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Purity of Marble


Catalog excerpts

Purity of Marble - 2


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Purity of Marble - 3

PURITY OF MARBLE La purezza e l’eleganza del marmo. La nobiltà del marmo e la raffinatezza delle venature cromatiche trovano un perfetto punto d’incontro in Purity of Marble. Un progetto completo in gres porcellanato e rivestimenti in pasta bianca che interpreta in chiave ceramica l’eleganza e la bellezza di diversi marmi pregiati offrendo all’architettura contemporanea soluzioni progettuali di design. The purity and elegance of marble The nobility of marble and the refinement of coloured veining find their perfect balance in Purity of Marble. A project range complete with porcelain...

Open the catalog to page 3
Purity of Marble - 4

ROYAL BEIGE ELEGANT GREIGE SUPREME DARK ONYX PEARL IMPERIAL GREY Sculpting is not carving stone, it is finding the breath of life in it and revealing it. Scolpire non è scavare una pietra, è trovare il respiro della vita in essa e rivelarlo. Sulle superfici di Purity of Marble rivive tutto il fascino dei marmi più pregiati, unici nella loro bellezza. Delicate venature, profondi dettagli cromatici e nobili sfumature rivelano l’essenza più intima della materia e arredano gli spazi, conferendogli eleganza e luminosità. All the charm and unique beauty of the most precious marbles are brought to...

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Purity of Marble - 5

PURITY OF MARBLE NEWBIGSIZE 30,5x91,5RT . 8,5mm RIVESTIMENTO IN PASTA BIANCA . White body wall tiles Due anime caratterizzano Purity of Marble: gres porcellanato e rivestimento in pasta bianca in un unico progetto che riproduce con straordinario realismo otto diversi marmi. Il nuovo grande formato 120x278 cm in gres porcellanato di soli 6 mm di spessore, offre nuovi spunti progettuali e arricchisce gli spazi di eleganza e personalità. Two spirits characterise the unique Purity of Marble project: porcelain stoneware and white body cladding in a unique project that reproduce, with...

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Purity of Marble - 6

PURE WHITE Il bianco nella sua purezza più essenziale si arricchisce di venature e sfumature profonde che accentuano la sofisticata eleganza di Pure White. White in all its simplest purity is enriched by veining and deep shades that accentuate the sophisticated elegance of Pure White. Le blanc dans sa pureté la plus essentielle s’enrichit de veinures et de nuances profondes qui accentuent l’élégance sophistiquée de Pure White. Weiß in seiner elementaren Reinheit ist mit Adern und tiefen Farbnuancen angereichert, die die edle Eleganz von Pure White noch hervorheben.

Open the catalog to page 6
Purity of Marble - 7

PURE WHITE FLOOR Pure White lux 120x120 RT . 48”x48” WALL Pure White lux 120x278 RT . 48"x109 1/2" 010 PURITY OF MARBLE pure white 011 PURITY OF MARBLE pure whit

Open the catalog to page 7
Purity of Marble - 8

012 PURITY OF MARBLE pure white PURE WHITE Pure White lux 120x278 RT . 48"x109 V2" 013 PURITY OF MARBLE pure white

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Purity of Marble - 9

PURE WHITE FLOOR Northwhite 30x240RT . 12"x96" - serie TRAVEL WALL Pure White 30.5x91.5 RT . 12”x36” Pure White camp. Ramage 30.5x91.5 RT . 12”x36” Pure White lux 120x278 RT . 48"x109 1/2" 014 PURITY OF MARBLE pure white 015 PURITY OF MARBLE pure

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Purity of Marble - 10

016 PURITY OF MARBLE pure white 017 PURITY OF MARBLE pure white

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Purity of Marble - 11

ONYX PEARL Sofisticato, originale, delicato: Onyx Pearl arreda gli spazi contemporanei caratterizzandoli con esclusiva eleganza. Sophisticated, original, delicate: Onyx Pearl enhances the contemporary interior, with a distinctive exclusive look. Sophistiqué, original et délicat : Onyx Pearl décore les espaces contemporains tout en les caractérisant d’une esthétique exclusive. Edel, originell, zart: Onyx Pearl richtet Räume mit zeitgenössischem Flair ein und charakterisiert sie mit einer exklusiven Ästhetik.

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Purity of Marble - 12

ONYX PEARL FLOOR Onyx Pearl lux 120x120 RT . 48”x48” WALL Onyx Pearl lux 120x278 RT . 48"x109 1/2" 020 PURITY OF MARBLE onyx pearl 021 PURITY OF MARBLE onyx pear

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Purity of Marble - 13

SUPREME DARK Eleganza e fascino esaltate nel colore più scuro della gamma Purity of marble Elegance and charm are emphasised with the Purity of marble range’s darkest colour Élégance et charme rehaussés dans la couleur la plus foncée de la gamme Purity of marble Eleganz und Charme von der dunkelsten Farbe der Serie Purity of marble hervorgehoben 022 PURITY OF MARBLE supreme dark 023 PURITY OF MARBLE supreme

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Purity of Marble - 14

SUPREME DARK FLOOR Natural wild 30x240RT - 12"x96" serie Natural Appeal WALL Supreme Dark lux 120x278RT - 48"X109 t/2" 024 PURITY OF MARBLE supreme dark 025 PURITY OF MARBLE supreme dark

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Purity of Marble - 15

SUPREME DARK FLOOR Supreme Dark lux 120x120RT - 48"x48" WALL Supreme Dark lux 120x278RT - 48"X109 'A' Calacatta lux 120x278RT - 48"X109 'A" 026 PURITY OF MARBLE supreme dark 027 PURITY OF MARBLE supreme dark

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Purity of Marble - 16

STATUARIO Lussuoso, elegante, scultoreo. Il marmo Statuario abita gli spazi più raffinati e, grazie alle molteplici venature grigie che attraversano la sua superficie bianca, garantisce dinamicità estetica agli ambienti, arricchendoli di un’impagabile brillantezza ed eleganza. Luxurious, elegant and sculptural. Statuario marble embraces the most refined spaces and, thanks to the multiple grey veining that streaks along its white surface, guarantees aesthetic dynamicity to the ambiances, enriching them with brilliance and elegance of inestimable value. Luxueux, élégant, sculptural. Le marbre...

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Purity of Marble - 17

STATUARIO FLOOR Stotuorio lux 120x120 RT . 48"X48" WALL Stotuorio lux 120x278 RT . 48"X109 A 030 031PURITY OF MARBLE PURITY OF MARBLE statuario

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Purity of Marble - 18

STATUARIO FLOOR Statuario lux 75x150 RT . 30"x60" WALL ART graphite struttura sign 30,5x91,5 RT . 12"x36" serie ART 032 033PURITY OF MARBLE PURITY OF MARBLE statuario

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Purity of Marble - 19

STATUARIO FLOOR Statuario lux 75x75 RT . 30”x30” STONEWORK T20 ardesia nera T20 60x120 RT . 24”x48” WALL Statuario 30,5x91,5 RT . 12”x36” Statuario struttura fluid 30,5x91,5 RT . 12”x36” STONEWORK ardesia nera 60x120 RT . 24”x48” 034 PURITY OF MARBLE statuario

Open the catalog to page 19

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