Rivestimenti Rettificati in Gres


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Rivestimenti Rettificati in Gres - 1

Rivestimenti Rettificati in Gres 30x60

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Rivestimenti Rettificati in Gres - 3

effetto cemento/pietra RETTIFICATO RECTIFIED RECTIFIÉ 30x60 12”x24” WHITE Extra White / Extra Formelle White / Extra Mosaico White

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Rivestimenti Rettificati in Gres - 4

gres porcellanato glazed porcelain / gres cerame gres porcellanato glazed porcelain / gres cerame EX4003 € 42,00 mq Extra Formelle White (misto 21 pz) 30x60 RTT 7 $ note notes notes I decori sono imballati misti nelle scatole ed e possibile la ripetizione di piu soggetti nella stessa scatola. Decorations are packed on a random basis and it is possible the replication of some decors into the same box. Les decors sont melanges dans les boites avant d'etre emballes. Plusieurs motifs semblables peuvent se trouver dans la meme boite. Extra Mosaico 5x5 White 31x31 12 ^ Extra Mosaico 5x5 Grey...

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Rivestimenti Rettificati in Gres - 5

Prestige Gris / Prestige Blanc / Prestige Pennellato

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gres porcellanato glazed porcelain / gres cerame gres porcellanato glazed porcelain / gres cerame Mosaico Prestige 5x5 Blanc 31x31 12 ^ Mosaico Prestige 5x5 Gris 31x31 12 ^ pezzi speciali special pieces pieces speciales Mosaico Prestige 5x5 Anthracite 31x31 12 ^ Mosaico Prestige 5x5 Taupe 31x31 12 $ Gradino Elle Costa Retta 1 ® Gradino Angolare Elle Costa Retta DX/SX 1 ® € 204,00 pz € 336,00 pz □ pesi e misure weight and sizes poids et mesures gewichte und verpackungen

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Rivestimenti Rettificati in Gres - 7

effetto cemento/pietra RETTIFICATO RECTIFIED RECTIFIÉ 30x60 12”x24” WHITE Replay White / Replay Sand / Mosaico 5x5 Replay White+Sand

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Rivestimenti Rettificati in Gres - 8

V M2 si£> Replay Mosaico gres porcellanato glazed porcelain / gres cerame RPL001 € 42,00 mq gres porcellanato glazed porcelain / gres cerame RPL040 € 180,00 mq Mosaico 5x5 Replay Crete + Smoke 31x31 12 ^ Mosaico 5x5 Replay White + Sand 31x31 12 ^ pezzi speciali special pieces pieces speciales RPL043 Replay Smoke € 8,80 pz □ RPL044 Replay Sand € 8,80 pz □ Gradino Elle Costa Retta 30x60x5 RTT 30x120x5 RTT Gradino Angolare Elle Costa Retta DX/SX 1 ® 30x60x5 RTT € 204,00 pz □ pesi e misure weight and sizes poids et mesures gewichte und verpackungen

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Rivestimenti Rettificati in Gres - 9

Concept Stone effetto cemento/pietra RETTIFICATO RECTIFIED RECTIFIÉ 30x60 12”x24” NEVE Concept Stone Neve / Concept Stone Ferro / Mosaico Concept Stone Neve

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Rivestimenti Rettificati in Gres - 10

gres porcellanato glazed porcelain / gres cerame CNS031 Concept Stone Neve 30x60 RTT 7 Concept Stonerio y V3 gres porcellanato glazed porcelain / gres cerame CNS034 € 42,00 mq Concept Stone Ferro 30x60 RTT 7 $ Concept Stone Ghisa 30x60 RTT 7 ^ Concept Stone Mosaico 5x5 Neve 31x31 12 ^ Concept Stone Mosaico 5x5 Ferro 31x31 12 ^ Concept Stone Mosaico 5x5 Ghisa 31x31 12 ^ Concept Stone Mosaico 5x5 Corda 31x31 12 ^ pezzi speciali special pieces pieces speciales Concept Stone Corda 30x60 RTT 7 $ CNS071 Concept Stone Neve € 8,80 pz □ CNS074 Concept Stone Ferro € 8,80 pz □ CNS073 Concept Stone...

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Rivestimenti Rettificati in Gres - 11

effetto cemento/pietra RETTIFICATO RECTIFIED RECTIFIÉ 30x60 12”x24” IVORY Mythos Ivory / Mythos Écru / Listarella Mythos Ivory / Listarella Mythos Écru

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Rivestimenti Rettificati in Gres - 12

gres porcellanato glazed porcelain / gres cerame MTS001 € 42,00 mq gres porcellanato glazed porcelain / gres cerame MLS011 € 42,00 mq Listarella Mythos Ivory 30x60 RTT 7 O Listarella Mythos Steel 30x60 RTT 7 $ Listarella Mythos Ecru 30x60 RTT 7 0 Listarella Mythos Plomb 30x60 RTT 7 $ Mythos Mosaico 5x5 Ivory 31x31 12 ^ Mythos Mosaico 5x5 Ecru 31x31 12 ^ Mythos Mosaico 5x5 Steel 31x31 12 ^ Mythos Mosaico 5x5 Plomb 31x31 12 ^ pezzi speciali special pieces pieces speciales MTS061 Mythos Ivory € 8,80 pz □ MTS062 Mythos Ecru € 8,80 pz □ MTS063 Mythos Steel € 8,80 pz □ MTS064 Mythos Plomb € 8,80...

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Rivestimenti Rettificati in Gres - 13

culle portacartelle expo berceaux Listarella Mythos Écru 30x60 RTT Listarella Mythos Steel 30x60 RTT MLS012 Listarella Mythos Écru 30x60 RTT Mythos Mosaico 5x5 Ivory 30x60 12”x24” gres porcellanato rettificato rectified glazed porcelain / grès cérame rectifié Listarella Mythos Écru 30x60 RTT MLS013 Listarella Mythos Steel 30x60 RTT Listarella Mythos Plomb 30x60 RTT 7 Mythos Mosaico 5x5 Écru Mythos Mosaico 5x5 Plomb 12 MTS053 Mythos Mosaico 5x5 Steel MTS051 Mythos Mosaico 5x5 Ivory 31x31 MLS011 Listarella Mythos Ivory 30x60 RTT Mythos Mosaico 5x5 Plomb 12 Mythos Mosaico 5x5 Écru 31x31 Mythos...

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Rivestimenti Rettificati in Gres - 14

Rivestimenti Rettificati in Gres 30x60 . settembre 2018 I colori e le caratteristiche estetiche dei materiali illustrati nel presente catalogo sono da ritenersi puramente indicativi. Cotto Petrus srl si riserva di apportare modifiche e/o eliminare senza preavviso i prodotti declinando ogni responsabilità per danni diretti o indiretti derivanti da eventuali modifiche. Colours and optical features of the materials illustrated in this catalogue are to be regarded as mere indications. Cotto Petrus srl can change the indicated products without notice declining any responsability for direct or in...

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Rivestimenti Rettificati in Gres - 15

Rivestimenti Rettificati in Gres 30x60 Cotto Petrus srl Via Molino 4 42014 Roteglia di Castellarano RE Tel +39 0536 851626 / 0536 851621 Fax +39 0536 851118 www.cottopetrus.it info@cottopetrus.it

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