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THERMO M10 - 1

BEDDING - mortars THERMO M10 Thermal bedding mortar for seismic zone Thermo M5 is a thermo insulating mortar with a low specific weight based on cement, light mineral aggregates and selected sands with a suitable granulometric curve. Ideal for sesmic zone. Its use allows to limit heat losses caused by thermal bridge produced by the common mortar. • High thermal coefficient • Excellent workability • Energy saving thanks to the improvement of the thermal insulation of the masonry • Compression resistance in category M10 (> 10 2 N/mm ) • Applicable during winter time (up to +5°C) • Ageing resistant 14 ± 20% kg/m per cm of thickness for continuous joint. APPLICATION FIELDS The product is designed for the laying of masonry blocks. It has a low coefficient of thermal dispersion and is therefore ideal for walling blocks of various types improving the final yield and thus limiting heat losses and thermal bridges caused by common mortar. COLOUR Grey. PACKAGING 25 kg paper bag. Pallet: 56 buckets (1400 kg). STORAGE Thermo M10 must be stored in well ventilated areas, away from sunlight and ice, at temperatures between +5°C and +35°C. Storage time: 12 months. Diasen srl Zona Industriale Berbentina, 5 Sassoferrato ANCONA 18 1982 - CPR - 1222 EN 998-2 Masonry mortar with guaranteed performance for general purpose used in elements subject to structural requirements Compression resistance: Category M10 2 Initial resi stance to cut: 0,353 N/mm Chloride content: 0,028 ± 0,002% Fire reaction: Euroclass A1 2 0,5 Water absorption: 0,5 kg/m min Water vapour permeability: µ<15 Thermal conductivity: λ=0,244 W/mK Durability: NPD For application videos, product page, safety data sheet and other information. Bedding - mortars Whereas all indications and recommendations supplied herein are stated to the best of our experience and knowledge, they should nevertheless be considered as indicative only and should be confirmed by exhaustive practical applications. Therefore, before using this product, we recommend in any case to perform preliminary tests with the purpose of verifying the complete suitability for the intended use. In case of uncertainties and doubts contact our technical office. This sheet supersedes any other previousl

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THERMO M10 - 2

THERMO M10 Thermal bedding mortar for seismic zone Technical Data Features Yield Aspect Colour Mixing water Mixture consistency Granulometry Application temperature Workability time (EN 1015-9) Drying time (T=20°C; R.H. 40%) Working temperature Storage Packaging 14 kg/m (±20%) per cm of thickness per continuous joint powder grey max 40% tixotropic from 0 to 0,6 +5 /+35 >4 1 -15 /+40 6 months in original containers and in dry place 25 kg paper bag Final performances Thermal conductivity (λ) Medium resistance to compression mm °C hour hours °C months kg Chloride content Fire resistance Bulk...

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THERMO M10 - 3

THERMO M10 Thermal bedding mortar for seismic zone DRYING TIME • The support must be completely dry and resistant enough. • The support must be thoroughly clean, well consolidated and without debris or detaching parts. • Substrate temperature must be comprised between +5°C and 35°C. At 20°C and with a relative humidity level of 40% the product dries completely in 1 hour. • Drying times are affected by temperature and relative humidity of the environment and may vary significantly. • Protect the masonry while the mortar is getting dry from ice, direct sunlight and wind. • With high...

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