Catalog excerpts

A Quick Reference Guide to Sustainable Building Solutions commercial controls Building Automation Systems air-handling units Water-Cooled AquaEdge® 19DV Advanced Two-Stage Compression with Greenspeed® Intelligence i-Vu® Building Management Central Station Air Handlers Axis™ 45Q/R Series/Parallel Low-Profile Fan-Powered Terminal Units for VAV Systems BACnet®* Controllers Carrier Comfort Network Controllers Axis™ 45Q DOAS Terminals AquaEdge® 19MV Advanced Two-Stage Compression with Magnetic Bearing and Greenspeed® Intelligence AirStream™ 42B Belt Drive AquaEdge 19XR(V) Constant- or Variable-Speed Centrifugal Chillers Single-Stage ® chillers Air-Cooled AquaEdge® 19XR(V) Constant- or Variable-Speed Centrifugal Chillers Two-Stage AquaSnap® 30RA Scroll Chillers 10 to 150 Tons (50 & 60Hz) AquaEdge® 23XRV Variable-Speed Screw Chillers with Greenspeed® Intelligence AquaSnap® 30RB Scroll Chillers 60 to 390 Tons AquaEdge® 23XRV Variable-Speed Screw Chillers with Greenspeed® Intelligence AquaForce® 30XA Screw Chillers 80 to 500 Tons AquaSnap 30RAP with Greenspeed Intelligence Scroll Chillers ® Carrier OptiClean™ Dual-Mode Air Scrubber & Negative Air Machine FN1AAF AquaSnap® 30RB with Greenspeed® Intelligence Scroll Chillers 80 to 300 Tons AquaForce® 30XV with Greenspeed® Intelligence Screw Chillers 140 to 500 Tons (50 & 60Hz) Overhead Axis™ 35E Single Duct VAV Terminals Axis™ 35J Retrofit Terminals Hydronic Cassette Fan Coil Units Axis™ 35K Bypass Terminals AquaForce® 30XW Screw Chillers AirStream™ 42WKN Hydronic Cassette Fan Coil Units AquaForce 30HX Screw Chillers ® Axis™ 35L,N Dual Duct VAV Terminals Induction Chilled Water ActivAIR™ 36IB Induction Beams AquaSnap® 30MP Scroll Chillers 16 to 71 Tons AquaForce® 30XV Screw Chillers with Waterside Economizer AquaEdge® 17DA Open-Drive Centrifugal Chillers 140 to 500 Tons (50 & 60Hz) HFC-134a Meets ASHRAE 90.1-2016 Requirements Toward Incorporating Waterside Economizer Motor or Steam Turbine Driven 3,000 to 5,500 Tons Axis™ 45K/N Series/Parallel Quiet Flow Fan-Powered Terminal Units for VAV Systems WeatherMaster® 36S Induction Air Terminals 20 to 130 cfm Axis™ 45J/M Series/Parallel Standard Flow Fan-Powered Terminal Units for VAV Systems 90 to 3,900 cfm Unit Ventilators AirStream™ 40
Open the catalog to page 1
A Quick Reference Guide to Sustainable Building Solutions split systems split systems Ductless Systems, Single Zone MP High Wall Systems 0.75 to 1 Ton 38MARB Heat Pumps 0.75 to 3 Tons 40MAHB High Wall 40MBCQ Cassette Toshiba Carrier Variable Refrigerant Flow Systems MCY7 Heat Pumps 3 to 5 Tons MMYH Heat Pumps 6 to 38 Tons MMYF-1P Heat Recovery 6 and 12 Tons packaged products packaged products Packaged Rooftop Units WeatherExpert® 48LC, 50LC 3 to 23 Tons (VAV available 6 to 23 Tons) WeatherMaster® 48HC, 50HC 3 to 25 Tons (3 to 5 Tons, Select Models) MMYF Heat Recovery MM-AP Indoor Units...
Open the catalog to page 2All CARRIER commercial catalogs and technical brochures
32 Pages
24 Pages
10 Pages
20 Pages
AirStream™ Room Fan Coils
4 Pages
2 Pages
940 Pages
Axis™ Overhead Air Terminals
4 Pages
AERO® Air-Handling Units
4 Pages
32 Pages
136 Pages
104 Pages
2019 Carrier Ductless
88 Pages
Carrier VRF
44 Pages
Special Seismic Compliance
1 Pages
Axis Overhead Air Terminals
2 Pages
Roomtop® 50AH036-072
24 Pages
OMNIZONE™ 50BV020-064
64 Pages
A World of Comfort
2 Pages
Low Noise Type CABINET FAN
16 Pages
Performance 16 Heat Pump
4 Pages
ComfortVIEW 3
6 Pages
VVT Zoning System
8 Pages
Heat Reclaim Chillers
2 Pages
Airstream Unit Ventilators
2 Pages
Airstream Room Fan Coils
2 Pages
Aero Air-Handling Units
2 Pages
17DA Centrifugal Chiller
2 Pages
AXIS? Overhead Air Terminals
3 Pages
Comfort? Series
2 Pages
GEMINI? 38AKS028-044
40 Pages
i-Vu Open Standard & Plus
2 Pages
Archived catalogs
6 Pages
AIRSTREAM™ Room Fan Coils
3 Pages
Water-Cooled Chillers
3 Pages
Antimicrobial Solutions
3 Pages