Catalog excerpts

REBUILD40 R4 One-component thixotropic mortar for structural restorations of reinforced concrete One-component thixotropic premixed mortar, classified as structural in R4 class (according to EN 1504-2). The balanced composition of natural silica sand and carbonate filler, together with the use of special additives, allow to obtain an excellent workability, as well as excellent adhesion performances and mechanical strength. The product is ideal for the restoration of reinforced concrete even in earthquake zone. Moreover, it is also suitable for all kind of concrete restoration and rebuilding, to be performed in short time. closed, in well ventilated areas, away from sunlight, water and ice, at temperature higher than +5°C (41°F). Storage time: 12 months. Excellent workability and thixotropy. Workability time 40 minute. Excellent adhesion to concrete. Class R4 according to EN 1504-2. Suitable to seismic zones. PREPARATION OF SUPPORT Concrete The substrate must be completely hardened and resistant enough. The surface must be thoroughly clean, well consolidated, without debris or detaching parts, greases or oils. Do not apply over frozen supports or if there is the probability of ice in the next 24 hours. Before product application, it is recommended to cover doorsteps, fixtures and each element that will not be coated. If the support is crumbly, it is recommended to totally scrape it until obtaining a good support. If necessary, sand the support: the thicker the layer, the rougher the surface. For supports not mentioned in this technical data sheet please contact Diasen technical department YIELD 17 ± 5% kg/m2 per cm of thickness, 8.83 ± 5% lb/ft2 per inc of thickness. COLOUR Dark gray. PACKAGING 25 kg (55.12 lb) paper bag. Pallet: 48 bags (1200 kg – 2645.5 lb). CAMPI D’IMPIEGO MIXING Rebuild40 R4 is designed for the restoration of concrete and reinforced concrete structures in earthquake zones. The product is suitable for the restoration of pillars angles and damaged beams, as well as for the restoration of clear covers of concrete/clay floors, eaves, damaged balconies, retaining walls, reinforced concrete walls or exposed concrete structures. The mortar can be used indoor or outdoor. Depending on the degree of water absorption of the support and the environmental conditions, it is recommended to dose the right amount of water needed to obtain the correct adhesion. The amount of water specified is indicative. STORAGE Store the product in its original containers well RESTORATION Whereas all indications and recommendations supplied herein are stated to the best of our experience and knowledge, they should be considered as indicative only and should be confirmed by exhaustive practical applications. Diasen doesn’t know the peculiarity of the processing, or the characteristics of the support. Therefore, the applicator should carry out preliminary tests, in order to verify the suitability to the foreseen application, and in any case, he will take the responsibility of the intended use. In case of uncertainties or doubts, please contact the company’s technical department, provided that this is only a simple assistance for the applicator: he should have the appropriate capabilities and experience in order to determine the more suitable solution. Always respect the latest update of the technical sheet available on
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REBUILD40 R4 One-component thixotropic mortar for structural restorations of reinforced concrete Mix the product using a tumbler mixer, a drill mixer or in the mixer of the spraying machine by gradually adding water to the powder. The mixture should not be mixed by hand. Rebuild40 R4 must be diluted with 15 – 17% of clean water (3.5-4.5 l, 0.92-1.19 gal US per bag of 25 kg) until obtaining a plastic, homogeneous mixture, without clumps. Never add other substance to the product. If a whip drill mixer is used, mix at low speed to not absorb air in the mortar. Before the mortar application,...
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REBUILD40 R4 One-component thixotropic mortar for structural restorations of reinforced concrete • Do not apply in case of imminent threat of rain or frost, in conditions of strong fog or with relative humidity level higher than 70%. painted with C.W.C. Stop Condense, Limepaint, Diathonite Cork Render or a breathable paint. To finish the mortar, on outdoor applications Argacem HP o Argatherm smoothers or finishes such as Acrilid Protect Coating o Diathonite Cork Render can be applied on top of the hardened product. On indoor applications it can be used the smoother Argacem HP to obtain a...
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REBUILD40 R4 One-component thixotropic mortar for structural restorations of reinforced concrete Final performances Compression resistance after 28 gg Bending strength after 28 gg Elastic modulus at compression dopo 28 gg Adhesion on brick Mass density of the mixture Mixture spreading Thermal conductivity λ Vapour permeability coefficient (µ) RESTORATION DIASEN Srl - Z.I. Berbentina, 5 - 60041 Sassoferrato (AN) Whereas all indications and recommendations supplied herein are stated to the best Tel. 0732 and 9718 - Fax +39 of our+39 experience knowledge, they 0732 should 971899 be considered...
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