the spirit of water
1 / 57Pages

Catalog excerpts

the spirit of water - 1

eno Underkitchen Product Study Dornbracht Conversations Water Zones Pot Filler Water Dispenser

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Dornbracht Edges, “Global street food” Curated by Mike Meiré Photography Hartmut Nägele water zones The spatial separation of the different water-based work processes in the domestic kitchen as a living space. More on page 010. // La separazione degli spazi rispetto ai vari processi collegati all’acqua nell’ambito della cucina domestica. Continua a pagina 010. // La separación espacial de los diferentes procesos de trabajo relacionados con el agua en la cocina como espacio vital. Más información a partir de la página 010. Video Stills CHBP

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Dornbracht Installation Projects®, “Live” Rudolf Stingel, Neue Nationalgalerie, Berlin Photography David von Becker

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DORNBRACHT the SPIRITof WATER Contents DORNBRACHT the Spiritof Water WATER ZONES Zoning the kitchen Culture Projects Dornbracht Conversations 3 (DC 3) Page // Pagina // Página 044 Page // Pagina // Página 010 Page // Pagina // Página 096 CREATIVITY Water Zones 012 Preparing 014 Cooking 016 Cleaning 018 Drinking 020 Universal 008 010 Units Boards 038 Water Dispenser 044 eno 050 Tara Ultra 058 Elio 070 Tara. 076 Tara Classic 078 Meta.02 082 Lot 086 Maro 028 Cutting INSPIRED – on the true luxury of availability PRESENT Underkitchen Expedition Product Study CULTURE PROJECTS Dornbracht...

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DORNBRACHT the SPIRITof WATER Editorial DORNBRACHT the SPIRITof WATER Editorial “Something that is really necessary” Andreas Dornbracht Photography David von Becker “Food is mainly two things,” says Francesca Sarti, “something that is really necessary and some­ thing that has a lot of cultural background and traditions.” The architect and founder of the I ­ talian food design collective, Arabeschi di Latte made it her mission to fathom the rituals of eating experimentally and conceptually. She talked about her work with Marco Velardi, Editor-in-Chief of Apartamento and Creative Director,...

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DORNBRACHT the SPIRITof WATER Shortcuts DORNBRACHT the SPIRITof WATER Shortcuts GLOBAL STREET FOOD, New York In the context of the Living Kitchen in Cologne and the ISH in Frankfurt, Dorn­ bracht presented his innova­ tions for the kitchen, which included the new single-­ lever mixer ENO (page 044) and the product study for electronic technologies in the kitchen (page 090). He also showed additions to the ­WATER DISPENSERS: apart from TARA ULTRA and LOT, this convenient system has now been adapted for use with the kitchen fittings of TARA CLASSIC, ELIO and META 02 (page 038). At the ISH,...

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DORNBRACHT the SPIRITof WATER Creativity CREATIVITY Innovation arises at the borderline. The result of stepping over with care and skilful combination. Thinking and acting beyond habits. Oltrepassare i limiti per creare qualcosa di nuovo. Con prudenza e combinazioni consapevoli. Pensare e agire al di là delle abitudini. Lo nuevo surge en los límites. Mediante el traspaso cuidadoso y una combinación magistral. Pensamiento y actuación más allá de las costumbres. Dornbracht Edges, “The Farm Project” Installation by Mike Meiré Photography Hartmut Nägele 008

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DORNBRACHT the SPIRITof WATER WATER ZONES Water ZOnes Preparing  cooking  cleaning  drinking  universal Product Concept and Design Sieger Design Photography Thomas Popinger Video Stills CHBP

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DORNBRACHT the SPIRITof WATER Water Zones The film and further information can be found at // Potete anche trovare ulteriori riferimenti su // Encontrará otros temas en Water Zones – Preparing THE DIFFERENT WATER POINTS IN THE KITCHEN AS A LIVING SPACE Cleaning vegetables, washing fruit, filleting fish, making dripping or gravy from roasts, infusing soups, draining water from pasta; washing dishes, scrubbing pans, cleaning baking trays; preparing tea or taking a sip of chilled water. Kitchen sinks are used for a whole range of different work processes. With the...

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DORNBRACHT the SPIRITof WATER WATER ZONES Water Zones – Cooking The film and further information can be found at // Potete anche trovare ulteriori riferimenti su // Encontrará otros temas en should be particularly deep and wide so that bak­ ing trays and large pots can also be cleaned with ease. In the context of PREPARING it is useful to have a double sink, one side deep, which can be filled with water, and the other side deliber­ ately shallow so that water can flow freely over it. For the COOKING zone, the ideal sink should be deep enough for cooling and draining...

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DORNBRACHT the SPIRITof WATER WATER ZONES I DIVERSI PUNTI D’ACQUA PRESENTI NELL’AMBITO DELLA CUCINA DOMESTICA Mondare le verdure, lavare la frutta, sfilettare il pesce; stemperare il sugo d’arrosto, diluire le zuppe,­scolare l’acqua di pasta; lavare le stoviglie, sgrassare le pentole, pulire le teglie da forno; preparare il the o bere un sorso d’acqua refrigerata. A seconda delle operazioni varia molto ciò che si richiede ai vari punti d’acqua presenti in cucina. Con le WATER ZONES, Dornbracht ha sviluppato un concetto dedicato al lavoro in cucina, rendendo possibile la separazione dei...

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DORNBRACHT the SPIRITof WATER WATER ZONES The film and further information can be found at // Potete anche trovare ulteriori riferimenti su // Encontrará otros temas en Water Zones – Drinking le WATER UNITS, il principio è lo stesso. I lavelli­ della zona CLEANING dovrebbero essere molto più profondi e molto più larghi, in modo da poter lavare comodamente anche teglie da forno e grosse pentole. Nel settore PREPARING è utile un lavello due vasche, profondo da un lato per la raccolta dell’acqua e volutamente piatto con scolo libero dall’altro. Nel settore COOKING si è...

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All DORNBRACHT catalogs and technical brochures

  1. VAIA

    46 Pages

  2. IMO

    20 Pages


    18 Pages


    15 Pages

  5. CYO

    32 Pages

  6. LifeSpa

    73 Pages

  7. Kitchen

    83 Pages

  8. Bathroom

    179 Pages

  9. Bath - IMO

    1 Pages

  10. Bath - CL.1

    2 Pages

  11. Bath - MEM

    1 Pages

  12. e tool Manual

    11 Pages

  13. Elemental Spa

    42 Pages

  14. Tara.

    41 Pages

  15. IMO

    13 Pages


    37 Pages


    52 Pages

  18. eTool ? Manual

    11 Pages

  19. SELV

    15 Pages

  20. Dornbracht MEM

    27 Pages

  21. Element Spa

    42 Pages

Archived catalogs

  1. Interiors

    23 Pages