the B O D Y <physical> ENDORPHINES / ADRENALIN <physical> HARDWARE and SOFTWARE <physical> P E A C E <physical> W A R M T H <physical> G R A V I T Y <physical> I M A G E <changes> <physical> <tara>Dornbracht - TARA .LOGIC </> <tara>Dornbracht - TARA .LOGIC </> <physical> il C U O R E pompa S A N G U E nel C O R P O <physical> nel C O R P O <physical> ENDORFINA / ADRENALINA <physical> HARDWARE e SOFTWARE <physical> la C A L M A <physical> il C...
Open the catalog to page 8
<tara>Dornbracht - TARA .LOGIC </> <tara>Dornbracht - TARA .LOGIC </> <physical> " S H A P E S / F I G U R E S / L I G H T " <physical> a room - U P R I G H T <physical> L I F T U P - the body <physical> <tara>Dornbracht - TARA .LOGIC </> <tara>Dornbracht - TARA .LOGIC </> <physical> " F O R M E / F I G U R E / L U C E <physical> uno spazio - E R E T T O <physical> il corpo - S I E R G E <physical> e lo spirito / <physical> <tara>Dornbracht - TARA .LOGIC </> <tara>Dornbracht - TARA .LOGIC </> <physical> " F O R M A S / F I G U R A S / L U Z <physical> un espacio - V E R T I C A L...
Open the catalog to page 10
<tara>Dornbracht - TARA .LOGIC </> <tara>Dornbracht - TARA .LOGIC </> <physical> the B O D Y = the T O O L <physical> alertness / consciousness / bodily awareness <physical> alertness / consciousness / bodily awareness <physical> alertness / consciousness / bodily awareness <physical> <tara>Dornbracht - TARA .LOGIC </> <tara>Dornbracht - TARA .LOGIC </> <physical> il C O R P O = lo S T R U M E N T O <physical> attenzione / consapevolezza / consapevolezza del corpo <physical> attenzione...
Open the catalog to page 12
TARA .LOGIC <14/15> Dornbracht - TARA .LOGIC > Dornbracht - TARA .LOGIC > INFLUENCES / DIRECTIONS come together = -------------------------------------------------------- C O N T R A S T S that become as one / become something N E W / ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dornbracht - TARA .LOGIC > Dornbracht - TARA .LOGIC > INFLUSSI / DIREZIONI in movimento = -------------------------------------------------------- C O N T R A S T I che diventano un'unica cosa / diventare qualcosa di N U O V O /...
Open the catalog to page 14
<tara>Dornbracht - TARA .LOGIC </> <tara>Dornbracht - TARA .LOGIC </> <physical> the P E R P E N D I C U L A R <physical> the L I N E <physical> <tara>Dornbracht - TARA .LOGIC </> <tara>Dornbracht - TARA .LOGIC </> <physical> l' E R G E R S I <physical> il T R A T T E G G I O < in verticale verso l'alto > <physical> <tara>Dornbracht - TARA .LOGIC </> <tara>Dornbracht - TARA .LOGIC </> <physical> lo V E R T I C A L <physical> la D I R E C C I 0 N D E L A S L ^ N E A S < verticales hacia arriba >
Open the catalog to page 16
<tara>Dornbracht - TARA .LOGIC </> <tara>Dornbracht - TARA .LOGIC </> <physical> D I V E I N <physical> D I V E U N D E R <physical> S U R F A C E <physical> the HEART / with renewed STRENGTH <physical> in the WATER / in other ELEMENTS <physical> <tara>Dornbracht - TARA .LOGIC </> <tara>Dornbracht - TARA .LOGIC </> <physical> I M M E R G E R S I <physical> S O M M E R G E R S I <physical> il CUORE / con nuova FORZA <physical> in ACQUA / in altri ELEMENTI <physical> <tara>Dornbracht - TARA .LOGIC </> <tara>Dornbracht - TARA...
Open the catalog to page 18All DORNBRACHT catalogs and technical brochures
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28 679 670-28
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28 518 782-28
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Archived catalogs
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