Catalog excerpts
THE COMPANY Climar is a lighting company that designs, manufactures and supplies lighting solutions specifically tailored to professional customer’s needs. It’s the biggest manufacturer in its domestic market and started its internationalization in 1989. Today we can rely on a well established network of distributors and agents, operating on most of the European countries and all over the world. The company strives for new ways to meet the needs of its customers. From this visionary spirit arises the concept of Lighting Solutions, in which the design approach and architecture are keys in...
Open the catalog to page 2A EMPRESA A Climar é um fabricante de iluminação que concebe, desenvolve, fabrica e fornece soluções de iluminação adequadas às necessidade especificas dos seus clientes profissionais. É um dos maiores fabricantes nacionais, tendo iniciado a sua internacionalização em 1989. Hoje conta com uma rede bem estabelecida de distribuidores e agentes, que operam na maioria dos países europeus e em todo o mundo. A empresa procura continuamente novas formas de satisfazer as necessidades dos seus clientes. Deste espírito visionário, surge o conceito de Soluções de Iluminação para o qual a abordagem...
Open the catalog to page 3J’ai, premièrement, dessiné les lampes Douro pour ma maison en pensant réduire la facture d’électricité. Climar a entendu qu’ils pourraient être dans de nombreuses maisons.” pt “Desenhei os candeeiros Douro para a minha casa, pensando em reduzir a conta da luz: A Climar considerou que poderiam estar em muitas outras casas.” es “He dibujado las lámparas Douro para mi hogar, pensando en reducir la factura de la luz: Climar consideró que podrían estar en muchos otros hogares.”
Open the catalog to page 4DOURO DESIGN BY ÁLVARO SIZA VIEIRA “I drew Douro lamps for my home in an attempt to reduce the electricity bill: Climar considered that it might as well be in many other homes.” Design by Arch. Álvaro Siza Vieira
Open the catalog to page 5Albino Miranda a depuis longtemps cultivé la passion pour la sculpture, passion qui vient à être entretenue avec les années aussi bien au niveau professionnel par son travail, comme au niveau de ses projets personnels. Des formes élégantes et des lignes fluides en communion avec une créativité particulière, définissent son style et atteignent un travail capable de conquérir un espace, pas seulement par son art mais aussi par la valeur décorative présentée. Fruit de son travail, il a obtenu le prix du Design ExportHome 2012 dans la catégorie du mobilier.” pt Desde cedo que a paixão pela...
Open the catalog to page 16DESIGN & DECOR DESIGN BY ALBINO MIRANDA “Albino Miranda’s passion for sculpture revealed at an early age. This passion has been grown over the years, both professionally by adapting it to its work, but also on personal projects. His style is defined by elegant shapes and fluid lines in harmony with a unique creativity, resulting in works capable of conquering a space not just for its artistry but also for their decorative value. Has a result of his work, won in 2012 the Design ExportHome award in the furniture category.” Design by Albino Miranda
Open the catalog to page 17FICHA TÉCNICA Identidade, Conceito, Design, Fotografia e Texto: Dir. Marketing Gráfica: Orgal Impressores Publicação: DVM.195.14.0 Data: 03.2014 © copyright Climar Todos os direitos reservados.
Open the catalog to page 43po box. Climar - Industria de lluminagao, S.A. Apartado 170 . 3754-909 Agueda . Portugal add. Rua Estrada Real, 50 . 3750-866 Borralha PROGRAMA OPERACIONAL FACTO RES DE COMPETTTMIMDE UNIAO EUROPEIA Fundo Europeu
Open the catalog to page 44All Climar catalogs and technical brochures
242 Pages
44 Pages
3 Pages
6 Pages
13 Pages
5 Pages
44 Pages
216 Pages
68 Pages
564 Pages
244 Pages
Archived catalogs
Index and Concepts
48 Pages
8 Pages
Medical lighting
14 Pages
Industrial application
32 Pages
Indoor surface mounting
46 Pages
Recessed mounting
24 Pages
Aluminium profiles
38 Pages
Signs and emergency lighting
8 Pages
Wall and ceiling mounting
32 Pages
18 Pages
Interior Design
28 Pages
Full General Catalogue
380 Pages
"Custom made" solutions
14 Pages