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Catalog excerpts

cobb - 2

Non c’è un solo particolare in quel paesaggio che non mi ricordi il tempo felice della mia infanzia: le foglie, gli alberi, perfino i piccoli sassi sulla riva del torrente riecheggiano nella mia memoria le risate, i colori e il profumo dei giorni passati. Nelle strade ghiaiate in collina, ormai abbandonate, rivedo mio padre che mi insegna ad andare in bicicletta. Porto ancora in tasca alcuni di quei piccoli ciottoli che mi hanno visto cadere e rialzare.

Open the catalog to page 2
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There is not a single detail in that landscape that does not remind me of the happy times of my childhood: the leaves, the trees, even the small pebbles on the bank of the stream echo in my memory the laughter, the colours and the scent of days gone by. On the gravel roads in the hills, now abandoned, I see my father teaching me how to ride a bicycle. I still carry in my pocket some of those little pebbles that saw me fall and get up again Le moindre détail de ce paysage me rappelle le temps heureux de mon enfance : les feuilles, les arbres, jusqu’aux petits cailloux sur la berge du torrent...

Open the catalog to page 3
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COLORI COLOURS Gres Porcellanato . Porcelain stoneware Grès cérame . Feinsteinzeug | Anti slip soft Touch R10 B | 120x120 RT | 60 x120 RT | 60x 60 RT | 30x60 RT

Open the catalog to page 4
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Memorie d’infanzia

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SAND Nuance moderne, delicate vibrazioni cromatiche per rivestire in spazi interni ed esterni ogni tipologia di ambiente. Una superficie dinamica, ricca di dettagli naturali, apporta unicità e spazi dallo stile elegante. Modern nuances, delicate colour vibrations to cover every architectural need in indoor and outdoor spaces. A dynamic surface, rich in natural details, gives personality to essentially-styled spaces. Des nuances modernes, de délicates vibrations chromatiques pour revêtir toutes les exigences architecturales des espaces intérieurs et extérieurs. Une surface dynamique, riche...

Open the catalog to page 8
cobb - 12

COBB GREY Cobb Grey 120x120 RT . 48”x48” Cobb Grey 120x278 RT . 48”x1091/2” Cobb Grey linear 29.5x120 RT 12”x48

Open the catalog to page 12
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Cobb Grey 120x120 RT . 48”x48” Cobb Grey 120x278 RT . 48”x1091/2” Cobb Grey linear 29.5x120 RT 12”x48

Open the catalog to page 13
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Superficie materica ma morbida al tatto, venature calde dai toni naturali, rivestono con eleganza contemporanea pareti e pavimenti. Textured but soft-to-touch surface, soft veining in natural tones cover walls and floors with contemporary elegance. Les surfaces effet matière et lisses au toucher, les veines chaudes aux tons naturels ornent avec une élégance contemporaine les murs et les sols. Stofflichkeit mit weichem Griff, warme Maserungen in Naturtönen verkleiden Wände und Böden mit moderner Eleganz. Cobb Grey 120x120 RT . 48”x48” Cobb Grey 120x278 RT . 48”x1091/2” Cobb Grey linear...

Open the catalog to page 14
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Cobb Grey 120x120 RT . 48”48” Cobb Grey 120x278 RT . 48”x109 1/2” Cobb Grey Idro 50.3x58 . 20”x23

Open the catalog to page 15
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Cobb Grey 120x120 RT . 48”48” Cobb Grey 120x278 RT . 48”x109 1/2” Cobb Grey Idro 50.3x58 . 20”x23

Open the catalog to page 16
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Spazi aperti e chiari dove la luce naturale accarezza gli ambienti sottolineandone l’ordine e la pulizia, scaldandone il rigore delle forme, in quell’atmosfera di tranquillità carica di attese che preannuncia il risveglio. Open and bright spaces where natural light caresses the rooms emphasising their order and cleanliness, warming the rigour of their forms, in that calm atmosphere full of expectation that announces the awakening Des espaces ouverts et lumineux, où la lumière naturelle caresse les espaces en soulignant leur ordre et leur propreté, réchauffant la rigueur des formes, dans...

