Shatterpro and Shatterpoint Acoustic Breakglass Detectors


Catalog excerpts

Shatterpro and Shatterpoint Acoustic Breakglass Detectors - 1

Intru d er A l ar ms | CCTV | A c ce s s Con t rol | Int e g r ated S y s t em s Con t rol S y s t em s | Co ntac ts | D e tect ors | So un ders | A l ar m C o nfirma tio n | M o nitori ng/K e y h ol ding | Ser v ici n g Designed to respond to ultra sound f r equency generated by breaking glass > Distinguishe s between breaking glass and backg round noise for reliable o peration > Effective on various types of glass, such as plate , laminated, tempered and wired glass > Shatterpro covers a radius of 6 metres and is pa rticularly suit able for larg e windows > Shatterpoint covers an area of 3 x 3 metres and is particu larly suitable fo r display cases > Small, unobtrusive desig n, easy to install and co nfigure >

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Shatterpro and Shatterpoint Acoustic Breakglass Detectors - 2

Chubb i s on e o f the UKs large s t p r ov iders of secu rity and fire de te ction If y ou require any supplementary in for m ation, plea se contact y our local serv ices and opera t es throu gh a na tion al ne tw ork o f br anches. Ea ch lo cal Chubb repre s en ta ti v e . Alterna t iv ely for general sale s en qu iries, y ou branch team po sse s s t he b e st combin ation of skill s and e x pertise can call our freeph one. toge ther w i th a kno w ledge of y our are a . A ll ba cked up by an interna t ionally re co gnized leadin g br an d. The Chubb p o licy i s on e o f con t i nuo us...

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