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New Collections 2019
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Catalog excerpts

New Collections 2019 - 1

news 2019 catalogo + listino

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New Collections 2019 - 3

Cielo hand in Italy Cielo hand made made in Italy era 04-25 shui comfort 26-31 rimless2.0 33-39 listino prezzi 41-61

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New Collections 2019 - 4

design Luca Cimarra Cielo hand made in Italy Collezione Era \ Era Collection Lavabi L’equilibrio della bellezza. Linee geometriche pure, comfort e leggerezza sono i tratti distintivi di questa collezione dalle vocazioni multiple, che offre soluzioni intelligenti e compatte per arredare la sala da bagno in modo dinamico e versatile. I sanitari della collezione prevedono l’utilizzo della nuova tecnologia di scarico rimless2.0, una vera rivoluzione dal punto di vista estetico e funzionale. The balance of beauty. Pure geometric lines, comfort and lightness are the hallmarks of this collection...

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New Collections 2019 - 5

design Luca Cimarra Cielo hand made in Italy era - wc e bidet a terra back to wall wc and bidet: pomice multiplo 90 - 120 bacinelle era \ era on top bowls: pomice piani multiplo \ multiplo tops: pomice struttura \ framework: nero matt \ matt black mobili a giorno \ open day cabinet: cemento specchi \ mirrors: simple tall box era - wc e bidet sospesi \ wall-hung wc and bidet: pomice accessori\accessories portasciugamani, porta rotolo ed elemento porta dispenser \ towel rail, roll holder and soap holder element cibele L - vasca in LivingTec \ LivingTec bath tub: bianco matt \ matt white

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New Collections 2019 - 6

design Luca Cimarra Cielo hand made in Italy era - wc e bidet sospesi wall-hung wc and bidet: cemento era - lavabo sospeso 100 \ 100 wall-hung washbasin: arenaria specchio \ mirror: elio slim wc e bidet a terra \ back to wall wc and bidet: pomice accessori\accessories portasciugamani, porta rotolo ed elementi porta dispenser e bicchiere \ towel rail, roll holder and soap dispenser and glass holder elements dafne - vasca in LivingTec \ LivingTec bath tub: arenaria

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New Collections 2019 - 7

Cielo hand made in Italy era - lavabi sospesi 80 \ 80 wall-hung washbasins: talco specchi \ mirrors: eos wc e bidet sospesi \ wall-hung wc and bidet: talco accessori\accessories portasciugamani, porta rotolo ed elementi porta dispenser e bicchiere \ towel rail, roll holder and dispenser and glass holder elements febe - vasca in LivingTec \ LivingTec bath tub: bianco matt \ matt white

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New Collections 2019 - 8

design Luca Cimarra eco small bacinella ovale 58 \ 58 oval on top bowl: talco eco - bacinella ovale 62 \ 62 oval on top bowl: basalto Cielo hand made in Italy

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New Collections 2019 - 9

design Luca Cimarra eco - bacinella ovale 62 \ 62 oval on top bowl: basalto era - bacinella tonda 45 \ 45 round on top bowl: talco handy - lavabo tondo da appoggio monoforo \ on top round washbasin with one hole: talco Cielo hand made in Italy

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New Collections 2019 - 10

design Luca Cimarra handy - lavabo da appoggio tondo monoforo \ on top round washbasin with one hole: talco era - wc e bidet a terra \ back to wall wc and bidet: pomice accessori\accessories portasciugamani, porta rotolo ed elemento porta dispenser \ towel rail, roll holder and soap holder element cibele L - vasca in LivingTec \ LivingTec bath tub: bianco matt \ matt white Cielo hand made in Italy

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New Collections 2019 - 11

design Luca Cimarra era - bacinella tonda 45 \ 45 round on top bowl: pomice Cielo hand made in Italy

