Catalog excerpts

SL 120, Rodolfo Dordoni Turn Around, Rodolfo Dordoni 0504 >
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Monolith, Claudio Silvestrin 0706 >
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Space Bar, Christophe Pillet 0908 The Interiors collections/ Le collezioni Interiors/ La coleccin Interiors Interiors is a collection of innovative objects for everyday use both in bathrooms and in living areas. This new product linefrom Dornbracht comprises high-quality accessories and furniture items with a timeless, reductive formal idiom. These products can be readily integrated into existing interior design concepts. Every design is a distinctive expression of the ideas and style of its creator or architect. As a leading international manufacturer of high-quality designer fittings and...
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Wave, Jean-Marie Massaud 1110 >
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TW2, Theo Williams 13 Me, Torsten Neeland 12 >
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V, Alessandra Mauri Melt, Pietro Silva 1514 >
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Big Pill, Ludovica & Roberto Palomba 1918 TW1, Theo Williams >
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Karma , Kazuyo Komoda 2120 >
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Cross Over Set, Torsten Neeland Float1, Rodolfo Dordoni 2322 >
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Think Bank, Frdric Dedelley 2524 >
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180 1200 1800 300 11.19.01Turn Around, Rodolfo DordoniFree-standing mirror on castors with 3 variable storage trays // Specchio indipendente su rotelle, con 3 portaoggetti // Espejo de pie sobre ruedas con 3 bandejasFrame steel, aluminium matt/white paint finish, 2 castors, 3 storage trays in satinised acrylic, mirror // Telaio di acciaio,smaltato in alluminio opaco/bianco, 2 rotelle, 3 portaoggettiin acrilico satinato, specchio // Bastidor acero, aluminio mate/esmaltado blanco, 2 ruedas, 3 bandejas acrlico satinado, espejo450 x 1800 x 400 mm > 150 23.18.01SL 120, Rodolfo DordoniGlass shelf...
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450 1200 350 120 150 600 24.18.04SL 120 Mirror, > 300440 Rodolfo DordoniMirror - top section for SL 120, position variable horizontallyor vertically // Specchio da abbinare a SL 120, posizionabile a piacere in senso orizzontale o verticale // Espejo sobre-puesto para SL 120, horizontal o vertical posicionamiento variableMirror, bracket matt aluminium // Specchio e supporto inalluminio opaco // Espejo, sujecin aluminio mate450 x 600 mm > 105 150 15.18.02SL 120 - XL, Rodolfo Dordoni Glass shelf with wall bracket and rail // Mensola in vetro conattacco e barra parapetto // Repisa de cristal...
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345 500 450 188188425 700 850 210 260 168 315 510 110 155 14.16.01Melt, Pietro SilvaSide table with towel holder // Tavolino con portasciugamani //Mesa auxiliar con horquilla para toallasFrame matt aluminium, tray laminated natural-finish maple //Telaio in alluminio opaco, ripiano in acero compensato, natu-rale // Armadura aluminio mate, repisa madera estratificadaarce natural510 x 700 x 345 mm 12.12.01V, Alessandra MauriTowel holder, folding // Portasciugamani pieghevole //Toallero plegablePolished stainless steel, rubber-ring hinge // Acciaio inoxlucido, cerniera gommino // Acero fino...
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140 555 155 140 555 450 560 60 60 420 880 890 265 245 17.10.01Big Pill, 14.13.01TW 1, 14.13.02TW 2, Ludovica & Roberto PalombaWall-mounted cupboard, round // Armadietto pensile,rotondo // Armario suspendido redondoCupboard in white lacquered MDF, inside shelf steel, painted red // Armadietto in legno MDF, verniciato in bianco, ripiano interno in acciaio, verniciato in rosso //Armario madera MDF, esmaltado blanco, estante interior acero, esmaltado rojo 420, 155 mm Theo WilliamsTowel holder, single, with storage tray // Barra portasciugamani semplice, con portaoggetti // Toallero simple con...
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405 1400 360max. 1800 16 360max. 1800 700 395 40016 13.11.01Float 1, 13.11.02Float 2, Rodolfo DordoniTowel holder, suspended, single // Portasciugamani semplice, sospeso // Horquilla para toallas suspendida libresimpleMatt aluminium, ceiling-mounted - suspension device mattaluminium // Alluminio opaco, montaggio a soffitto - sospensione in alluminio opaco // Aluminio mate, montaje a plafn - suspensin aluminio mate400 x 360 mm Rodolfo DordoniTowel holder, suspended, double // Portasciugamani doppio, sospeso // Horquilla para toallas suspendida libre dobleMatt aluminium, ceiling-mounted -...
Open the catalog to page 20 // Photos Stephan Abry // Concept & Creation Meir漩 und Meir Models, programmes and technical modifications as well as errors are excepted. / Con riserva di errore e di modifiche tecniche, di modifiche ai modelli e allagamma prodotti. / Con reservas de modificaciones de modelos, programas y modificaciones tcnica as驭 como errores. >
Open the catalog to page 23All DORNBRACHT catalogs and technical brochures
46 Pages
20 Pages
18 Pages
15 Pages
189 Pages
32 Pages
73 Pages
Kitchen Finishes
3 Pages
83 Pages
179 Pages
31151892-08 product sheet
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29218811-00 product sheet
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20713892-00 product sheet
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13801892-00 product sheet
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36712819-00 product sheet
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Kitchen - Tara Classic
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13 800 980-28
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28 679 670-28
3 Pages
13 721 980-08
3 Pages
28 518 782-28
4 Pages
36 120 809-28
3 Pages
Kitchen - Sync
1 Pages
Hook - Dark Platinum matte
1 Pages
Bath - IMO
1 Pages
Bath - CL.1
2 Pages
Bath - Lissé
1 Pages
Bath - MEM
1 Pages
Kitchen sink - Lot
3 Pages
e tool Manual
11 Pages
Dornbracht Bathroom 2014
115 Pages
Elemental Spa
42 Pages
41 Pages
Dornbracht Kitchen
25 Pages
Dornbracht Kitchen
67 Pages
13 Pages
37 Pages
52 Pages
Dornbracht CL.1
36 Pages
eTool ? Manual
11 Pages
Dornbracht Kitchen Additions
20 Pages
Performing Shower
41 Pages
15 Pages
Dornbracht MEM
27 Pages
Element Spa
42 Pages
DORNBRACHT: the spirit of water
35 Pages
the spirit of water
57 Pages
Dornbracht Bathroom
15 Pages
Additions Kitchen
16 Pages