Catalog excerpts

ArchiSuite ® for The architectural design sector is so variegated that every designer would like to work with his or her own particular tools. With ArchiSuite, Cigraph intends to give ArchiCAD users customised functions for made-to-measure solutions to facilitate all stages of their work. The project is based on the Cigraph add-ons (you will remember that an addon is a software component allowing you to add new functions to ArchiCAD). Our aim, however, is to continue enhancing this ever-open container over time to reflect our users’ suggestions. Inside ArchiSuite Creation of custom stairs ArchiStair ArchiStair helps create stairs, even when the design constraints of a new design or renovation project make a regular shape impossible. Through a simple quick graphic interface, ArchiStair allows you to create stairs incorporating steps and landings with imaginative custom shapes. Creation of a floor plan ArchiMap ArchiMap provides all the tools needed to create a floor plan. The measurements can be entered manually, or by direct interface with the Leica DISTO-plus laser distance meter with BlueTooth connection. As well as the drawing functions and insertion of doors and windows, the resulting plan can easily and quickly be transformed into a 3D model made up of ArchiCAD parametric elements. Creation, laying and calculation of tiles ArchiTiles ArchiTiles allows you to design, visualise and calculate the laying of tiled surfaces such as floors, walls and roofs in ArchiCAD. The surfaces can be covered with tiles already existing in the library, or new tiles created with ArchiTiles with square, rectangular, polygonal or custom shapes. Floating floors and false ceilings ArchiPanel ArchiPanel can be used to represent floating floors and false ceilings, starting with a zone or ArchiCAD fill. The surfaces can be covered using simple laying systems, or much more complex systems employing panel modules with the repetition of different shapes, sizes and materials. Miscellanea ArchiTools ArchiTools is designed to be a kind of multipurpose Swiss-knife gathering commands and functions extremely useful for the user. In this version: Customizable free-shaped Windows, Multiply-Drag & Mirror in Section/Elevation, Objects Free 3D rotate, Tables handling (tabbed texts import), Points Clouds Import and Handling, Area Lists.
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ArchiSuite for ArchiCAD 16 Management of surface materials ArchiMaterial ArchiMaterial enables you to manage ArchiCAD surface materials, organising them in a user specifiable hierarchy, defining favourites and using the drag&drop technique to preview a selected material by dragging it onto the element to which it will be assigned. You can also generate seamless tiling and images to use for bump-mapping effects, transparency, etc. Terrain modelling ArchiTerra ArchiTerra is indispensable for all ArchiCAD users needing to manage a site model, or create terrains with complex forms. You often...
Open the catalog to page 2All CIGRAPH catalogs and technical brochures
27 Pages