

Catalog excerpts

Character - 2

strong presence with a refined a ttitude, Character by Crossville complements your space while remaining anything but neutral. > Admiration. Apprecia tion. And just a touch of envy . Design should transcend the visual to inspire a range of emotional response. Combining a >

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Character - 3

3 Produ ct featured i n p hoto on page 2 and a b o v e : Loyalty Moka 12" x 24" >

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Character - 4

of your space. work with your design to reveal the true personality architecture toda y , Character s distinctive a ttributes Enhancing the simple, yet striking, beauty inherent in >

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Character - 6

Ill u miness enc e R a d i anc e G l ass frosted 6 A rrogance Black 24" x 24", Pr o du ct featured i n p hoto at the right and on page 7: Product featured in photo a b o v e : Arroganc e B l ack 1 8" x 1 8", V anity Almond 18 " x 18 " > open areas. Character strikes the perfect balance between form and function. Monolithic schemes demand design solutions bold enough to hold their own without detracting from the minimalist a ppeal of expansive size="-1">

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Character - 8

hint of veining f ound in natural stone. concrete, adding visual interest with the merest C h ara ct er ca p tu r es t h e u rb an f eel of st ai n ed >

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Character - 9

9 Qu e stec h M e t a ls F lagstone F loor B order Corner Bronze Qu e stec h M e t a ls F lagstone F loor B order ֖ B ro n ze P ro d uct featured in photo a b o v e : Loyalty Moka 24" x 24" >

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Character - 10

10 Produc t fea t ured i n ph o t o a b o v e : V anity A lmond 12" x 24", 18" x 18" >

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Character - 12

C O F - W e t >0.6 A ST M C1 02 8-8 9 C O F - D r y >0.8 A ST M C1 02 8-8 9 Scratch Hardness 8 MOH's Scale W at er A b s o r p t i o n <0.10% A S TM C 37 3 Fro st R esi st an c e R e s i s t a n t A ST M C1 02 6 Che mic al R esi st an c e U n a ff e c t e d A S TM C 65 Bond Strength >200 psi ASTM C482 Breaking Strength >500 lpf. ASTM C648 > Product Perf ormance C r o s s v i l l e p r o d u c t s i s a v a i l a b l e a t or sealer s are need ed. More information regarding t h e c a r e a n d m a i n t e n a n c e o f cleaning). Rinse t h o r o u g h l y and d ry wit...

Open the catalog to page 12

All Crossville catalogs and technical brochures

  1. Retro Active

    10 Pages

  2. Savoy Brochure

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Archived catalogs

  1. Plan

    10 Pages


    13 Pages

  3. UltiMetal

    13 Pages

  4. Bella Via

    9 Pages

  5. Illuminessence

    20 Pages

  6. Strong

    8 Pages

  7. Empire

    23 Pages

  8. Ecocycle

    10 Pages

  9. Color Box

    21 Pages

  10. Americana

    4 Pages