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Catalog excerpts


TESORO SOMMERSO Dove il canale della Manica si restringe e le due coste sembrano sul punto di ricongiungersi, l’oceano cede il passo allo stretto di Dover e alle sue acque calme e poco profonde. Qui il passare dei millenni ha formato pietre calcaree duttili e resistenti, che hanno accompagnato il progresso delle civiltà del nord e le loro costruzioni. SUNKEN TREASURE Where the English Channel narrows and the two coasts seem about to rejoin, the ocean gives way to the Strait of Dover and its calm, shallow waters. Here, the passage of millennia has formed ductile and resistant limestone,...

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NORTHERN LIGHTS La luce a queste latitudini accarezza e non scolpisce, crea atmosfere tenui, si riflette sulle superfici luminose, dai colori neutri e naturali, amplificandosi all’interno degli ambienti. Lo stile riflette l’armonia e la bellezza della natura con un design essenziale e pulito, che esalta l’atmosfera creando ambienti dal fascino moderno ed elegante. Light at these latitudes caresses rather than sculpts, it creates soft atmospheres and is reflected on bright surfaces in neutral, natural colours and amplifies indoors. The style reflects the harmony and beauty of nature with an...

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Gres Porcellanato Porcelain stoneware Grès cérame Feinsteinzeug FORMATI SIZES | anti slip soft touch R10 B | 120x120 RT, 60x120 RT, 60x60 RT, 30x60 RT PEARL WHITE

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Armonioso ed elegante, riscalda ogni ambiente con le sue note calde. Harmonious and elegant, it warms any room with its warm notes. Harmonieuse et élégante, elle réchauffe chaque espace avec ses notes chaudes. Harmonisch und elegant erwärmt dieses Produkt jeden Raum mit seinen warmen Noten. Kalkarea ivory 120x120RT - 48”x48” Kalkarea ivory 120x278RT - 48”x109 1/2

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Pattern naturale e tenue, dal fondo caldo per atmosfere familiari. Natural, soft pattern with a warm background, for familiar atmospheres. Formes naturelles et douces sur fond chaud pour des atmosphères familiales. Natürliches, weiches Muster mit einem warmen Untergrund für familiäre Atmosphären. Kalkarea sand 120x120RT - 48”x48” Kalkarea ivory mos.shape 30.5x30.8 - 12”x12

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particolare verticale ivory muro living

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Riflette dolcemente la luce naturale dando vita ad ambienti luminosi. It gently reflects natural light, creating bright environments. Reflète tendrement la lumière naturelle pour créer des espaces lumineux. Es reflektiert sanft das natürliche Licht und schafft helle Umgebungen. Kalkarea pearl 120x120RT - 48”x48” Kalkarea pearl grip 120x120RT - 48”x48” Kalkarea white 120x278RT - 48”x1091/2” Love Brown nest 50x120RT - 20”x48” seri

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Sfumature di colore moderne che esaltano arredi minimal tanto residenziali quanto commerciali. Modern colour shades that enhance minimalist residential as well as commercial furnishing. Des nuances de couleur modernes qui mettent en valeur des ameublements minimalistes, aussi bien résidentiels que commerciaux. Moderne Farbnuancen unterstreichen minimalistische Wohn- und Geschäftseinrichtungen. Kalkarea pearl 120x120RT - 48”x48” Kalkarea pearl T20 60x120 - 24”x48” Kalkarea white 120x278RT - 48”x109 1/

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Gres Porcellanato Porcelain stoneware | Grès cérame | Feinsteinzeug | anti slip soft touch R10 B | 120x120 RT, 60x120 RT, 60x60 RT, 30x60 RT | anti slip soft touch R10 B | 120x120 RT, 60x120 RT, 60x60 RT, 30x60 RT *disponibile su richiesta / available upon request 26

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Gres Porcellanato Porcelain stoneware | Grès cérame | Feinsteinzeug | anti slip soft touch R10 B | 120x120 RT, 60x120 RT, 60x60 RT, 30x60 RT | anti slip soft touch R10 B | 120x120 RT, 60x120 RT, 60x60 RT, 30x60 RT *disponibile su richiesta / available upon request 28

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Gres Porcellanato Porcelain stoneware | Grès cérame | Feinsteinzeug Kalkarea è disponibile anche nella versione strutturata antiscivolo in 20 mm di spessore, nei formati 60x60 e 60x120 rettificati. Garantisce una perfetta continuità estetica tra l’interno e l’esterno, e la sicurezza di utilizzare un materiale altamente resistente che mantiene inalterate nel tempo le proprie caratteristiche. Kalkarea is also available in the anti-slip version in 20 mm thickness, in the rectified sizes 60x60 and 60x120. This guarantees perfect aesthetic continuity between the interior and exterior, and the...

