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Catalog excerpts

Swing - 1

SWING colori in movimento

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Swing - 2

Arricchisci la tua casa di piacevoli sensazioni, inventa il tuo spazio partendo dal colore. Gioca con le tinte e crea atmosfere accoglienti tutte da vivere e condividere con chi vuoi. Scegli Swing, una tavolozza di colori vitali e luminosi per dare ritmo ed energia agli ambienti della tua vita. Verschönere Deine Zuhause durch angenehme Empfindungen, erfinde mit Farbe deinen Raum, spiele mit Farben und schaffe gemütliche Atmosphären, die man erleben und teilen kann mit wem man möchte. Wähle Swing, eine lebendige und leuchtende Farbtafel, die Rhythmus und Energie in die Ambiente Deines Lebens...

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Swing - 3

Enrich your home with a touch of pleasant sensations, create your own space starting from colours. Play with colour hues and discover welcoming atmospheres to live in and share with whoever you choose to. Choose Swing, a lively and luminous colour palette to instil some rhythm and energy into your living spaces. Enriquece tu casa con agradables sensaciones, inventa tu espacio partiendo por el color. Juega con las tintas y crea atmósferas acogedoras para ser vividas integralmente y compartir con quien quieras. Escoge Swing, una paleta de colores vitales y luminosos para dar ritmo y energía a...

Open the catalog to page 3
Swing - 5

L’eleganza del viola unita alla morbidezza del beige per creare ambienti raffinati. L’élégance du violet rencontre la douceur du beige pour composer des espaces raffinés. Die Eleganz des Violetts vereint sich mit der Weichheit des Beiges, um raffinierte Ambiente zu schaffen. The elegance of purple combined with the soft feel of beige to create refined spaces. La elegancia del violeta unida a la suavidad del beige para crear ambientes refinados. pop . twist twist 30,5x56 RT - 12”x22” twist Mosaico 30,5x30,5 RT - 12”x12” pop pavimento pop 30,5x56 RT - 12”x22” 30,5x30,5 RT - 12”x12” pop camp....

Open the catalog to page 5
Swing - 9

blues . jazz jazz 30,5x56 RT - 12”x22” blues Mosaico 30,5x30,5 RT - 12”x12” blues pavimento blues 30,5x56 RT - 12”x22” 30,5x30,5 RT - 12”x12” Blu intenso ed elegante per ritrovare negli spazi le emozioni più glamour. Un bleu intense et élégant qui permet de retrouver les émotions les plus glamour dans les espaces. Intensives und elegantes Blau, um in den Räumen die glamourösesten Emotionen wiederzufinden. Intense, elegant blue to fill your spaces with the sensations of glamour Azul intenso y elegante para reencontrar las emociones más glamorosas en los espacios.

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Swing - 11

I ■■■■ ■■■ ■■■ ■! !■■ ■ ■■■ ■ ■■■ ■■■■■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■■ ■■■■■■■>! mrnm >■■■ ■■■ ■■■■ ■■ ■■■ iiiiiii ■■ ■■■■ ■■ ■■■■ ■ ■■■ ■ ■■■■■ ■I III ■ mm V. 1 □

Open the catalog to page 11
Swing - 13

rock . jazz jazz 30,5x56 RT -12”x22” jazz Lounge 15x56 RT - 6”x22” rock 30,5x56 RT -12”x22” rock Lounge 15x56 RT - 6”x22” Swing Decoro PIXEL blues 15x56 RT - 6”x22” rock pavimento 30,5x30,5 RT - 12”x12” Armonie delicate, fra toni bianchi e azzurri, per una libertà tutta da vivere. De délicates harmonies, entre des tons blancs et bleu ciel, pour une liberté à vivre pleinement. Dezente Harmonien unter den Tönen Weiß bis Azur, für eine Freiheit , die gänzlich gelebt werden kann. Delicate harmonies of white and light blue shades for a freedom to live in. Armonías delicadas, entre tonos blancos...

Open the catalog to page 13
Swing - 15

mosaico jazz jazz Mosaico 30,5x30,5 RT - 12”x12” Riflessi di luce sul mosaico: brillanti vibrazioni per un effetto total white. Des reflets de lumière sur la mosaïque, de brillantes vibrations pour un effet total white. Lichtreflexe auf Mosaik: glänzende Vibrationen für einen Total White Effekt. Light reflections on mosaic: brilliant vibrations for a total white effect. Reflejos de luz en el mosaico: brillantes vibraciones para un efecto total white.