Open the catalog to page 22
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Cobb Light 120x120 RT . 48”x48” Cobb Light Linear 29.5x120 RT . 12”x48”

Open the catalog to page 23
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Gres Porcellanato Porcelain stoneware | Grès cérame | Feinsteinzeug Gres Porcellanato Porcelain stoneware | Grès cérame | Feinsteinzeug | Anti slip soft Touch (ASST) R10 B | 120x 120 RT | 60x 120 RT | 60x 60 RT | 30x60 RT | Anti slip soft Touch (ASST) R10 B | 120x120 RT | 60x 120 RT | 60x60 RT | 30x60 RT *disponibile su richiesta -available only upon request *disponibile su richiesta -available only upon request

Open the catalog to page 27
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Gres Porcellanato Porcelain stoneware | Grès cérame | Feinsteinzeug Gres Porcellanato Porcelain stoneware | Grès cérame | Feinsteinzeug | Anti slip soft Touch (ASST) R10 B | 120x 120 RT | 60x 120 RT | 60x 60 RT | 30x60 RT *disponibile su richiesta -available only upon request

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Gres Porcellanato Porcelain stoneware | Grès cérame | Feinsteinzeug MOSAICO IDRO Cobb Sand Idro 50.3x58 . 20”x23” Cobb Grey Idro 50.3x58 . 20”x23” Cobb Light Idro 50.3x58 . 20”x23” Cobb Grey Idro 50.3x58 .

Open the catalog to page 29
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Gres Porcellanato Porcelain stoneware | Grès cérame | Feinsteinzeug PEZZI SPECIALI | SPECIAL TILES | PIÈCES SPÉCIALES | FORMTEILE MOSAICO GRADINO 30x60 RT . 12”x24” GRADONE CON PROFILO INCOLLATO 33x120 RT . 13.2”x48” LUX/NAT Cobb Sand Mosaico 30x30 RT . 12”x12” Cobb Grey Mosaico 30x30 RT . 12”x12” GRADONE CON PROFILO INCOLLATO 33x60 RT . 13.2”x24” Cobb Light Mosaico 30x30 RT . 12”x12” GRADONE ANGOLARE CON PROFILO INCOLLATO 33x33 RT . 13.2”x13.2” LUX/NAT Cobb Grey Linear 29.5x120 RT . 12”x48” Cobb Sand Linear 29.5x120 RT . 12”x48” PEZZI SPECIALI DISPONIBILI SU TUTTI I COLORI, SU ORDINAZIONE....

Open the catalog to page 30
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Gres Porcellanato Porcelain stoneware | Grès cérame | Feinsteinzeug IMBALLI | EMBALLAGE | VERPACKUNG | PACKING pz/box 120x278RT cassa leggera (max 5pz) cm 291,6x144,5x24 kg 54 120x278RT cavalletto / stand containing (18pz) (carico max / charge max 42pz) Norma di riferimento: EN 14411 (ISO 13006) Allegato G - Piastrelle di ceramica pressate a secco con basso assorbimento d’acqua (Ev 0,5%) Norme retenue: EN 14411 (ISO 13006) Annexe G - Carreaux céramiques pressés à sec avec faible absorption d’eau (Ev ≤ 0,5%) . Besugznorm: EN 14411 (ISO 13006) Anlage G - Trockengepresste keramische Fliesen...

Open the catalog to page 31

All CERAMICHE SUPERGRES catalogs and technical brochures


    53 Pages

  2. IRONY

    29 Pages


    23 Pages


    43 Pages


    39 Pages


    3 Pages

  7. EPIKA

    2 Pages

  8. astrum

    25 Pages


    41 Pages

  10. Walk

    21 Pages

  11. Ekho

    15 Pages

  12. Frenchmood

    22 Pages

  13. Medley

    30 Pages

  14. natural appeal

    17 Pages

  15. art

    37 Pages

  16. Story

    17 Pages

  17. Stonework

    23 Pages

  18. T_20

    15 Pages

  19. T20

    33 Pages


    17 Pages

  21. Stockholm

    13 Pages

Archived catalogs

  1. Coast road

    25 Pages

  2. Met-All

    25 Pages


    19 Pages

  4. Privé

    17 Pages

  5. Lake Stone

    27 Pages

  6. Lace

    17 Pages

  7. Brit

    17 Pages

  8. Model

    15 Pages

  9. Remake

    19 Pages

  10. Visual Design

    15 Pages

  11. Dress Up

    19 Pages

  12. Smart Town

    19 Pages


    17 Pages

  14. ELISIR

    13 Pages

  15. TWILL

    9 Pages

  16. PETALI

    17 Pages


    6 Pages

  18. U (YOU)

    24 Pages


    15 Pages


    23 Pages

  21. MY MOOD

    17 Pages


    13 Pages

  23. Everstone

    13 Pages

  24. Instile

    11 Pages

  25. Diva

    9 Pages

  26. Selection

    17 Pages

  27. Amabel

    9 Pages

  28. Full

    24 Pages

  29. Wind

    9 Pages

  30. Profumi

    16 Pages

  31. Swing

    24 Pages

  32. Wood 1560

    9 Pages

  33. MyMood

    36 Pages

  34. Nouveau

    44 Pages

  35. Kalos

    28 Pages

  36. Arké

    40 Pages

  37. Suburbia

    32 Pages

  38. U(YOU)

    24 Pages

  39. Rigo

    17 Pages

  40. One

    20 Pages

  41. I Bianchi

    68 Pages

  42. B-KIND

    32 Pages