Malvern Station


Catalog excerpts

Malvern Station - 1

Malvern Station MELBOURNE AUSTRALIA Porcelain and ProStep Coleman Rail, a company primarily concerned with the reconstruction of tram and heavy rail tracks, has opted to use CobbleTac® Porcelain Tactiles and ProStep® Safety Stair Nosings in the reconstruction of the Malvern tram stop on High St Rd. “ . . . t he y provide a p erman en t so l ut i o n w ith th e highest l eve l o f s a fety” Phil Smithers, Civil Engineer and Project Manager with Coleman Rail said, quote: “CobbleTac® Tactiles were chosen by Coleman Rail because they provide a permanent solution with the highest level of safety. They are brightly coloured and textured to stop passengers from slipping mishaps. The ProStep® safety nosings are also xed from underneath the insert, making them vandal proof. Being R13 rated and bright safety yellow, they are very safe where it matters most, on the edge of steps where frantic pedestrians often slip or miss the step completely” Phil went on to say; “The federal government has introduced a law enabling greater rail accessibility for the disabled. By 2012, it is expected that a signicant proportion of tram stops will conform to the requirements of this law. Essentially the elements complying with this law are the raising of tram platforms, introduction of safety features and implementation of access systems, such as Tactile guidance systems and stair nosings.” Although there has been no formal analysis conducted on how this product has impacted upon general public safety, Phil believes that it has greatly enhanced safety measures promoting greater care for the public’s wellbeing. Phil conrmed that so far the product has exceeded all expectations and the company is pleased with the overall performance. In a vote of condence for CTA’s ProStep® and CobbleTac® Inlaid, Permanent Porcelain Tactiles, Coleman Rail has asked CTA to supply these products for its Adelaide1.6km extension rail project. t h e o n ly co m p a ny i n a u s t r a l i a w i t h eve r y tactile solution HEAD OFFICE : U N I T 4 , 7 C O M M E R C I A L C O U R T, T U L L A M A R I N E , V I C TO R I A 3 0 43 , A U S T R A L I A T EL EP H O N E : 1300 282 282 FAC SIMILE : +61 3 9334 2621 EMAI L : sales@ cobbl et a c . c om WEBSITE : www. c obbl et a c . c o m

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