Autoban catalogue 2010
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Catalog excerpts

Autoban catalogue 2010 - 2

AUTOBAN E»toblished m 2003 by Seyhon Ozdemk ond Sefei Cotar. Autoban l* a design ifudto operating In the field» of Intertor deuga architecture and product developiaent. The fouodotton* of Autoban were laid m the Galata ctttrict of UtanbuL taung rt» nome from the arctotectuiol landraarfc tower, The tall guillotine windowi of the duo'» studio overlook the ctt/i hWoriC quarte* with panoronrc viewi of the Boiphorur Implred by the chaos of the roega clty, contro»t», contradiction» ond the co*exi*tence of otherwise outonomoui l䩩ments ore ail trodemarks of Autoban prolect» ond producfs. Wtlh solld...

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Autoban catalogue 2010 - 3


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Autoban catalogue 2010 - 5

DECO SOFA A modernlst approoch to Art Deco, Deco Sofa t$ a rcent oddltlon to the utoban collection. With on emphash on g邩omtrie forms ond cleon jhapes, thli sofa, mode of luxurlous matriels, has a seatlng □rea that Is large* than youf average sofa and the oversiied cyllnder cushioni lust add to Its comfort.

Open the catalog to page 5
Autoban catalogue 2010 - 7

Designer: Autobon Design Yean 2009 Dimensions: 243*117'75 cm Materlah Oak / Walnut and Leather / Fabrle 243 cm 1 1 ! cm 243 cm 0 0 fc=Q

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Autoban catalogue 2010 - 9

HOLY TABLE Mode from solld wood, Holy Table reflects the work of a skllled craftsman wlth its curved legs and top. Thls table Is remlnlscent of an altar, reinterpretlng the thme of a dlnner table. To turn every dinner party into a ceremony...

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Autoban catalogue 2010 - 11

Designer: Autoban Design Year 2009 Dimensions: 200*110*75 cm Materlal: Oak / Walnut 280 cm 110 cm 28 cm \\ // 3! o // J o 3 m i i

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Autoban catalogue 2010 - 13

REEDY Reedy is a modular bookcase that allows you to create your own readlng environment. Stock he modules up and sandwich ail your books and magazines in between. A functional and modem way of bookkeeplng...

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Autoban catalogue 2010 - 17

NEST A unique seating exprience! Nest, the new armchalr from Autoban, comes with a surrounding shell, hence the name. Made of tradltional wood, it keeps you close to your earliest memories. Put it in the mlddle of an Immense dsert or in a crowded lobby, Nest makes a statement.

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Autoban catalogue 2010 - 19

Designer: Autoban Design Year: 2009 Dimensions: 66'85"14 4 cm Materlal: Oak / Palnted beech 85 cm 66 cm

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Autoban catalogue 2010 - 21

WIRED KING Autoban's floor lamp Wired Klng borrowed Its curves from an early ancestori Hall to the new Klng! Thls is Wired Klng. Avallable In black, whlte and gold finish.

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Autoban catalogue 2010 - 23

Designer: Autoban Deslan Yeor: 2008 Dimensions: 40*150 cm Matertal: Brass / Iron 40 cm 40 cm

Open the catalog to page 23
Autoban catalogue 2010 - 24

n AutobanOdelaespada PROJECTS: Autoban Office Meirutiyet Cad. No.99 34430 Tunel. Istanbul T. +90 212 243 8642 E. lnfo© PRODUCTS : Aufoban Caltory MeruHyet Cad No.64/A 34430 TOneL Islanbul T. +90 212 252 6797 E. De La Eipada Sfore 33 Cteene Street New York, NY 10013 T. +1 212 625 1039 E. www.autoban212,com / www.autoban-delaepodacom

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