

Catalog excerpts

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Dlubal Software Software Overview September 2011 Main Programs and Modules RSTABQ The Framework Program Steel RFEM> The Ultimate FEA Program Reinforced Concrete Timber Dlubal Engineering Software www.dlubal.com ■ ■ "a 3 +■» U 3 +«» 0 LU

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Dlubal - Product overview Cross-Sections Connections Interfaces lules| Stand-alone modules RFEM Q3.1 Thin-walled -» 1.1 RSTAB Basis -> 2.1 RFEM Basis 6.1 Add-on mod G 6.1 SHAPE-THIN Cross-section properties and stress analysis JRF-/FRAME-JOINT Pro Frame Joints for frames according to Eurocode 3 and DIN 18800 JF-/END-PLATE Rigid end plate connections JΎF-/CONNECT Shear connections with end plates, web and seating cleats RF-/DSTV Typified connections in steel building constructions according to DSTV guidelines JF-/HSS Hollow section connections acc. to EN 1993-1-8:2005 * 5.1 Steel RS-COM...

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Dlubal www.dlubal.com Product overview ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ► ■ ► ■ ■ ► Program Overview Main Programs and Add-on Modules Dlubal software is based on a modular system. There are two main program families: RSTAB and RFEM. Each family is made up of the main program and its add-on moͭdules. These modules are either integrated into the main program or, in a few cases, run as independent programs. Integrated modules only run with the corresponding main program. Each main program provides the basis for defining the structure, loads and load combinations. By the project's completion, the program shows...

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rstabD Calculating Planar and Spatial Structures « m- h The RSTAB program famiׯy for structural design is used to dͩtermine in* ternal forces, support ractions and dformations of any planar or spa驭tial structure. The open and modular RSTAB program concept meets indiquai user demands for spͩcifie pro-ject requirements by integrating ad-drtional modules. Due to its user-friendliness, RSTAB has a small learning curve. which means that you will be qutckly able to handle the program. The program System offers you many helpful toots making structural calculions in engineering offices casier....

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□lui»! www.dlubal.com B 3s i s CM 4*t ^ ; r-\ ■ 1 > liiWtnWlMtP * Ai ntl iEfc Ad^^t^blr scal» (or resuit value* and cota* Results I Freely selectable display and partial views for results שvaluation I Results visualization on the ren-dered mode! I Dtermination of centroid for se-lected objects I Table output with filter options and color scale panel I Diagrams of resuit distribution on members with smoothing option I Animation of dformations by means of video recording I Filter option for graphical member resuit s I Export of results to MS Excel or OpenOffice org Cale ■ ^1 jcncfjtiori of a...

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Dlubal Engineering Software Software for Statics and Dynamics

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Steel n wvvWidlubaLcom Dlubal Design For every stress point, it is possible to dtermine the normal, the shear and the quivalent stresses to com驭pare them with the allowable stresses. When analyzing supehmposed inͭternai forces of load combinations, you can select between two calcula-bon options* Stroi ratios in the 30 rcndcrlng Results After the design's completion, the maximum stresses and stress ratios are displayed in results tables according to cross-sections, members and sets of members. In addition, the stress curve on the cross-section is displayed graphically Furthermore, the stress...

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Dlubal wwwduba.coni Steel STEELEC3 Ultimate and Serviceability Limit State Design acc. to Eurocode 3 -i4 I car LU LU The add-on module STEEL EC3 for RSTB/RFEM can be used for the ul* timate limit state design and the sta-bility as well as the d)formation analysis of members and sets of members according to Eurocode 3 (EN 1993-1-1:2005). Country-specifrc Arrangements The national application documents of the following countrics are already integrated: -4**> da***f****** ilv loi uh loi lui» in »icj*ixi-if u T. ban hh«"j'͙*" mm ■ ' EBt ici - icj m- ■ lcii n . ■ i - l _ -. i ■ ■ m: I fa-tf*...

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Steel ww.dlubal.com Dlubal □ The serviceability limit state design can be carried out for the character-istic, the frequent and the quasi-permanent action combination. The buckling and warping length coefficients required for the sta-bility analysis are defined manual-ly or graphically. A dialog box with the Euler buckling modes can be opened additionally. Furthermore, the buck-ling length coefficients from the stability analysis in RSBUCK/RF-STABILITY can be imported. Ultimate Limit State When analyzing tension, compresͭsion, bending and shear, the pro-gram compares the design values of...

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Dlubal www.dlubal.com Steel KAPPA Flexural Buckling Design acc. to DIN 18800 Part 2 (Equivalent Member Method) The add-on module KAPPA is used for the flexural buckling design ac-cording to the method described in DIN 18800 part 2. The program also checks the limit (c/t) ratios accord-ing to DIN 18800 part 1. Both design methods elastic-elastic and elastic-plastic are possible. KAPPA allows for a quick flexural buckling design for numerous mem-bers and load cases by defining only a few entries. Features I Full integration in RSTAB/RFEM with import of all relevant information and internal...

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Steel ww.dlubal.com Dlubal □ LTB Latral Torsional Buckling Design acc. to DIN 18800 Part 2 (Equivalent Member Method) The add-on module LTB is used for the latral torsional buckling design according to the equivalent mem驭ber method described in DIN 18800. In contrast to the FE-LTB module, the program performs an elastic-plastic method based on analytical formulas. Due to the connection to RSTAB/ RFEM, all relevant input data such as cross-sections, member data and diagrams of internal forces are im-ported automatically. The parame-ters required for the design are ap-propriately preset so...

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Dlubal www.dlubal.com °RFEM Steel ^ |F m Support Type to Dtermine Ncr For default supports like pinned supports or built-in/hinged supports pre-settings are available. Special sup魭ports can be specified by the degree of restraint PZ. exclusively, the stabilizing effect will still be considered by increasing the torsional constant. Optionally, LTB performs the more accurate calculation for rotation-al springs according to Lindner/ Groeschel and displays the available tensile and shear forces of the sheet-ings' or purlins' fastening screws. Load Application Point The application point zp of...

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