IMOLA 1874
1 / 15Pages

Catalog excerpts

IMOLA 1874 - 2

mood board Le tracce del passato si trasformano in materia nuova, fatta di essenza ricercata.. Glimpses of the past are transformed into a new material, made of a refined essence. Imola Milleottocentosettantaquattro

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IMOLA 1874 - 3

destinazioni d’uso suggested applications destination anwendungsbereich lugar de empleo предназначение krajnja namjena dometisc purpose habitation wohnbereich habitación жилое помещение stanovanje indicazioni d’uso indications for use instructions d’utilisation anwendungsbereich indicaciones de uso указания по использованию upute o korištenju wall tiles revêtement wand revestimiento облицовка zidovi smalto lucido tipology of glaze typologie d’émail typologie der glasur tipología de esmalte типология эмали tipologija emajla glossy glaze email brillant glänzende glasur esmalte brillante...

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IMOLA 1874 - 4

imola 1874 anni 40 5 creacon 36g imola 1874 w

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IMOLA 1874 - 5

vyy v 'o.^ vyy vo.f/y xo.i/y vv^-w-/ vs- ^7*t^N 'OVS ^* tN, "^Jff*^ '--rlfk y*?rZ*~~ ^T^""*""". iT7HVN -O'IVN ^/VV> -^/iv^ ^7»\-N ^>VN ' ^/*«* v ^;«t^ yltSs s*. 'o. Si*S 'TOSS ^/t'ON -^1^- ,^/»yteJ

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IMOLA 1874 - 8

imola 1874 anni 30dl mix b.imola 5g imola 1874 g imola 1874 w wood 161ce

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IMOLA 1874 - 9

imola 1874 anni 30dl mix b.imola 5g imola 1874 g imola 1874 w wood 161ce

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IMOLA 1874 - 10

imola 1874 Anni 60 mix b.imola 2DL imola 1874 dl imola 1874 w

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IMOLA 1874 - 11

imola 1874 Anni 60 mix b.imola 2DL imola 1874 dl imola 1874 w

Open the catalog to page 11
IMOLA 1874 - 12

Wall tiles Revêtement Wandfliese Revestimiento Облицовка Zidovi Double fired tiles Bicuisson Zweibrandfliesen Bicocción Бикоттура Dvokratno paljenje PAVIMENTI Floor tiles - Sol - Bodenfliese Pavimento - Пол - Podovi - 地板

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IMOLA 1874 - 13

Pavimenti coordinati Co-ordinated floors - Carreaux de sol coordonnés - Passende bodenfliesen - Pavimentos coordinados Co-ordinated floors - Carreaux de sol coordonnés - Passende bodenfliesen - Pavimentos coordinados creative concrete creative concrete creative concrete creative concrete creative concrete creative concrete Pavimenti coordinati

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IMOLA 1874 - 14

La natura e la tecnologia si fondono per dar vita a un nuovo concetto di ceramica che mette al centro il rapporto tra l’uomo e l’ambiente; un binomio inscindibile per il conseguimento consapevole dei principi di eco-efficienza aziendale ed eco-compatibilità ambientale sigillatoda importanti riconoscimenti. Nature and technology combine to give birth to a new concept in ceramic tiles which places the relationship between man and the environment at the centre; an inseparable combination for the conscious achievement of eco-efficient corporate principles as well as those of environmental...

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IMOLA 1874 - 15

V TJ^ Carta da fontl gestlte

Open the catalog to page 15

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Archived catalogs

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