Open the catalog to page 15
Swing - 17

dance . jazz jazz Lounge 15x56 RT - 6”x22” dance 30,5x56 RT - 12”x22” dance Lounge 15x56 RT - 6”x22” Swing Decoro PIXEL twist 15x56 RT - 6”x22” Delicatezze glicine sposano la luminosità del bianco. Les délicatesses du glycine épousent la luminosité du blanc. Die Feinheit des Lilas vereint sich mit der Leuchtkraft des Weißes. Lilac softness infuses with the brightness of white. Delicadezas de color glicinia se unen a la luminosidad del blanco.

Open the catalog to page 17
Swing - 18

30,5x56 RT 15x56 RT 12”x22” 6”x22” 10 mm 10 mm 30,5x30,5 RT 12”x12” 8 mm Pavimento coordinato in gres porcellanato Sol coordonné en grès cérame Kombinierte Bodenfliesen Feinsteinzeug Porcelain Stoneware matching floor Pavimentos coordinados en gres porcelánico RIVESTIMENTO IN PASTA BIANCA . Revêtements en pâte blanche Weißscherbiger wandfliesen White body wall tiles Revestimentos en pasta blanca EN 14411 Allegato L_Piastrelle di ceramica pressate a secco (E > 10%) Gruppo BIII GL (smaltate, émaille, glasierte, glazed, esmaltado, ) pop Pavimento 30,5x30,5 RT - 12”x12” PEI V pop dance...

Open the catalog to page 18
Swing - 19

blues 30,5x56 RT - 12”x22” rock 30,5x56 RT - 12”x22” blues Lounge 15x56 RT - 6”x22” rock Lounge 15x56 RT - 6”x22” twist Mosaico 30,5x30,5 RT - 12”x12” blues Mosaico 30,5x30,5 RT - 12”x12” dance Mosaico 30,5x30,5 RT - 12”x12” pop Mosaico 30,5x30,5 RT - 12”x12” jazz Mosaico 30,5x30,5 RT - 12”x12” rock Mosaico 30,5x30,5 RT - 12”x12” blues Pavimento 30,5x30,5 RT - 12”x12” PEI II blues SWING blues SWING rock rock Pavimento 30,5x30,5 RT - 12”x12” PEI IV rock

Open the catalog to page 19
Swing - 20

SWING colori in movimento Spigolo 1x28 - 0,4”x11” * * Disponibile in tutti i colori. Available in all colors. Disponibles dans toutes les couleurs. In allen Farben erhältlich. Disponible en todos los colores. Ang. Est. Spigolo 1x1 - 0,4”x0,4” * pop camp. ROSE LUX 30,5x56 RT - 12”x22” jazz camp. ROSE LUX 30,5x56 RT - 12”x22” pop Listello ROSE dance 7,5x30,5 RT - 3”x12” pop Listello ROSE dance 7,5x56 RT - 3”x22” jazz Listello ROSE rock 7,5x30,5 RT - 3”x12” jazz Listello ROSE rock 7,5x56 RT - 3”x22” rose lux Profilo Inox 0,5x50 RT - 0,2”x20” pixel Swing Decoro PIXEL twist 15x56 RT - 6”x22”...

Open the catalog to page 20

All CERAMICHE SUPERGRES catalogs and technical brochures

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  12. Ekho

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  13. Frenchmood

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  14. Medley

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  15. natural appeal

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  16. art

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  17. Story

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  18. Stonework

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  19. T_20

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  20. T20

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Archived catalogs

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  4. Privé

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  5. Lake Stone

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  6. Lace

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  7. Brit

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  8. Model

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  9. Remake

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  10. Visual Design

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  11. Dress Up

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  12. Smart Town

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  14. ELISIR

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  15. TWILL

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  16. PETALI

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  18. U (YOU)

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  21. MY MOOD

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  24. Instile

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  25. Diva

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  26. Selection

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  27. Amabel

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  28. Full

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  29. Wind

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  31. Wood 1560

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  35. Arké

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  37. U(YOU)

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