Dornbracht Bathroom 2014
1 / 115Pages

Catalog excerpts

Dornbracht Bathroom 2014 - 2

Aesthetics. Health. Intelligence. Intimacy. In the digital age, our requirements in the bathroom, spa and kitchen as living spaces are changing. Estetica. Salute. Intelligenza. Intimità. Nell’epoca della digitalizzazione le nostre esigenze negli spazi bagno, spa e cucina subiscono una trasformazione. Culturing Life Prevention Estética. Salud. Inteligencia. Intimidad. En la era de la digitalización, cambian nuestras necesidades en los ámbitos del baño, el spa y la cocina. Andreas Dornbracht AESTHETICS Digitalisation

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Dornbracht Bathroom 2014 - 3

Dornbracht Culture Projects Statements 002.98, Inez van Lamsweerde and Vinoodh Matadin, Cheap Chic, 1998 Performance 1 Mark Jarecke, Dendron, Milan, 2005 Statements 1, Nick Knight, Hamburg, 1997 Dornbracht Edges, Mike Meiré, The Farm Project, 2006 Statements 7 Thomas Rentmeister, Santo*, Venice, 2003 Statements (six) Rita Ackermann, Kissed, New York, 2001 Statements IV, To Rococo Rot, Yves Netzhammer, Mouse on Mars, Opiate, Berlin, 2000 Statements Performances Installations Conversations Sponsorships Edges Statements (six) Mark Borthwick, New York, 2001 Dornbracht Edges, Mike Meiré, Global...

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Dornbracht Bathroom 2014 - 4

178 Ritual Architecture 180 The architectural amplifier 194 The Temple 196 The Gym 198 The Origin 200 The Lagoon 202 The Landscape 204 Floor Plans Important notice for our North American customers: Please check with Dornbracht for the availability of the following products: sensory sky, Foot Bath and smart Water. eMote and eTech are not available for North America. / Avvertenza importante per i nostri clienti nordamericani: invitiamo a consultare Dornbracht sulla disponibilita dei seguenti prodotti: sensory sky, Foot Bath e smart Water. eMote ed eTech non sono disponibili sul mercato...

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Dornbracht Bathroom 2014 - 5

Source of spiritual strength, an energy-transmitter, purifying the mind. How does water influence our individual sensation? Fonte di forza spirituale, dispensatrice di energia, purificazione dello spirito. Come influisce l’acqua sul nostro benessere? Fuente de fuerza espiritual, aportación de energía y purificación del espíritu. ¿Cómo influye el agua en nuestro estado de salud?

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Dornbracht Bathroom 2014 - 6

Transforming Water E N  TRANSFORMING WATER stands for the transforming effect of water on people, and the AMBIANCE TUNING TECHNIQUE (ATT) for competent technological scenarios in the bathroom. A virtuoso combination of architecture, design and intelligent control technology creates a unique sensual water experience and harmonious choreographies of water, light and fragrance.  TRANSFORMING WATER è sinonimo dell’azione trasformante dell’acqua sull’ uomo, l’AMBIANCE TUNING TECHNIQUE (ATT) è sinonimo della competenza tecno­ogica per gli scenari nella stanza da l bagno. In un’interazione...

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Dornbracht Bathroom 2014 - 7

How does mist feel? What does a rainbow smell like? What does warm summer rain look like? Che sensazioni dà la nebbia? Che profumo emana un arcobaleno? Che aspetto ha una calda pioggia estiva? ¿Qué sensación transmite la niebla? ¿A qué huele un arco iris? ¿Qué aspecto tiene un cálido chaparrón estival? 8 Transforming Water  Sensor

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Dornbracht Bathroom 2014 - 8

Inspired by natural phenomena Sensory Sky ATT E N   Just like being in the open air. SENSORY SKY ATT turns showering into a unique experience that awakens all your senses. Different types of rain, mist, light and fragrances complement each other in complex choreographies which are inspired by weather phenomena and the moods of nature. Control is simple and convenient thanks to the digital SMART TOOLS from Dornbracht (p. 50).   La sensazione di essere a cielo aperto. Con SENSORY SKY ATT la doccia diventa un’esperienza unica che coinvolge tutti i sensi. Vari tipi di pioggia, nebbia, luce e...

