Catalog excerpts
È CERTIFICATA B CORP FLORIM IS B CORP CERTIFIED Guardiamo al business come una forza positiva in grado di generare profitto e allo stesso tempo creare un impatto virtuoso sulle persone e sull’ambiente. Da sempre. Le nostre scelte, giorno dopo giorno, ci hanno portato a migliorare il nostro modo di fare impresa. We conceive the business as a positive force able to generate profits and at the same time create a virtuous impact on people and the environment. Since forever. Our choices, day after day, have led us to improve our way of doing business. Guarda il video “Essere sostenibili è una...
Open the catalog to page 2BUSINESS RIGENERATIVO REGENERATIVE BUSINESS È in corso un cambiamento culturale epocale di cui siamo orgogliosi di essere parte. Uno dei principi fondamentali di tutte le B Corp è quello di adottare un business rigenerativo che si contrappone a quello estrattivo. An historical cultural shift is under way, of which we are proud to be a part. One of the underlying principles of all B Corps is the adoption of a regenerative business model as opposed to an extractive one. Rigenerare significa non solo diminuire l’impatto sulla natura e sull’ambiente che ci circonda, ma addirittura produrre...
Open the catalog to page 3Creative design Progetti completi rivolti all’ interior in cui eleganza e creatività trovano un equilibrio perfetto. Il progetto si esprime attraverso un costante dialogo tra la ricerca di colore e contaminazioni materiche di ispirazione naturale. Complete projects dedicated to interiors wherein elegance and creativity come together in perfect balance. The project manifests itself through constant dialogue between the quest for colour and material contaminations inspired by nature. Des projets complets destinés à l’intérieur, pour un équilibre parfait entre élégance et créativité. Le projet...
Open the catalog to page 4mood board
Open the catalog to page 5NATURE MOOD Creative design CREATIVE DESIGN / NATURE MOOD / 4
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Open the catalog to page 7NATURE MOOD CREATIVE DESIGN / NATURE MOOD / 6
Open the catalog to page 8Natura come primo valore assoluto, non come risorsa da dominare e sfruttare. Natura come casa, come nido accogliente, come perfetta sintesi di ciò che ci fa stare bene. Con la collezione Nature mood l’ambiente naturale “invade” gli spazi costruiti dall’uomo, entra nelle nostre case divenendo parte del modo di sentire e di vivere gli ambienti per influenzare positivamente il nostro umore. Pavimenti e rivestimenti di pareti e arredi diventano uno sfondo emozionale che si intreccia in un armonioso dialogo di sfumaturee venature, consentendoci di ritrovare quell’equilibrio psico-fisico dal...
Open the catalog to page 9NATURE MOOD Nature seen not as a resource to be dominated and exploited, but as the first absolute value. Nature as a home, as a cosy nest, as the perfect synthesis of what makes us feel good. With the Nature Mood collection, the natural environment “invades” man-made spaces, enters our homes and becomes part of the way we sense and experience our surroundings, influencing our mood in a positive way. Floors, wall coverings and furniture become an emotional backdrop interwoven in a harmonious dialogue of nuances and veining, making it possible for us to rediscover that psycho-physical...
Open the catalog to page 10Neu starten, einen neuen Weg einschlagen, einen Neuanfang. Von der Natur ausgehend neu beginnen. Natur als erster absoluter Wert, nicht als zu beherrschende und auszubeutende Ressource. Die Natur als Zuhause, als einladendes Nest, als perfekte Synthese dessen, was uns gut tut. Mit der Kollektion Nature Mood „dringt“ die natürliche Umgebung in die von Menschenhand geschaffenen Räume „ein“, kommt in unsere Wohnungen und wird Teil der Art und Weise, wie wir unsere Umgebung fühlen und erleben, um unsere Stimmung positiv zu beeinflussen. Böden, Wandverkleidungen und Einrichtungsgegenstände...
Open the catalog to page 11CREATIVE DESIGN / NATURE MOOD / 11
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Open the catalog to page 33wall: tundra glossy 120x240 47 1/4 ”x94 1/2 ” kitchen island: tundra glossy kitchen top: tundra glossy CREATIVE DESIGN / plank_01 MOOD /11x53 4 1/3 ”x20 6/7 ” floor: chevron dx/sx NATURE comfo
Open the catalog to page 34CREATIVE DESIGN / NATURE MOOD / 33
Open the catalog to page 35wall: tundra glossy 120x240 47 1/4 ”x94 1/2 ” kitchen island: tundra glossy kitchen top/kitchen sink: tundra glossy CREATIVE DESIGN / plank_01 MOOD /11x53 4 1/3 ”x20 6/7 ” floor: chevron dx/sx NATURE comfo
Open the catalog to page 36CREATIVE DESIGN / NATURE MOOD / 35
Open the catalog to page 37wall: tundra glossy 120x240 47 1/4 ”x94 1/2 ” kitchen top/kitchen sink: tundra glossy floor: chevron dx/sx plank_01 comfort 11x53 4 1/3 ”x20 6/
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Open the catalog to page 40wall: tundra glossy 120x240 47 1/4 ”x94 1/2 ” kitchen island/kitchen top: tundra glossy CREATIVE DESIGN / NATURE MOOD / 39 floor: chevron dx/sx plank_01 comfort 11x53 4 1/3 ”x20 6/
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Open the catalog to page 43wall: tundra glossy 120x240 47 1/4 ”x94 1/2 ” kitchen island: tundra glossy floor: chevron dx/sx plank_01 comfort 11x53 4 1/3 ”x20 6/
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Open the catalog to page 45CREATIVE DESIGN / NATURE MOOD / 44 kitchen island/kitchen top: tundra glossy
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Open the catalog to page 48wall: tundra glossy 120x240 47 1/4 ”x94 1/2 ” kitchen island: tundra glossy floor: chevron dx/sx plank_01 comfort 11x53 4 1/3 ”x2047 CREATIVE DESIGN / NATURE MOOD / 6/
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Open the catalog to page 59All CASA DOLCE CASA catalogs and technical brochures
148 Pages
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91 Pages
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36 Pages
2 Pages
109 Pages
36 Pages
60 Pages
68 Pages
35 Pages
68 Pages
6 Pages
78 Pages
Archived catalogs
Le Argille
56 Pages
contemporanea catalogue
71 Pages
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122 Pages