Catalog excerpts

Let us take the sculptural quality of the fitting as the starting point for bathroom architecture. The result is an island in the room which places all of the functions and zones of the bathroom right at the very centre. A form of architecture which therefore becomes a solitary unit in itself. Upon closer inspection of the exposed design, it becomes clear that the high-gloss surfaces of the fittings constantly reflect the island’s individual laguna-like water zones. It seems as though the fitting reflects the idea behind the architecture just as much as the architecture reflects the idea...
Open the catalog to page 3
The multi-faceted nature of the fitting can also be applied to the individual bathroom architecture. A wealth of possibilities appears to exist. Quotations, visions, purity as well as pure luxury, not least, thanks to the option of having high-gloss fitting surfaces in light golden, champagne hues. And despite all of this diversity, what continues to unite the architectures is the exposed or even uncompromising features. La ricchezza di sfaccettature della rubinetteria si può trasmettere anche all’architettura personalizzata del bagno. Tutto sembra possibile. Citazioni, visioni, purezza,...
Open the catalog to page 15
product InformatIon 33 500 730 / 33 521 730 Single-lever basin mixer with / without pop-up waste, 160 mm projection // miscelatore monocomando lavabo con / senza piletta, sporgenza 160 mm // monomando de lavabo con / sin válvula automática, saliente 160 mm 20 713 730 three-hole basin mixer with pop-up waste, 170 mm projection // Batteria tre fori lavabo con piletta, sporgenza 170 mm // Batería americana de lavabo con válvula automática, saliente 170 mm excerpt from the product range. more detailed information can be obtained from your dealer. // estratto dalla gamma completa prodotti. Il...
Open the catalog to page 30
Supernova Product Information 33 584 730 Single-lever basin mixer with stand pipe, 215 mm projection // Miscelatore mono- comando lavabo con tubo verticale, sporgenza 215 mm // Monomando de lavabo con tubo vertical, saliente 215 mm 20 713 732 Three-hole basin mixer with pop-up waste, 170 mm projection // Batteria tre fori lavabo con piletta, sporgenza 170 mm // Batería americana de lavabo con válvula automática, saliente 170 mm 20 717 732 Three-hole basin mixer with pop-up waste, 170 mm projection // Batteria tre fori lavabo con piletta, sporgenza 170 mm // Batería americana de lavabo con...
Open the catalog to page 31
Supernova Product Information 27 532 730 Deck-mounted bath shower set // Gruppo vasca 4 fori per montaggio bordo vasca // Batería de bañera a cuatro orificios para montaje a borde de bañera 27 532 730 Deck-mounted bath shower set // Gruppo vasca 4 fori per montaggio bordo vasca // Batería de bañera a cuatro orificios para montaje a borde de bañera 27 532 732 Deck-mounted bath shower set // Gruppo vasca 4 fori per montaggio bordo vasca // Batería de bañera a cuatro orificios para montaje a borde de bañera 27 533 732 Deck-mounted bath shower set // Gruppo vasca 4 fori per montaggio bordo...
Open the catalog to page 32
Supernova Product Information 20 000 732 / 20 000 733 Deck valve clockwise closing, hot / anticlockwise closing, cold // Rubinetto laterale a chiusura a destra, calda / a chiusura a sinistra, fredda // Válvula lateral cierre a derecha, caliente / cierre a izquierda, fría 20 001 732 / 20 001 733 Deck valve clockwise closing, cold / anti- clockwise closing, hot // Rubinetto laterale a chiusura a destra, fredda / a chiusura a sinistra, calda // Válvula lateral cierre a derecha, fría / cierre a izquierda, caliente 20 000 730 / 20 000 731 Deck valve clockwise closing, cold / anti- clockwise...
Open the catalog to page 33
Supernova Product Information 28 050 730 Wall bracket // Supporto doccetta // Soporte de ducha 36 416 780 + 1x 36 331 730 xTool thermostat module with 3 valves, with cover plate // xTool modulo termostato con 3 rubinetti, con piastra di copertura // Módulo de termostato xTool con 3 válvulas, con cubierta 36 416 780 + 3x 36 310 730 / + 2x 36 310 730 / + 1x 36 310 730 xTool thermostat module with 3 valves / 2 valves / 1 valve // xTool modulo termostato con 3 rubinetti / 2 rubinetti / 1 rubinetto // Módulo de termostato xTool con 3 válvulas / 2 válvulas / 1 válvula 36 416 780 + 3x 36 310 732 /...
Open the catalog to page 34
Supernova Product Information 26 402 730 Complete shower set // Gruppo doccetta con flessibile e asta saliscendi // Juego de ducha de mano con barra corredera 28 508 730 Shower head with three settings // Soffione regolabile a tre getti // Brazo articulado de ducha ajustable en 3 modos 26 403 730 Complete shower set // Gruppo doccetta con flessibile e asta saliscendi // Juego de ducha de mano con barra corredera 36 515 979 SideRain concealed body spray // SideRain soffione laterale incasso // SideRain ducha lateral empotrada 28 518 780 / 28 519 780 Body spray without / with volume control...
Open the catalog to page 35
Product Information 83 251 730 Hook // Gancio // Gancho 83 404 730 Glass container wall model, complete // Supporto bicchiere modello da parete, completo // Vaso de cristal modelo para colocar en la pared, completo 83 410 730 Soap dish wall model, complete // Portasaponetta modello da parete, completo // Jabonera modelo para colocar en la pared, completo 84 430 970 / 83 430 970 Lotion dispenser free-standing model / wall model, complete // Dispenser per sapone modello da appoggio /da parete, completo // Dosificador de loción completo, modelo de colocación independiente / de pared 83 910 979...
Open the catalog to page 36
Aloys F. Dornbr acht GmbH & Co. KG Köbbingser Mühle 6 D-586 40 Iserlohn Telefon +49 ( 0 ) 2371 433- 470 E-Mail mail@dornbr www.dornbr 01 33 09 730 17 Product Design Sieger Design Architecture Mike Meiré Photography Thomas Popinger Concept & Creation Meiré und Meiré Product Photography Fotostudio Tölle Model, programme and technical modifications as well as errors are excepted. // Con riserva di errore e di modifiche tecniche, di modifiche ai modelli e alla gamma prodotti. // Nos reservamos el derecho a modificar modelos o colecciones así como realizar modificaciones de...
Open the catalog to page 37All DORNBRACHT catalogs and technical brochures
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Kitchen Finishes
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83 Pages
179 Pages
31151892-08 product sheet
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29218811-00 product sheet
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Kitchen - Tara Classic
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13 800 980-28
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28 679 670-28
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13 721 980-08
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28 518 782-28
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36 120 809-28
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Kitchen - Sync
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Hook - Dark Platinum matte
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Bath - IMO
1 Pages
Bath - CL.1
2 Pages
Bath - Lissé
1 Pages
Bath - MEM
1 Pages
Kitchen sink - Lot
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e tool Manual
11 Pages
Dornbracht Bathroom 2014
115 Pages
Elemental Spa
42 Pages
41 Pages
Dornbracht Kitchen
25 Pages
Dornbracht Kitchen
67 Pages
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52 Pages
Dornbracht CL.1
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eTool ? Manual
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Dornbracht Kitchen Additions
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Performing Shower
41 Pages
15 Pages
Dornbracht MEM
27 Pages
Element Spa
42 Pages
DORNBRACHT: the spirit of water
35 Pages
the spirit of water
57 Pages
Dornbracht Bathroom
15 Pages
Additions Kitchen
16 Pages
Archived catalogs
23 Pages