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Dornbracht Bathroom 2014 - 9

 SENSORY SKY ATT provides a selection of three pre-programmed choreographies: READJUST sharpens the senses – with mist, warm rain and a pleasantly soft dry forest floor fragrance. RELEASE is as cleansing and liberating as intensive summer rain – accompanied by a fresh tropical-like fragrance. REJOICE protects, envelops and stabilises. Water drops sparkle in all the colours of the rainbow. In the air is a poetic, stimulating fragrance. EN  SENSORY SKY ATT mette a dispo­ sizione tre coreografie preimpostate: READJUST affina i sensi – con nebbia, pioggia calda e una fragranza di bosco...

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Dornbracht Bathroom 2014 - 11

Innovation emerges at the interface of disciplines. Or through a change of perspective. La novità nasce dall’interfacciarsi delle discipline. O dall’alternarsi della prospettiva. Lo nuevo surge en los puntos de contacto entre las disciplinas. O mediante un cambio de perspectiva. 16 Transforming Water  Horizontal Shower

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Dornbracht Bathroom 2014 - 12

Horizontal Shower ATT   HORIZONTAL SHOWER ATT provides, for the first time, a reclining shower experience. The application combines six WATER BARS, set above a reclining space, with an eTOOL acting as a main control element. Three pre-programmed choreographies allow selection of BALANCING, ENERGIZING or DESTRESSING effects. EN   La HORIZONTAL SHOWER ATT consente di sperimentare per la prima volta la doccia da sdraiati. L’applicazione combina sei WATER BARS, inserite sopra a una superficie su cui stendersi, e un eTOOL come elemento di comando centralizzato. Tre coreografie preimpostate...

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Dornbracht Bathroom 2014 - 14

How can various types of jet be combined to form sensual water choreographies? Come abbinare diversi tipi di getto a coreografie d’acqua che risvegliano i sensi? ¿Cómo se pueden combinar distintos tipos de chorro para conseguir una coreografía de agua sensual? Transforming Water  Vertical Shower

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Dornbracht Bathroom 2014 - 15

Vertical Shower ATT   VERTICAL SHOWER ATT combines special outlet points with different jet types. JUST RAIN envelops the body with large, pearl-like drops. A clear, broad gush of water falls from the WATER SHEET onto the shoulders. The back is stimulated by two WATER BARS. As with the HORIZONTAL SHOWER ATT (p. 16), the eTOOL allows selection between three choreographies – BALANCING, ENERGIZING or DE-STRESSING. EN   La VERTICAL SHOWER ATT combina punti di erogazione speciali con diversi tipi di getto. Il JUST RAIN avvolge il corpo con grandi gocce perlate. Dalla WATER SHEET scende sulle...

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All DORNBRACHT catalogs and technical brochures

  1. VAIA

    46 Pages

  2. IMO

    20 Pages


    18 Pages


    15 Pages

  5. CYO

    32 Pages

  6. LifeSpa

    73 Pages

  7. Kitchen

    83 Pages

  8. Bathroom

    179 Pages

  9. Bath - IMO

    1 Pages

  10. Bath - CL.1

    2 Pages

  11. Bath - MEM

    1 Pages

  12. e tool Manual

    11 Pages

  13. Elemental Spa

    42 Pages

  14. Tara.

    41 Pages

  15. IMO

    13 Pages


    37 Pages


    52 Pages

  18. eTool ? Manual

    11 Pages

  19. SELV

    15 Pages

  20. Dornbracht MEM

    27 Pages

  21. Element Spa

    42 Pages

Archived catalogs

  1. Interiors

    23 Pages