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Catalog excerpts

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2p0erx 5ra0v. vCivoaloreri lpai ecnais a, dglei csoprai zpie er mvivoascaiizczi are apemrb pieenrstio. nalizzare gli fFriUzzLaLn ète e, celeletgticaan,t e. Des couleurs pleines qui égayent la maison, des décors qui vivifient l’espace et des mosaïques pour personnaliser chaque pièce. FULL est éclectique, pétillant, élégant. Volle Farben um das Heim aufzufrischen, Dekore um Räume zu beleben und Mosaike um Ambiente individuell zu gestalten. FULL ist vielseitig, prickelnd, elegant. Deep colours to enliven your house, decors to give motion to spaces and mosaics to personalize every room. FULL is...

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20x50 icefull.greyfull.icefull camp stripes 4,5x50 greyfull listello 30x30 mosaico autumn pavimento coordinato: Grigio Pav. 30x30 - 12”x12”

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20x50 icefull.greyfull.icefull camp stripes 4,5x50 greyfull listello 30x30 mosaico autumn pavimento coordinato: Grigio Pav. 30x30 - 12”x12”

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20x50 bluefull.creamfull.4,5x50 bluefull listello 30x30 mosaico ocean pavimento coordinato: Blu Pav. 30x30 - 12”x12”

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20x50 bluefull.creamfull.4,5x50 bluefull listello 30x30 mosaico ocean pavimento coordinato: Blu Pav. 30x30 - 12”x12”

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20x50 brownfull.creamfull.creamfull camp jungle 4,5x50 brownfull listello. 30x30 mosaico wood pavimento coordinato: My Ground 22,5x90 RT serie My Mood

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20x50 brownfull.creamfull.creamfull camp jungle 4,5x50 brownfull listello. 30x30 mosaico wood pavimento coordinato: My Ground 22,5x90 RT serie My Mood

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ICE full 20x50 8mm 20x50. 8”x20” Rivestimento in pasta bianca Revêtements en pâte blanche Weißscherbiger wandfliesen white body wall tiles Revestimientos en pasta blanca íàñòåííàÿ ïëèòêà íà áåëîé ãëèíå EN 14411 Allegato L_Piastrelle di ceramica pressate a secco (E > 10%) Gruppo BIII GL (smaltate, émaille, glasierte, glazed, esmaltado, Ë̉ÂÍÒË̉Â)

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grey full blue full 20x50. 8”x20” 20x50. 8”x20” brown full 20x50. 8”x20” cream full 20x50. 8”x20”

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Decori Decors Dekor Decors Decoraciones ÑÂÍop¸ý 8mm 20x50. 8”x20” 20x50. 8”x20” 4,5x50. 2”x20” 4,5x50. 2”x20” icefull camp. JUN GLE icefull camp. STRIPES bluefull listello greyfull listello

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20x50. 8”x20” 20x50. 8”x20” 20x50. 8”x20” 4,5x50. 2”x20” creamfull camp JUN GLE brownfull listello mosaico *inciso creamfull camp STRIPES Disponibile in tutti i colori Disponibles dans toutes les couleurs In allen Farben erhältlich Available in all colours Disponible en todos los colores Äîñòóïíû âñå öâåòà *

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pz/box mq/box kg/box box/plt mq/plt kg/plt spessore 20x50 7 0,70 9,80 72 50,40 720 8 mm 20x50 Jungle 7 0,70 9,80 - - - 8 mm 20x50 Stripes 7 0,70 9,80 - - - 8 mm 20x50 Mosaico Inciso 7 0,70 9,80 72 50,40 720 8 mm listello 6 - - - - - - mosaico su rete 6 0,54 15,40 42 22,68 660 10 mm profilo 6 - - - - - - 30x30 Pav. 13 1,17 22,00 48 56,16 1070 8 mm Mosaico Ocean 30x30 - 12”x12” Cacao Pav. 30x30 - 12”x12” PEI II PEI II PEI II Mosaico Wood 30x30 - 12”x12” Blu Pav. 30x30 - 12”x12” Mosaico Autumn 30x30 - 12”x12” Grigio Pav. 30x30 - 12”x12” Decori 10mm Decors Dekor Decors Decoraciones ÑÂÍop¸ý...

