Catalog excerpts

Culturing Life
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The kitchen is a room full of life. A place of culinary delights and communication, of cultures, colours, shapes and smells. Dornbracht develops products for this special place which set standards in terms of function, design, technology and surface finishes – and therefore contribute to cultivating the kitchen as a living space. EN La cucina è una stanza piena di vita. Un luogo di arte culinaria e di comunicazione, di culture, colori, forme e aromi. Per questo luogo particolare Dornbracht sviluppa prodotti che fissano delle norme su funzionamento, design, tecnologia e f initura delle...
Open the catalog to page 3
Fittings Rubinetterie Griferías Professional fittings Rubinetterie professionali Griferías profesionales Rinsing and profi spray Doccetta lavello e professionale Grifos y grifos profesionales tipo ducha eUnit Kitchen Glazed steel kitchen sinks Lavelli da cucina in acciaio smaltato a vetro Fregaderos de cocina de acero esmaltado Miscellaneous Accessori Accesorios Sync Lot Tara Ultra eno Elio Meta.02 Tara Classic Tara. 106 Polished stainless-steel kitchen sinks Lavelli da cucina in acciaio inox lucido Fregaderos de cocina de acero inoxidable pulido 114 Pull-out / Pull-down Kitchen sinks Lavelli...
Open the catalog to page 4
Pull-out / Pull-down Professional fittings Rubinetterie professionali Griferías profesionales 26 Rinsing and profi spray Doccetta lavello e professionale y grifos profesionales tipo ducha Grifos 30 eUnit Kitchen Miscellaneous Accessori Accesorios
Open the catalog to page 6
Single-lever mixers with pull-down or pull-out function combine many benefits in an elegant, efficient design. On the one hand, they increase the action radius at the water point and on the other, they provide easy control of the water flow at the press of a button for working precisely. I miscelatori monocomando ad estrazione Pull-down e Pull-out riuniscono numerosi vantaggi in una forma elegante ed efficiente. Da un lato ampliano il raggio d’azione al punto d’acqua, dall’altro consentono un comodo cambio di getto, premendo un pulsante, per lavori di precisione. IT Los monomandos con...
Open the catalog to page 7
The flexible pull-out hose on the pull-out fitting provides room to move freely and makes daily activities easier. EN Il tubo flessibile estraibile della rubinetteria Pull-out regala libertà di movimento e facilita i gesti quotidiani. IT La manguera extraíble flexible de la grifería Pull-out aporta libertad de movimiento y facilita las maniobras cotidianas. IT Il miscelatore monocomando ad estrazione Pull-out si contraddistingue per il nuovo elemento funzionale estraibile in avanti – disponibile a scelta come bocca di erogazione o doccetta. ES El monomando Pull-out se caracteriza por el...
Open the catalog to page 8
EN The pull-down function makes it easy to work in the kitchen sink thanks to the downward extending element. IT La funzione di estrazione Pull-down consente di lavorare comodamente nel lavello da cucina grazie all’elemento estraibile dal basso. ES Gracias al elemento extraíble hacia abajo, la función Pull-down permite trabajar cómodamente en el fregadero de cocin
Open the catalog to page 9
EN The right jet type for every type of use: natural laminar jet and powerful rinsing jet – simply change the setting at the press of a button. IT Tipo di getto adatto a ogni utilizzo: getto laminare naturale e getto a doccia potente – commutabile semplicemente premendo un pulsante. ES Tipo de chorro adecuado para cada fin: conmutación entre el chorro laminar natural y el potente chorro de ducha tan solo pulsando un botón.
Open the catalog to page 10
The profi fittings combine convenience with professionalism: the pivotable profi single-lever mixer increases the action radius around the fitting and therefore offers considerable variety in movement and design. Permanent switching between the jet types – air-enriched jet or rinsing jet – is possible at all times by simply adjusting the profi spray. EN Le rubinetterie professionali uniscono comfort e professionalità: il miscelatore monocomando professionale orientabile aumenta il raggio d’azione attorno alla rubinetteria e offre così una notevole varietà di movimenti e di disposizioni....
