Catalog excerpts

struttura | frame metallo | metal sedile | seat materiali sintetici | synthetic fabrics NOTA: per le combinazioni disponibili consultare il listino prezzi. | NOTE: please check all available combinations in the price list.
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Air CB57 sgabello | metallo P95 acciaio satinato / materiale sintetico Net 460 grigio stool | metal P95 satin finished steel/ Net synthetic fabric 460 grey Air CB93 sedia | P15 nero opaco / materiale sintetico Net Nancy AV7 Sahara chair | P15 matt black / Net Nancy synthetic fabric AV7 Sahara
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Air CB93 sedie | P15 nero opaco / materiale sintetico Net 450 steel - chairs | P15 matt black / Net synthetic fabric 450 steel Planet CB4005-FD 120 tavolo fisso | metallo P94 bianco ottico opaco / laccato P94 bianco ottico opaco - non-extending table | metal P94 matt optic white / lacquered P94 matt optic white
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