Dornbracht MEM
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Dornbracht MEM - 1

Aloys F. Dornbracht GmbH & Co. KG Armaturenfabrik Köbbingser Mühle 6, D-58640 Iserlohn Telefon +49(0)2371 433-0, Fax +49(0)2371 433-232, Culturing Life

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Dornbracht MEM - 2

Reducing everything to the bare essentials, but without removing the poetry. Ridurre tutto all’essenziale, ma senza rinunciare alla poesia. Reducir todo a lo esencial, pero sin prescindir de la poesía.

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Dornbracht MEM - 3

MEM – An elementary aesthetic. Refined. E N   With its wide, flat spout, MEM adds an elementary aesthetic aspect to the fitting which, since its introduction in 2003, has become an icon among Dornbracht fittings. MEM now radiates a new splendour. Refinement The design language has been subtly revised: adaptations of the design underline the deliberate restraint of MEM in new contemporary ways. In addition, the refinement enables a number of new combination possibilities with outlet points and control elements from other series. Additions to the range A free-standing bath mixer complements...

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Dornbracht MEM - 4

Refinement Perfezionamento Perfeccionamiento   Uniform rosette dimensions. The rosette dimensions have been altered from 55 to 60 mm and the handles have been adjusted proportionately. This now allows MEM products to be combined at will with outlet points and control elements from other series. IT   Rosette di misura uniforme. La misura delle rosette è stata portata da 55 a 60 mm e la maniglia adeguata in modo proporzionale. In questo modo gli articoli MEM ora si possono combinare a piacere con punti di erogazione ed elementi di comando di altre serie. ES   Medida uniforme de la roseta. La...

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Dornbracht MEM - 6

Cyprum EN   An architecture with apparent contrasts: the new CYPRUM highgloss surface combined with original natural stone and a simple concrete floor as a foundation for a contemporary carpet design. ES   Una arquitectura de los presuntos contrastes: la nueva superficie brillante CYPRUM en combinación con primigenia piedra natural, sencillo suelo de hormigón como fundamento para un diseño de alfombra moderno.   Un’architettura dai presunti contrasti: la nuova superficie lucida CYPRUM combinata con la pietra naturale originaria, un pavimento in calcestruzzo semplice come base per un...

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Dornbracht MEM - 7

Cyprum EN   Elegant in its appearance: the three-hole basin mixer with the CYPRUM surface finish combined with matching accessories. Copper-coloured elements, such as the storage space and mirror, provide further accents.   Noble en el atractivo: la batería americana para lavabo en CYPRUM, combinada con accesorios adecuados. Elementos de color cobrizo, como el estante y el espejo, proporcionan un acento adicional.   Effetti di pregio: la batteria a tre fori per lavabo in CYPRUM – combinata con gli accessori adatti. Elementi color rame come la superficie di appoggio e lo specchio...

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Dornbracht MEM - 8

Cyprum EN   Precision meets sensuality: highgloss CYPRUM in front of a travertine wall. The shower application is supplemented by the WATER SHEET from the crossseries WATER MODULES product range.   La precisión se une a la sensualidad: CYPRUM brillante sobre una pared de travertino. La aplicación de ducha se completa con el WATER SHEET del programa de productos WATER MODULES, que abarca todas las series. ES   La precisione incontra la sensualità: CYPRUM lucido davanti a una parete in travertino. L’uso della doccia è completato dai WATER SHEET dell’assortimento WATER MODULES adatti a...

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Dornbracht MEM - 9

Sampling EN   Greater design freedom: not only to combine designs and features, but also when combining fitting surfaces. Chrome on the washstand, CYPRUM on the bathtub. There are no limits to the creativity that is possible. ES   Mayor libertad de diseño: no solo en la combinación de diseños y funcio­ nes, sino también en la combinación de superficies de griferías. Cromo en el lavabo, CYPRUM en la bañera. No hay límites para la creatividad.   Maggior libertà di allestimento: non solo nell’abbinamento di design e funzioni, ma anche nella combinazione di superfici delle rubinetterie. Cromo...

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Dornbracht MEM - 10

Sampling EN   The bathroom is configured according to personal needs: a washstand application supplemented by an extending nozzle from the WATER MODULES product range – for invigorating arm and forehead jets.   Le necessità personali configurano il bagno: un impiego del lavabo, completato da una doccetta estraibile per la cura perso­ nale dell’assortimento WATER MODULES – per getti stimolanti su braccia e fronte. IT ES   Las necesidades personales configuran el baño: una aplicación de lavabo, completada con un caño extraíble del programa de productos WATER MODULES, para estimulantes lavados...

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Dornbracht MEM - 11

Additions to the range Integrazione dell’assortimento Complemento del programa EN   For greater operating comfort: the three-hole bath mixer extends the MEM product range to include a classic bath fitting with mixer function and bar-type hand shower.   Para mayor comodidad de manejo: el grifo mezclador de bañera con tres orificios amplía el programa de producto de MEM con una grifería de bañera clásica con función mezcladora y ducha de mano. ES   Maggior comfort di utilizzo: la batteria vasca a tre fori amplia l’assortimento di MEM con una rubinetteria classica per vasca con funzione di...

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Dornbracht MEM - 12

Additions to the range Integrazione dell’assortimento Complemento del programa EN   A totally new product type: the free-standing bath mixer combines a spout, hand shower and the control system in a sculptured shape. The base is black and all other elements are available in a chrome, platinum, matt platinum or CYPRUM finish.   Un tipo di pro­ dotto assolutamente nuovo: la colonna vasca freestanding unisce bocca di erogazione, doccetta e comando in una forma scultorea. La base è in nero, tutti gli altri elementi sono disponibili in cromo, platino, platino opaco o CYPRUM. IT ES   Un tipo de...

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All DORNBRACHT catalogs and technical brochures

  1. VAIA

    46 Pages

  2. IMO

    20 Pages


    18 Pages


    15 Pages

  5. CYO

    32 Pages

  6. LifeSpa

    73 Pages

  7. Kitchen

    83 Pages

  8. Bathroom

    179 Pages

  9. Bath - IMO

    1 Pages

  10. Bath - CL.1

    2 Pages

  11. Bath - MEM

    1 Pages

  12. e tool Manual

    11 Pages

  13. Elemental Spa

    42 Pages

  14. Tara.

    41 Pages

  15. IMO

    13 Pages


    37 Pages


    52 Pages

  18. eTool ? Manual

    11 Pages

  19. SELV

    15 Pages

  20. Element Spa

    42 Pages

Archived catalogs

  1. Interiors

    23 Pages