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New Collections 2019 - 12

design Luca Cimarra era small bacinella tonda 40 \ 40 round on top bowl: talco era - wc e bidet a terra \ back to wall wc and bidet: arenaria accessori\accessories portasciugamani, porta rotolo ed elemento porta dispenser \ towel rail, roll holder and soap holder element Cielo hand made in Italy

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New Collections 2019 - 13

design Luca Cimarra era - bidet sospeso wall-hung bidet: pomice era - lavabo sospeso 80 con struttura nero matt \ 80 wall-hung washbasin with matt black framework: talco specchio \ mirror: eos accessori\accessories elemento porta dispenser \ dispenser holder element Cielo hand made in Italy

Open the catalog to page 13
New Collections 2019 - 14

design Luca Cimarra Cielo hand made in Italy Finiture Lavabi \ Washbasins finishes Finiture Sanitari \ Wc and bidet finishes Finiture Orinatoio \ Urinal finishes Finiture Strutture \ Frameworks finishes materiale \ material: ceramica \ ceramic materiale \ material: ceramica \ ceramic materiale \ material: ceramica \ ceramic materiale \ material: acciaio verniciato \ painted steel finiture \ finishes: Le Terre di Cielo finiture \ finishes: Le Terre di Cielo finiture \ finishes: Le Terre di Cielo verniciature \ coatings Bianco Lucido \ Gloss White era - lavabo sospeso 100 100 wall-hung washbasin:...

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New Collections 2019 - 15

shui comfort lavabi shui comfort/ Cielo hand made in Italy Modelli disponibili \ Available models La collezione si arricchisce di tre nuovi lavabi pratici, funzionali, ideali per ogni spazio ed ambiente, dal design essenziale in grado di esaltare la purezza formale. The collection is enriched with three new practical and functional washbasins, ideal for any space and environment, with essential designs that enhances formal purity.

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New Collections 2019 - 16

shui comfort shui comfort lavabo rettangolare monoforo \ rectangular washbasin with one hole: talco shui comfort lavabo quadrato monoforo \ square washbasin with one hole: arenaria Cielo hand made in Italy

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New Collections 2019 - 17

shui comfort shui comfort lavabo tondo monoforo \ round washbasin with one hole: talco Cielo hand made in Italy materiale \ material: ceramica \ ceramic finiture \ finishes: Le Terre di Cielo TL - Talco PM - Pomice BR - Brina CM - Cemento BA - Basalto LV - Lavagna FN - Fango CA - Cacao AN - Arenaria AV - Avena MU - Muschio AG - Agave LN - Lino CN - Canapa CP - Cipria PL - Polvere Bianco Lucido \ Gloss White Infinite possibilità di personalizzazione \ Endless possibilities for customisation

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New Collections 2019 - 18

design Luca Cimarra Cielo hand made in Italy cielo rimless 2.0 - 34 punti di forza - 36 pulizia - 38 design - 39

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New Collections 2019 - 19

Innovazione allo stato puro \ pure innovation Il nuovo sanitario senza brida integra funzionalità, estetica, igiene e risparmio idrico. Mai nessun wc ha coniugato tante caratteristiche tutte insieme. L’esclusiva tecnologia Rimless 2.0, brevettata da Cielo dopo quattro anni di studio e ricerca, ha permesso di realizzare un sanitario completamente rivoluzionario. The new toilet bowl without rim that integrates functionality, aesthetics, hygiene and water saving. No toilet has ever combined so many features. The exclusive Rimless 2.0 technology, patented by Cielo after four years of study and...

Open the catalog to page 19

All Ceramica Cielo catalogs and technical brochures

  1. ACPA

    7 Pages

  2. Mare MRVSK

    1 Pages

  3. SELS + SEPO

    2 Pages

  4. Mare MRLAT

    1 Pages

  5. CAVSK

    1 Pages

  6. Catino Ovale

    4 Pages

  7. Theo 103

    1 Pages

  8. Delfo 226

    16 Pages

  9. ERA

    1 Pages

  10. Dafne

    1 Pages

  11. Enjoy

    1 Pages

  12. Le Pietre

    13 Pages