

Catalog excerpts

Catalogue - 1

STONE GLOBAL One tfop source fOf voiiohle Indian natural ilonei

Open the catalog to page 1
Catalogue - 2

Company Profile Thf jpt«r uimmltaoit ij Ihnf s**l«7. MgMr n»*ptfttirt jirtc*■ * MAIIIUM tUfwrirt, in *nUr r* km fang faKfcj ifiitrTuutict\dhtpforrt\unuf*itturir\$ luMtrlirpt, caunturivptttt* "N/VNTUiMi^frplhtKflWlMi/^iifinmitfyJ |*m/lU» TVWikh ) fl/ttt*nr noi-fabfnmrtf.QuimiJ*. ».rr»<i*lffn^fcmnton* Fool ttWhp WrJi AtawT Ponprnu One slop source for versatile - Muihmm Stint** Sttpp*ng Oh?nn * Masotiary Slutus • SatiifJlonrArtidoj Ganirn Ptirtufurr Marhtf Artickt nriTilfiirrjcii ■. ii- h-Jflt Mfr»t Mhnofagy in the quartt

Open the catalog to page 2
Catalogue - 14

Gfmitps ate avirfnbw »n me fomi ol ■ They dfe dbo jvMdble in different flnfcho l*t PtfWwtHoncrt. Anilque. FUmed, teainct. SMn Bi^h Hammered Bfinhfd A Wjm let Iurtticr wuc erf colum b jrvAiUbke

Open the catalog to page 14
Catalogue - 19

• Kill range at caujn And Ivtiihn ivjtlnbliL

Open the catalog to page 19
Catalogue - 22

Sandstone Arficles / Garden furniture

Open the catalog to page 22
Catalogue - 23

Semi Precious Stones

Open the catalog to page 23
Catalogue - 35

lu-iu UfrGOfl lu-a'a

Open the catalog to page 35
Catalogue - 44

fusion (Gloss, Mefol. Stone, Wood) Granite Mosaics

Open the catalog to page 44
Catalogue - 45

Exotics Mosaics Borders (Marble, Slate, Sandstone)

Open the catalog to page 45
Catalogue - 46

Profiles / Edge Finishes Edge ftnithn

Open the catalog to page 46
Catalogue - 47

Sfone Veneer Natural Uow ;*iWTr r> a ubJr ****** of mm 1*rFf erf vancui ot rogf qnru* Ytf>* ft CM b* Af^l^d ■ rr.wiy Mfrrrrt uiiUrfi Hit »nd»\ of (Xrtifcxs\ hhr (Ottrw. Ur*c wscrj. ffKlL : r. .V..-.-1 NbeigUu b*ck*t bo*id,ttf*. diy vwlL waited urtuv MDK itoot ifcnit otoinmy m mil JI >UUiidf 5wme Vctw Kft been levied MI cwHujvcnrar In my> diflrrcrtf erMninmcrm DicvUig icbt'j tupctb itwteful wheir J lightweight real Honeflnhhdrilled A hrmrr v*d now nut nwD»#n#aoKjl MfpH unyacfcoloun jv*n..»:i»r in ifrcruriiMl ucxv vurwrmdtfi iu m vi'Mrt* utility * il K nuile hwn rt»n ir/cn wal cr*...

Open the catalog to page 47
Catalogue - 48

an answer to every need AfWw^ed with 4 Mde ranye ( * product* uftptilXf tfie pOVtibrtfty ,ii uj UfUlbUfly to adopt wc*i (trodutt to ihe format* W*d MWtol needs erf nth l«divtdujl protect.

Open the catalog to page 48
Catalogue - 50

PfVptJItlltCtl of " r .: V t ' CO*-ered Orld tfil ItrrW of l4w NaKjful Store V™ ll«Ml i: * >- 0fMt C» fix UOnO H hie Time t.-nl \ rep H iii OTOO w*D pay oN imrnmnely A pi vfiminury dry fir ol formal Stotm Voow olowt for ■ iMTii^ipiwrt and witnitAri ot imlfvuijnl d*»er» po^eim touujei, end talon lWt*e ftmil pla vmnrrl ft n iKorwwioW **J^ HHI be dry *** WE^T Jw» 1* — J] * *- pboed ert hot J-11 1,1 or ii < ■ U r, ttjrnberrej ifie J*een * »ach fUx«Sw b«fcr* cutting oiid ttimming >i recommended and M)\ w*» hire iiglit I™* and c*rve* « b#»t dan* tar^j noted hn imp* Natural Sfer^ Wfloel tin ol>o...

Open the catalog to page 50