Catalog excerpts

tr.row {} td.cell {} div.block {} div.paragraph {} .font0 { font:10.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font1 { font:11.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font2 { font:34.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font3 { font:6.00pt "Georgia", serif; } .font4 { font:13.00pt "Palatino Linotype", serif; } .font5 { font:14.00pt "Palatino Linotype", serif; } a TT Autoban de la espada A furniture collaboration between design firms Autoban and De La Espada. www.autoban-delaespada.com
Open the catalog to page 1
tr.row {} td.cell {} div.block {} div.paragraph {} .font0 { font:9.00pt "Palatino Linotype", serif; } "We are a mixture of cultures, and are highly influence! by each of them. Our design reflects the diversity of Istanbul culture." Hailing from Istanbul, Autoban has a wealth of culture from which to draw a unique design language. Autoban uses raw materials to create sleek, modem designs with varied cultural and histori 驩lments, and a splash of whimsy. The designs are at once playful, serene, otherworldly, and familiar. Founders, Seyhan zdemir and Sefer 锇aglar find their core inspiration in...
Open the catalog to page 2
tr.row {} td.cell {} div.block {} div.paragraph {} .font0 { font:11.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font1 { font:9.00pt "Palatino Linotype", serif; } NTERJORS PROJECTS "The key to great interior design is to consider the whole as a whole. We see an interior design project as a story. Every single dtail that makes up a product or interior is part of that story." Autoban interior design focuses on combining the natural character of the space with the frm's own vibrant strand of modernism. The widely acclaimed, M鮻zedechanga restaurant in Istanbul is a key example of this. Autoban was awarded...
Open the catalog to page 3
tr.row {} td.cell {} div.block {} div.paragraph {} .font0 { font:2.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font1 { font:4.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font2 { font:11.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font3 { font:12.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font4 { font:13.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font5 { font:18.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font6 { font:4.00pt "Arial Black", sans-serif; } .font7 { font:5.00pt "Georgia", serif; } .font8 { font:36.00pt "Lucida Sans Unicode", sans-serif; } .font9 { font:4.00pt "Palatino Linotype", serif; } .font10 { font:5.00pt "Palatino Linotype", serif; } .font11 { font:6.00pt...
Open the catalog to page 4
tr.row {} td.cell {} div.block {} div.paragraph {} .font0 { font:9.00pt "Palatino Linotype", serif; } 2009 London Design Festival, UK Capenhagen Design Week, Denmark Istanbul Design Weekend, Turkey Sofia Design Week, Bulgaria 2008 Zona Tortona, Milan Fair, Milano, Italy 2007 100% Design, London, UK ICFF, New York, USA 2006 100% Design, London, UK ICFF, New York, USA 2005 100% Design, London, UK Maison&Objet, Paris, France 2004 AD Design Fair, Istanbul, Turkey Saloon du Meuble / Design Lab., Paris, France 2003 AD Design Fair, Istanbul, Turkey 2002 AD Design Fair, Istanbul, Turkey
Open the catalog to page 5
tr.row {} td.cell {} div.block {} div.paragraph {} .font0 { font:11.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font1 { font:9.00pt "Palatino Linotype", serif; } AWARDS Select awards include: 2008 EDIDA Award At the Elle Dcor International Design Awards, Autoban was awarded first prize for the Bergre Bed in the bedroom category and for Flying Spider in the lighting category. 2008 Excellent Design Award At the Design Turkey Awards, Berg騨re was recognised as "Excellent Design" and Woody and One Armed as "Good Design". 2007 EDIDA Award Autoban was awarded first prize for the Pebble Table at the Elle Dcor...
Open the catalog to page 6
tr.row {} td.cell {} div.block {} div.paragraph {}
Open the catalog to page 7
tr.row {} td.cell {} div.block {} div.paragraph {} .font0 { font:9.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font1 { font:10.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font2 { font:11.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font3 { font:34.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font4 { font:6.00pt "Georgia", serif; } .font5 { font:8.00pt "Palatino Linotype", serif; } .font6 { font:12.00pt "Palatino Linotype", serif; } .font7 { font:14.00pt "Palatino Linotype", serif; } .font8 { font:9.00pt "Verdana", sans-serif; } JL ^3de la espada TT Autoban Retail and Wholesale Information USA UK T: +1212 6251039 T: +44 (0)20 7096 1154 E:...
Open the catalog to page 8All DE LA ESPADA catalogs and technical brochures
93 Pages
De La Espada Lookbook Vol 3
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De La Espada Lookbook Vol 2
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Archived catalogs
19 Pages
17 Pages
Matthew Hilton Catalogue 2012
20 Pages
Leif.desingpark catalogue 2011
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Autoban catalogue 2011
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Studioilse Overview
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Matthew Hilton overview
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Leif.designpark overview
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Autoban catalogue 2010
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Autoban catalogue vol2
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Autoban catalogue vol1
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De La Espada Catalogue
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52 Pages