Catalog excerpts

tr.row {} td.cell {} div.block {} div.paragraph {} .font0 { font:22.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } VOL 11
Open the catalog to page 1
tr.row {} td.cell {} div.block {} div.paragraph {}
Open the catalog to page 2
tr.row {} td.cell {} div.block {} div.paragraph {} .font0 { font:7.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font1 { font:8.00pt "Palatino Linotype", serif; } .font2 { font:13.00pt "Palatino Linotype", serif; } Inspired by the diversity of Istanbul culture. Autoban Built By De La Espada is a collaboration between design firms, Autoban and De La Espada. Select designs from the acclaimed product portfolio of Istanbul-based Autoban are manufactured by De La Espada craftsmen in Portugal. Natural materials give shape to a playful reinterpretation of the familiar. 3
Open the catalog to page 3
tr.row {} td.cell {} div.block {} div.paragraph {} .font0 { font:7.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font1 { font:11.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font2 { font:22.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font3 { font:8.00pt "Palatino Linotype", serif; } rxiriy Lighting Unit - Oak, Walnut or Painted Beech with Fabric Shade Designed by Seyhan Ozdemir and Sefer Caviar KING Product Code 220 Dimensions <L40cm h.l60cm d.15 3/4" h.63" Material: Oak, walnut or painted beech with fabric shade 60W 4
Open the catalog to page 4
tr.row {} td.cell {} div.block {} div.paragraph {} .font0 { font:7.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font1 { font:11.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font2 { font:31.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font3 { font:8.00pt "Palatino Linotype", serif; } Nng Llghtlng Unit - Oak, Walnut or Palnted Beech wlth Fabric Shade Designed by Seyhan Ozdemir and Sefer agllar KING Product Code 220 Dimensions d.40cm h.lǴOcm d.l5 3/4"h.63" Material: Oak, walnut or painted beech with fabric shade 50W
Open the catalog to page 5
tr.row {} td.cell {} div.block {} div.paragraph {} .font0 { font:6.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font1 { font:7.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font2 { font:8.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font3 { font:11.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font4 { font:32.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font5 { font:6.00pt "Palatino Linotype", serif; } .font6 { font:8.00pt "Palatino Linotype", serif; } Magnolia Lighting Unit - Plywood with Oak or Walnut Vneer □eslgned by Seyhan Ozdemlr and Sefer ag釯ar MAGNOLIA Product Code 221 Dimensions d-40cm h.l00cm d.15 3/4" K39 2/5" Material: Plywood with oak or walnut veneer 60W 6
Open the catalog to page 6
tr.row {} td.cell {} div.block {} div.paragraph {} .font0 { font:7.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font1 { font:11.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font2 { font:30.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font3 { font:6.00pt "Palatino Linotype", serif; } .font4 { font:8.00pt "Palatino Linotype", serif; } Big Lighting Unit - Plywood with Oak or Walnut Vaneer Deslgned by Seyhan Ozdemlr and Sefer Caglar BIG Product Code 222 Dimensions d-70cm h.l00cm d.2.71/2" h.39 2/5" Material: Plywood with oak or walnut veneer 60W 7
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tr.row {} td.cell {} div.block {} div.paragraph {} .font0 { font:7.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font1 { font:11.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font2 { font:32.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font3 { font:6.00pt "Palatino Linotype", serif; } .font4 { font:8.00pt "Palatino Linotype", serif; } bingie uct Lighting Unit - Powder-Coated Aluminium □esigned by Seyhan zdemir and Sefer ԇaglar SINGLE OCTOPUS Product Code 224S Dimensions d.80cm d.31 1/2" Material: Powder-coated aluminium 60W 8
Open the catalog to page 8
tr.row {} td.cell {} div.block {} div.paragraph {} .font0 { font:6.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font1 { font:7.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font2 { font:10.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font3 { font:33.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font4 { font:7.00pt "Palatino Linotype", serif; } .font5 { font:8.00pt "Palatino Linotype", serif; } Double Octopus Lighting Unit - Powder-Coated Aluminium Deslgned by Seyhan zdemlr and Sefer ag뇯ar DOUBLE OCTOPUS Product Code 224D Dimensions d.&Ocm d.311/2" Material: Powder-coated aluminium 60W
Open the catalog to page 9
tr.row {} td.cell {} div.block {} div.paragraph {} .font0 { font:6.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font1 { font:7.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font2 { font:10.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font3 { font:30.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font4 { font:7.00pt "Palatino Linotype", serif; } .font5 { font:8.00pt "Palatino Linotype", serif; } luiip hamily Lighting Unit - Gold-Plated Steel with Fabric Shade □eslgned by Seyhan zdemlr and Sefer ag䇯ar TULIP FAMILY Product Code 226C Dimensions d.40cm h.85cm d.15 3/4" h. 331/2" Product Code 226F Dimensions d.40cm h.l45cm d.15 3/4" h.57" Material: Gold-plated...
Open the catalog to page 10
tr.row {} td.cell {} div.block {} div.paragraph {} .font0 { font:7.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font1 { font:8.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font2 { font:10.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font3 { font:30.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font4 { font:7.00pt "Palatino Linotype", serif; } .font5 { font:8.00pt "Palatino Linotype", serif; } box bora Sofa - Oak or Walnut with Fabric or Leather upholstery □esigned by Seyhan Ozdemir and Sefer aglar BOX SOFA Product Code 227S Armchair Dimensions w.lOOcm 1.80cm h.70cm w39 1/3" L311/2" h.271/2" Product Code 227M Compact Sofa Dimensions w.lSOcm 1.80cm h.70cm...
Open the catalog to page 11
tr.row {} td.cell {} div.block {} div.paragraph {} .font0 { font:6.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font1 { font:7.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font2 { font:10.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font3 { font:139.00pt "Arial", sans-serif; } .font4 { font:7.00pt "Palatino Linotype", serif; } .font5 { font:8.00pt "Palatino Linotype", serif; } Dining Table - Oak or Walnut □eslgned by Seyhan zdemlr and Sefer ag뇯ar T SI SCRUB Product Code 231 Dimensions w.l88cm 1.80cm h.73.5cm w.74" 1.311/2" Iu29" Material: Oak or walnut 12
Open the catalog to page 12All DE LA ESPADA catalogs and technical brochures
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De La Espada Lookbook Vol 3
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De La Espada Lookbook Vol 2
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Archived catalogs
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Matthew Hilton Catalogue 2012
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Leif.desingpark catalogue 2011
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Autoban catalogue 2011
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Studioilse Overview
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Autoban catalogue 2010
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Autoban catalogue vol1
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Autoban Overview
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De La Espada Catalogue
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