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Catalog excerpts

Story - 2

STORY È una storia lontana che ancora ritorna con la sua forza e la sua tradizione, per raccontare anni di vita che trascorrono intensi. Una storia che trova le sue radici in Francia, tra i segni e le sfumature che il tempo ha lasciato sulle pavimentazioni in pietra, che diventano oggi i canoni di un nuovo concetto di bellezza tutto da valorizzare. Nella nuova interpretazione in gres porcellanato, Stor y trasforma le imperfezioni in peculiarità, la matericità in naturalezza, la grafica in punto d’equilibrio tra antico e moderno, per una storia nuova senza fine.

Open the catalog to page 2
Story - 3

STORY CHAPTER .1 ivory CHAPTER .2 bronze CHAPTER .3 grey CHAPTER .4 dark A timeworn story that keeps returning with its strength and its tradition, to recite the passing of time elapsed with intensity. A tale that has its roots in France, between the marks and hues left by the passage of time on stone paving, which today have become the canons of a new concept of beauty yet to be fully valued. In the new reinterpretation of porcelain stoneware, Stor y transforms imperfections into peculiarities, the texture of the matter into naturalness and the graphics into perfect equilibrium between the...

Open the catalog to page 3
Story - 4

CHAPTER .1 I confini si perdono, l’antico stringe la mano al moderno, le imperfezioni diventano carattere. Barriers fade away, the antique shakes hands with the modern, imper fections become character. Les limites s'effacent, l'ancien se mêle au moderne, les imperfections deviennent caractère. Die Grenzen verlieren sich, das Alte reicht dem Modernen die Hand, Unvollkommenheiten werden zum Merkmal. Las fronteras se pierden, lo antiguo estrecha la mano a lo moderno, las imperfecciones se convierten en carácter. Г раницы стираются , старина сплетается с современностью, несовершенства...

Open the catalog to page 4
Story - 5

story bronze brick 7.5x30 - 3"x12"

Open the catalog to page 5
Story - 6

CHAPTER .2 L’eleganza del portamento è lo stile dell’arredamento, pose e sfumature che accostano passato e futuro. The elegance of posture is the furnishing style, details and shades that juxtapose past and future. L'aspect élégant est le style du mobilier, des détails et des nuances qui combinent passé et futur. Der Habitus der Eleganz ist der Stil der Möbel, der Details und der Nuancen, die Vergangenheit und Zukunft verbinden. La elegancia del porte es el estilo de la decoración, detalles y matices que unen pasado y futuro. Интерьер элегантностью. воедино Детали и нюансы сплетают прошлое...

Open the catalog to page 6
Story - 7

story ivory brick 7.5x30 - 3"x12" story bronze 45x90RT - 18"x36" STORY

Open the catalog to page 7
Story - 8

CHAPTER .3 Una tavola imbandita, un raggio di sole illumina dettagli che rendono l’atmosfera di una bellezza singolare. A sumptuously laid table, a ray of sunlight illuminates the details that make the atmosphere exceptionally beautiful. Une table dressée, un rayon de soleil illumine des détails qui rendent l'atmosphère d'une beauté singulière. Ein gedeckter Tisch, ein Sonnenstrahl beleuchtet Details, die die Atmosphäre einzigartig schön machen. Una mesa bien puesta, un rayo de sol ilumina detalles que dan una belleza singular a la atmósfera. Накрытый солнца мягко освещает детали ,...

Open the catalog to page 8
Story - 9

« story grey mosaico burattato 30x30 - 12"x12" STORY

Open the catalog to page 9
Story - 10

story grey T_20 45x90 - 18"x36" westbrown spaccatella 10.5x45RT - 4"x18" serie Travel STORY

Open the catalog to page 10
Story - 11

CHAPTER .4 La ricerca dell’armonia di corpo e anima trova equilibrio nell’intensità degli spazi dal gusto minimal. The search for harmony between body and soul finds its balance in the intensity of spaces of minimalistic flair. La recherche de l'harmonie entre corps et âme trouve son équilibre dans l'intensité des espaces au goût minimaliste. Die Suche nach Harmonie von Körper und Seele findet ihr Gleichgewicht in der Intensität der Räume von minimalistischem Stil. La búsqueda de una armonía de cuerpo y alma encuentra el equilibrio en la intensidad de los espacios de gusto minimalista. П...