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Gres Porcellanato Porcelain stoneware | Grès cérame | Feinsteinzeug MOSAICO SHAPE Il mosaico esagonale crea un or iginale disegno sulla parete . The hexagonal mosaic creates an unique texture on the wall. La mosaïque hexagonale crée un un dessin original sur le mur. Das sechseckige Mosaik schafft Bewegung an der Wand. MOSAICO Il mosaico con tesser a quadr ata decor a gli ambienti con semplicità. The mosaic with square tile decorates yuor spaces with simplicity. La mosaïque carrée décore les espaces avec simplicité. Das Mosaik mit quadratischen Fliesen schmückt die Räume mit Einfachheit.

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Gres Porcellanato Porcelain stoneware | Grès cérame | Feinsteinzeug PEZZI SPECIALI | SPECIAL TILES | PIÈCES SPÉCIALES | FORMTEILE IMBALLI | EMBALLAGE | VERPACKUNG | PACKING GRADINO 30x60 RT . 12”x24” GRADONE CON PROFILO INCOLLATO 33x120 RT . 13.2”x48” GRADONE CON PROFILO INCOLLATO 33x60 RT . 13.2”x24” GRADONE ANGOLARE CON PROFILO INCOLLATO 33x33 RT . 13.2”x13.2” * 120x278 fornito in casse di dimensioni 291,6x144,5x33,8 (PxLxH) cm - Peso kg 88 / o in casse per max 5 pz dim.291.6x144.5x24h - peso kg 52.5 * 120x278 supplied in crates. Dimensions crate cm 291,6x144,5x33,8h cm - Weight kg 88 /...

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LA CERAMICA. UNA SCELTA SICURA. CERAMICS. A SAFE CHOICE. Gres Porcellanato Porcelain stoneware | Grès cérame | Feinsteinzeug Norma di riferimento: EN 14411 (ISO 13006) Allegato G - Piastrelle di ceramica pressate a secco con basso assorbimento d’acqua (Ev 0,5%) Norme retenue: EN 14411 (ISO 13006) Annexe G - Carreaux céramiques pressés à sec avec faible absorption d’eau (Ev ≤ 0,5%) . Besugznorm: EN 14411 (ISO 13006) Anlage G - Trockengepresste keramische Fliesen und Platten mit niedriger Wasseraufnahme (Ev ≤ 0,5%) . Reference standard: EN 14411 (ISO 13006) Appendix G - Dry pressed ceramic...

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All CERAMICHE SUPERGRES catalogs and technical brochures

  1. cobb

    35 Pages


    53 Pages

  3. IRONY

    29 Pages


    43 Pages


    39 Pages


    3 Pages

  7. EPIKA

    2 Pages

  8. astrum

    25 Pages


    41 Pages

  10. Walk

    21 Pages

  11. Ekho

    15 Pages

  12. Frenchmood

    22 Pages

  13. Medley

    30 Pages

  14. natural appeal

    17 Pages

  15. art

    37 Pages

  16. Story

    17 Pages

  17. Stonework

    23 Pages

  18. T_20

    15 Pages

  19. T20

    33 Pages


    17 Pages

  21. Stockholm

    13 Pages

Archived catalogs

  1. Coast road

    25 Pages

  2. Met-All

    25 Pages


    19 Pages

  4. Privé

    17 Pages

  5. Lake Stone

    27 Pages

  6. Lace

    17 Pages

  7. Brit

    17 Pages

  8. Model

    15 Pages

  9. Remake

    19 Pages

  10. Visual Design

    15 Pages

  11. Dress Up

    19 Pages

  12. Smart Town

    19 Pages


    17 Pages

  14. ELISIR

    13 Pages

  15. TWILL

    9 Pages

  16. PETALI

    17 Pages


    6 Pages

  18. U (YOU)

    24 Pages


    15 Pages


    23 Pages

  21. MY MOOD

    17 Pages


    13 Pages

  23. Everstone

    13 Pages

  24. Instile

    11 Pages

  25. Diva

    9 Pages

  26. Selection

    17 Pages

  27. Amabel

    9 Pages

  28. Full

    24 Pages

  29. Wind

    9 Pages

  30. Profumi

    16 Pages

  31. Swing

    24 Pages

  32. Wood 1560

    9 Pages

  33. MyMood

    36 Pages

  34. Nouveau

    44 Pages

  35. Kalos

    28 Pages

  36. Arké

    40 Pages

  37. Suburbia

    32 Pages

  38. U(YOU)

    24 Pages

  39. Rigo

    17 Pages

  40. One

    20 Pages

  41. I Bianchi

    68 Pages

  42. B-KIND

    32 Pages