Catalog excerpts

struttura | framemetallo | metal # sedile | seat similpelle | faux leather NOTA: per le combinazioni disponibili consultare il listino prezzi. | NOTE: please check all available combinations in the price list.
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Garda CB1525 - CB1688 sedia e sgabello | metallo P176 tortora opaco / srniilpelle Ekos G8Q tortora chair and stool | metal Pl~6 matt taupe / Ekos faux leather G8Q taupe Daily stories
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Garda CB1525 sedie | metallo P94 bianco ottico opaco / similpelle Bedford SLY sale - chairs | metal P94 matt optic white / Bedford faux leather SLY salt white Pentagon Fast CB4800-R 160 tavolo allungabile | metallo P94 bianco ottico opaco / ceramica P17C marmo bianco alpi - extending table | metal P94 matt optic white / ceramic P17C white alpi marble
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Daily stories
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