Catalog excerpts

Aesthetics. Health. Intelligence. Creativity. In the digital age, our requirements in the bathroom, spa and kitchen as living spaces are changing. Estetica. Salute. Intelligenza. Creatività. Nell’epoca della digitalizzazione le nostre esigenze negli spazi bagno, spa e cucina subiscono una trasformazione. Culturing Life Convenience PLEASURE Digitalisation Estética. Salud. Inteligencia. Creatividad. En la era de la digitalización, cambian nuestras necesidades en los ámbitos del baño, el spa y la cocina. Andreas Dornbracht
Open the catalog to page 2
Dornbracht Kitchen Contents 4 Water Zones 36 Products 108 Culture Projects 8 Preparing 10 Cooking 14 Cleaning 16 Drinking 18 eUnit Kitchen 26 Between Science & Romance 110 A change in the kitchen -Four questions to Andreas Dornbracht and Mike Meire
Open the catalog to page 4
What does the water have to do when cleaning vegetables that is different from when it is used for washing dishes? In which rooms does it make sense to have a separate drinking water source? In cosa deve differenziarsi l’acqua per lavare le verdure dall’acqua per lavare i piatti? In che spazi può avere senso un punto d’acqua potabile dedicato? ¿Qué función debe desempeñar el agua cuando se limpia la verdura a diferencia de cuando se lava la vajilla? ¿En qué espacios tiene sentido una fuente de agua potable separada?
Open the catalog to page 5
en Cleaning vegetables, washing fruit, filleting fish, filling a pot with water, washing dishes, cleaning baking trays, preparing tea or taking a sip of cold water: depending on the task in hand, quite different demands are placed on the water points in a kitchen. With the WATER ZONES, Dornbracht has developed a concept for working in the kitchen, which facilitates the separation of the different functional areas, as we know them from professional kitchens, for domestic kitchens, too. it Mondare le verdure, lavare la frutta, sfilettare il pesce, riempire d'acqua una pentola, lavare le...
Open the catalog to page 6
Preparing Professional food preparation E N Washing, cleaning, cutting, drying – everything in the PREPARING zone is geared to careful food handling: a profi spray with a gentle jet when handling fresh or cooked food. And a double sink which is deep on one side and can be filled with water, and on the other side is deliberately shallow. Lavare, pulire, tagliare, sgocciolare – nella zona PREPARING tutto è predisposto per una lavorazione delicata degli alimenti: una doccetta professionale con un getto morbido per il contatto con alimenti freschi o cotti e un lavello a due vasche, profondo da un...
Open the catalog to page 7
Adding water without having to take the pot off the cooker, draining pasta without a long walk to the sink – in the COOKING zone, it makes sense to have a water source where you can fill your pots directly on top of the cooker. The sink is deep enough for cooling and draining the largest of pots and pans. EN Aggiungere acqua senza dover spostare la pentola dal fornello, scolare la pasta senza lunghi spostamenti – nella zona COOKING è utile avere un punto acqua con cui poter riempire le pentole direttamente sul fornello. Il lavello è così profondo che vi si possono raffreddare e svuotare...
Open the catalog to page 8
Cleaning Efficient cleaning of pots and dishes E N What matters here is that the crockery, the pots and the pans are thoroughly cleaned – quickly and conveniently. In the CLEANING zone, a profi spray with an extra strong jet to get rid of every last speck of dirt and baked-on food is ideal. The sinks are deep and wide so that baking trays and large pots can also be cleaned with ease. Washing-up liquid dispenser and strainer waste make rinsing easy and comfortable. Ciò che qui conta è la pulizia accurata di stoviglie e pentole – in modo rapido e comodo. Nella zona CLEANING si ha a...
Open the catalog to page 10
Drinking A separate source of drinking water Preparing tea or taking a sip of cold water – the DRINKING zone is the answer to many people’s desire to have a separate source of drinking water in the kitchen. Even at home, we are seeing more and more bars where people fill their glasses with water or prepare drinks. The design of fittings and sinks is adapted accordingly: neat and minimalist. EN Preparare il the o bere un sorso d’acqua fresca – la zona DRINKING è la risposta al desiderio di molte persone di avere in cucina una fonte di acqua potabile dedicata. E anche nella zona giorno si trova...
Open the catalog to page 11
How can activities in the kitchen be supported by digital technology? Come si agevolano le azioni in cucina con le tecnologie digitali? ¿De qué manera facilitan las tecnologías digitales las maniobras en la cocina? eUnit Kitchen
Open the catalog to page 12
eUnit Kitchen E N With eUNIT KITCHEN, Dornbracht is introducing an electronic product solution for the kitchen for the first time. The digital control technology and the intuitive application logic make daily activities easier than ever before: water volume, water temperature and strainer waste can be controlled precisely and conveniently using the digital control elements. Con eUNIT KITCHEN, Dornbracht introduce per la prima volta una soluzione elettronica per prodotti destinati alla cucina. La tecnologia di comando digitale e la logica d’uso intuitiva rendono più semplici che mai i gesti...
Open the catalog to page 13
E N eUNIT KITCHEN offers intelligent functions and greater convenience. Thanks to the integrated flow volume control, the exact amount of water needed for preparation can be measured. In addition, a foot sensor replaces that third hand you are missing and makes it possible to release water without using your hands. La eUNIT KITCHEN offre funzioni intelligenti e maggior comfort. La funzione di dosaggio integrata consente di misurare esattamente la quantità d’acqua che serve per la preparazione. Un sensore per l’azionamento con il piede, inoltre, sostituisce la mano libera “mancante” e...
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Between Science & Romance RALF FRÄDTKE in conversation with SVEN ELVERFELD
Open the catalog to page 16All DORNBRACHT catalogs and technical brochures
46 Pages
20 Pages
18 Pages
15 Pages
189 Pages
32 Pages
73 Pages
Kitchen Finishes
3 Pages
83 Pages
179 Pages
31151892-08 product sheet
3 Pages
29218811-00 product sheet
3 Pages
20713892-00 product sheet
4 Pages
13801892-00 product sheet
4 Pages
36712819-00 product sheet
4 Pages
Kitchen - Tara Classic
4 Pages
13 800 980-28
4 Pages
28 679 670-28
3 Pages
13 721 980-08
3 Pages
28 518 782-28
4 Pages
36 120 809-28
3 Pages
Kitchen - Sync
1 Pages
Hook - Dark Platinum matte
1 Pages
Bath - IMO
1 Pages
Bath - CL.1
2 Pages
Bath - Lissé
1 Pages
Bath - MEM
1 Pages
Kitchen sink - Lot
3 Pages
e tool Manual
11 Pages
Dornbracht Bathroom 2014
115 Pages
Elemental Spa
42 Pages
41 Pages
Dornbracht Kitchen
25 Pages
13 Pages
37 Pages
52 Pages
Dornbracht CL.1
36 Pages
eTool ? Manual
11 Pages
Dornbracht Kitchen Additions
20 Pages
Performing Shower
41 Pages
15 Pages
Dornbracht MEM
27 Pages
Element Spa
42 Pages
DORNBRACHT: the spirit of water
35 Pages
the spirit of water
57 Pages
Dornbracht Bathroom
15 Pages
Additions Kitchen
16 Pages
Archived catalogs
23 Pages