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RIVESTIMENTO IN PASTA BIANCA - REVÊTEMENTS EN PÂTE BLANCHE - WEIßSCHERBIGER WANDFLIESEN WHITE BODY WALL TILES - REVESTIMIENTOS EN PASTA BLANCA - ÍÀÑÒÅÍÍÀß ÏËÈÒÊÀ ÍÀ ÁÅËÎÉ ÃËÈÍÅ Norma di riferimento: EN 14411 Allegato L Piastrelle di ceramica pressate a secco (E > 10 %) Norme retenue: EN 14411 Annexe L Carreaux céramiques pressés à sec (E > 10 %) Besugznorm: EN 14411 Anlage L Trockengepresste keramische Fliesen und Platten (E > 10 %) Reference standard: EN 14411 Appendix L Dry pressed ceramic tiles (E > 10 %) Norma de referencia: EN 14411 Anexo L Baldosas de cerámica prensadas en seco (E >...

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© Copyright 2010 Ceramiche Supergres - Casalgrande (Reggio Emilia) – Italy Pubblicato da Ceramiche Supergres Strada Statale 467, n° 34 - 42013 Casalgrande (RE) Italy Settembre 2010 Progetto, direzione e coordinamento a cura dell’ufficio marketing Ceramiche Supergres © Copyright 2010 by Ceramiche Supergres - Casalgrande (Reggio Emilia) – Italy Published by Ceramiche Supergres Strada Statale 467, n° 34 - 42013 Casalgrande (RE) Italy September 2010 Project, management and co-ordination by marketing Ceramiche Supergres Finito di stampare a Modena nel mese di Dicembre 2010 da Arbe Ind. Grafiche...

Open the catalog to page 23

All CERAMICHE SUPERGRES catalogs and technical brochures

  1. cobb

    35 Pages


    53 Pages

  3. IRONY

    29 Pages


    23 Pages


    43 Pages


    39 Pages


    3 Pages

  8. EPIKA

    2 Pages

  9. astrum

    25 Pages


    41 Pages

  11. Walk

    21 Pages

  12. Ekho

    15 Pages

  13. Frenchmood

    22 Pages

  14. Medley

    30 Pages

  15. natural appeal

    17 Pages

  16. art

    37 Pages

  17. Story

    17 Pages

  18. Stonework

    23 Pages

  19. T_20

    15 Pages

  20. T20

    33 Pages


    17 Pages

  22. Stockholm

    13 Pages

Archived catalogs

  1. Coast road

    25 Pages

  2. Met-All

    25 Pages


    19 Pages

  4. Privé

    17 Pages

  5. Lake Stone

    27 Pages

  6. Lace

    17 Pages

  7. Brit

    17 Pages

  8. Model

    15 Pages

  9. Remake

    19 Pages

  10. Visual Design

    15 Pages

  11. Dress Up

    19 Pages

  12. Smart Town

    19 Pages


    17 Pages

  14. ELISIR

    13 Pages

  15. TWILL

    9 Pages

  16. PETALI

    17 Pages


    6 Pages

  18. U (YOU)

    24 Pages


    15 Pages


    23 Pages

  21. MY MOOD

    17 Pages


    13 Pages

  23. Everstone

    13 Pages

  24. Instile

    11 Pages

  25. Diva

    9 Pages

  26. Selection

    17 Pages

  27. Amabel

    9 Pages

  28. Wind

    9 Pages

  29. Profumi

    16 Pages

  30. Swing

    24 Pages

  31. Wood 1560

    9 Pages

  32. MyMood

    36 Pages

  33. Nouveau

    44 Pages

  34. Kalos

    28 Pages

  35. Arké

    40 Pages

  36. Suburbia

    32 Pages

  37. U(YOU)

    24 Pages

  38. Rigo

    17 Pages

  39. One

    20 Pages

  40. I Bianchi

    68 Pages

  41. B-KIND

    32 Pages