Lifestyles Complex


Catalog excerpts

Lifestyles Complex - 1

Lifestyles Complex SOUTH MELBOURNE AUSTRALIA Sure Steel® The Lifestyle Complex at South Melbourne, houses a number of popular stores together with gymnasium, child minding, restaurants, a wine bar, dry cleaners, pharmacy, medical centre as well as four levels of car parking and three oors of ofce space. “ . . . The a esth etic look an d fe e l o f S u reSteel ® was a maj o r con sidera tion as to why i t was selec ted” An impressive seven level $100 million development on the corner of Cecil, Market and York Streets South Melbourne, its design and state of the art features are sure to be noted. Aesthetics have also played an intrinsic role in this project this is precisely why Trevor Meakin, an associate with the Buchan Group, turned his sights to CTA Australia’s SureSteel® Tactile indicators to achieve the aesthetic effect that was needed to enhance the look and feel of the environment. substrates. The individual dots and strips were an attractive feature and the product would withstand heavy duty trafc. “The aesthetic look and feel of SureSteel® was a major consideration as to why it was selected.” SureSteel® stainless steel Tactile Indicators which are designed and manufactured by CTA Australia Pty Ltd, have a distinct design and installation technique which is covered by two individual patents. These patents provide an R13 anti-slip rating and make SureSteel® quick and effective to install. Further, they are able to be walked on immediately, which eliminates any down time. t h e o n ly co m p a ny i n a u s t r a l i a w i t h eve r y tactile solution When asked why the decision was made to go with SureSteel®, Trevor said that it worked well with existing materials of stone and timber HEAD OFFICE : U N I T 4 , 7 C O M M E R C I A L C O U R T, T U L L A M A R I N E , V I C TO R I A 3 0 43 , A U S T R A L I A T EL EP H O N E : 1300 282 282 FAC SIMILE : +61 3 9334 2621 EMAI L : sales@ cobbl et a c . c om WEBSITE : www. c obbl et a c . c o m

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