Open the catalog to page 11
Story - 12

« story dark brick 7.5x30 - 3"x12" story dark 75x75RT - 30"x30" STORY

Open the catalog to page 12
Story - 13

{ more applications } story ivory brick 7.5x30 - 3"x12" story bronze 30x60RT - 12"x24" story bronze brick 7.5x30 - 3"x12" story ivory T20 45x90 RT - 18"x36" story grey brick 7.5x30 - 3"x12" story dark brick 7.5x30 - 3"x12"

Open the catalog to page 13
Story - 14

GRES PORCELLANATO . Porcelain Stoneware . Grès Cérame . Feinsteinzeug . Gres Porcelánico . Керамический Гранит EN 14411 Allegato G_Piastrelle di ceramica pressate a secco con basso assorbimento d’acqua (E ≤ 0,5%) Gruppo B Ia UGL (non smaltate, non émaille, unglasierte, unglazed, no esmaltado, Неглазурованные) STORY IVORY STORY BRONZE STORY BRONZE 45x90 RT - 18”x36” STORY BRONZE 45x90 T20 - 18”x36” STORY IVORY 45x90 RT - 18”x36” STORY IVORY 45x90 T20 - 18”x36” STORY BRONZE BRICK 7,5x30 - 3”x12” STORY IVORY BRICK 7,5x30 - 3”x12” STORY BRONZE Mosaico Burattato 30x30 - 12”x12” STORY IVORY...

Open the catalog to page 14
Story - 15

GRES PORCELLANATO . Porcelain Stoneware . Grès Cérame . Feinsteinzeug . Gres Porcelánico . Керамический Гранит EN 14411 Allegato G_Piastrelle di ceramica pressate a secco con basso assorbimento d’acqua (E ≤ 0,5%) Gruppo B Ia UGL (non smaltate, non émaille, unglasierte, unglazed, no esmaltado, Неглазурованные) STORY GREY STORY DARK STORY GREY 45x90 RT - 18”x36” STORY GREY 45x90 T20 - 18”x36” STORY GREY BRICK 7,5x30 - 3”x12” STORY GREY Mosaico Burattato 30x30 - 12”x12” STORY DARK BRICK 7,5x30 - 3”x12” STORY DARK Mosaico Burattato 30x30 - 12”x12” Pezzi speciali . Special tiles STORY GREY...

Open the catalog to page 15
Story - 16

Gres Porcellanato . Grès cérame . Feinsteinzeug . Porcelain stoneware . Gres porcelanico . Керамогранит Norma di riferimento: EN 14411 Allegato G - Piastrelle di ceramica pressate a secco con basso assorbimento d’acqua (E 0,5%) Norme retenue: EN 14411 Annexe G - Carreaux céramiques pressés à sec avec faible absorption d’eau (E 0,5%) Besugznorm: EN 14411 Anlage G - Trockengepresste keramische Fliesen und Platten mit niedriger Wasseraufnahme (E 0,5%) Reference standard: EN 14411 Appendix G - Dry pressed ceramic tiles with low water absorption (E 0,5%) Norma de referencia: EN 14411 Anexo G -...

Open the catalog to page 16

All CERAMICHE SUPERGRES catalogs and technical brochures

  1. cobb

    35 Pages


    53 Pages

  3. IRONY

    29 Pages


    23 Pages


    43 Pages


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  8. EPIKA

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  9. astrum

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  11. Walk

    21 Pages

  12. Ekho

    15 Pages

  13. Frenchmood

    22 Pages

  14. Medley

    30 Pages

  15. natural appeal

    17 Pages

  16. art

    37 Pages

  17. Stonework

    23 Pages

  18. T_20

    15 Pages

  19. T20

    33 Pages


    17 Pages

  21. Stockholm

    13 Pages

Archived catalogs

  1. Coast road

    25 Pages

  2. Met-All

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  4. Privé

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  5. Lake Stone

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  6. Lace

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  7. Brit

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  8. Model

    15 Pages

  9. Remake

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  10. Visual Design

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  11. Dress Up

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  12. Smart Town

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    17 Pages

  14. ELISIR

    13 Pages

  15. TWILL

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  16. PETALI

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    6 Pages

  18. U (YOU)

    24 Pages


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    23 Pages

  21. MY MOOD

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  23. Everstone

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  24. Instile

    11 Pages

  25. Diva

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  26. Selection

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  27. Amabel

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  28. Full

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  29. Wind

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  30. Profumi

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  31. Swing

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  32. Wood 1560

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  33. MyMood

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  34. Nouveau

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  35. Kalos

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  36. Arké

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  37. Suburbia

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  38. U(YOU)

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  39. Rigo

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  40. One

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  41. I Bianchi

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  42. B-KIND

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