Catalog excerpts
Birrung Marr MELBOURNE AUSTRALIA ProStep® CTA Australia has left its indelible footprint on yet another Victorian icon, Birrarung Marr. Its ProStep® safety stair nosing has provided the complex with safe and secure footing for the general public utilizing this space. “ . . . a we l l d esign ed p rod u ct t hat no t on ly con form s to t he A ust ralia n Stan d a rd s b u t i t al so l ooks great” ProStep® safety stair nosing was reviewed as a viable product for the Birrarung Marr project by City Wide Solutions Pty Ltd, one of Australia’s fastest growing facility managers providing environmental, engineering and maintenance services to both the commercial and government sectors. Helen Sanders, Project Engineer for City Wide Solutions Pty Ltd, commented: “ProStep® was given the tick of approval by our team and submitted to the City of Melbourne who made the ultimate decision of going ahead with the product. We considered ProStep® to be a well designed product that not only conforms to the Australian Standards but it also looks great”. Hok Sie, Senior Engineer and Team Leader for Infrastructure Design with the City of Melbourne, was ultimately responsible for the selection process. “When choosing the stair nosing for the Birrarung Marr project a number of products were critically reviewed. The most important criteria, we had to address, is public safety. This was an element high on the agenda for the team. Hok Sie commented that ultimately ProStep® safety stair nosing won the approval of the Infrastructure Design Team because it provides excellent safety characteristics, is brightly coloured and is less likely to detach” “The products low prole design means it doesn’t present a trip hazard. The product also needs to perform for a long time and since the fastenings are concealed, we are condent it won’t be tampered with by would be vandals. Overall these aspects result in greater public safety.” When asked how the product is performing Hok Sie commented that he was satised with the product to date and based on this would recommend ProStep® safety stair nosing for future works. It is encouraging to see that the ProStep® characteristics highlighted by CTA Australia are being used as the criteria of selection by reputable companies such as CityWide and councils. CTA is highly aware that councils are critical agents acting on behalf of a savvy public who demand safety, aesthetics and value for their taxpayer dollar and we design and manufacture our product on the strength of this philosophy. HEAD OFFICE : U N I T 4 , 7 C O M M E R C I A L C O U R T, T U L L A M A R I N E , V I C TO R I A 3 0 43 , A U S T R A L I A T EL EP H O N E : 1300 282 282 FAC SIMILE : +61 3 9334 2621 EMAI L : sales@ cobbl et a c . c om WEBSITE : www. c obbl et a c . c o m
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