Comfort? Series
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Catalog excerpts

Comfort? Series - 1

Comf Series High Wall Split_Layout 1 6/27/12 2:22 PM Page 1 Comfort™ Series Ductless High Wall Split System with Puron ® Refrigerant Indoor Comfort Solutions for Unique Applications

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Comfort? Series - 2

Comf Series High Wall Split_Layout 1 6/27/12 2:22 PM Page 2 Innovation and the Environment Over 100 years ago, a humble but determined engineer solved one of mankind’s most elusive challenges by controlling the indoor environment. A leading engineer of his day, Dr. Willis Carrier would file more than 80 patents over the course of his career. His genius would enable incredible advancements in health care, manufacturing processes, food preservation, art and historical conservation, indoor comfort and much more. Carrier’s foresight changed the world forever and paved the way for over a century...

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All CARRIER commercial catalogs and technical brochures

  1. 40UV-UH-14SI

    32 Pages

  2. 42B-6SI

    24 Pages

  3. 19DV

    32 Pages

  4. 30XA

    136 Pages

  5. 30RAP

    104 Pages

  6. Carrier VRF

    44 Pages

Archived catalogs