Open the catalog to page 11
Exactly at the right plac
Open the catalog to page 12
PIVOT and POT FILLER make it possible to fill pots and containers directly at the cooker. As such they serve as an extended arm in the kitchen and support comfortable and accurate working. Just like the entire TARA ULTRA series, both solutions are characterised by a clearly defined shape and a refined, minimalist design. Thanks to its 360° action radius, PIVOT is ideal for use on a kitchen island. As the POT FILLER is wall mounted, it provides a good deal of space for working with large pots. PIVOT e POT FILLER consentono di riempire pentole e recipienti direttamente sul fornello. In questo...
Open the catalog to page 13
Rinsing and profi spray Doccetta lavello e professionale Grifos y grifos profesionales tipo ducha Functional comfort EN Work with precision – everywhere at and around the water point. IT Lavorare con precisione – sia nel punto d’acqua che attorno ad esso, ovunque. ES Trabajo preciso tanto en la salida de agua como cerca de esta
Open the catalog to page 14
With the new rinsing sprays as well as the profi spray sets, Dornbracht simultaneously introduces two pertinent aspects into today’s kitchen: sophisticated design and professional functionality. The spray sets can be simply placed at the kitchen workplace and can be combined with all design ranges from Dornbracht. This means that additional functions in a comprehensive choice of combinations are available. While the new rinsing spray is characterised by a full spray face, the profi spray set provides a particularly powerful rinsing jet for washing vegetables, fruit and meat. Con le nuove...
Open the catalog to page 15
WATER DISPENSER and BAR TAP are the simplest way to have an elegant drinking water source in the kitchen. The separate drinking water fittings provide hot or cold water, as required – and without taking up much space. In addition, the WATER DISPENSER impresses with instant filtered cold or hot water (93°C) – ideal for making hot beverages like tea and coffee. BAR TAP is a delicate tap solution for bars – for a refreshing glass of filtered water at any time. WATER DISPENSER e BAR TAP sono la strada più semplice per un’elegante fonte di acqua potabile in cucina. Le rubinetterie di acqua...
Open the catalog to page 17All DORNBRACHT catalogs and technical brochures
46 Pages
20 Pages
18 Pages
15 Pages
189 Pages
32 Pages
73 Pages
Kitchen Finishes
3 Pages
179 Pages
31151892-08 product sheet
3 Pages
29218811-00 product sheet
3 Pages
20713892-00 product sheet
4 Pages
13801892-00 product sheet
4 Pages
36712819-00 product sheet
4 Pages
Kitchen - Tara Classic
4 Pages
13 800 980-28
4 Pages
28 679 670-28
3 Pages
13 721 980-08
3 Pages
28 518 782-28
4 Pages
36 120 809-28
3 Pages
Kitchen - Sync
1 Pages
Hook - Dark Platinum matte
1 Pages
Bath - IMO
1 Pages
Bath - CL.1
2 Pages
Bath - Lissé
1 Pages
Bath - MEM
1 Pages
Kitchen sink - Lot
3 Pages
e tool Manual
11 Pages
Dornbracht Bathroom 2014
115 Pages
Elemental Spa
42 Pages
41 Pages
Dornbracht Kitchen
25 Pages
Dornbracht Kitchen
67 Pages
13 Pages
37 Pages
52 Pages
Dornbracht CL.1
36 Pages
eTool ? Manual
11 Pages
Dornbracht Kitchen Additions
20 Pages
Performing Shower
41 Pages
15 Pages
Dornbracht MEM
27 Pages
Element Spa
42 Pages
DORNBRACHT: the spirit of water
35 Pages
the spirit of water
57 Pages
Dornbracht Bathroom
15 Pages
Additions Kitchen
16 Pages
Archived catalogs
23 Pages