Catalog excerpts

Product Data AXIS™ 45X, 45U, 42K, 35BF Access Floor Terminal Units for Variable Air Volume Systems Features/Benefits Access Floor Systems can provide flexibility and economic advantage when applied in commercial office building applications. Carrier’s Axis Underfloor HVAC Systems provide a wide array of products to meet these building application needs. Underfloor systems allow building designers the option to integrate the HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) air distribution system with the power and communication wiring run within a raised floor plenum. The advantages of Access Floor Systems include: • Flexibility to accommodate workplace changes — diffusers can easily be changed by moving a floor tile. Limited space is required for control component changes, and electrical power/ telecommunications cabling can be easily accessed and moved. • Reduced installation costs — reduced airflow requirements and lower pressures mean smaller supply and exhaust fans. Raised floor plenums eliminate costly ductwork; simplification of HVAC, power and data allows faster build out of tenant spaces to shorten time to occupancy. • Lower operating costs — better heat removal with floor to ceiling airflow pattern. Less ductwork leads to lower static pressures, which reduces fan power consumption. Terminal controls can provide demand control ventilation (DCV) to meet required ventilation without wasting energy. • Improved air quality — occupants can have greater control over temperature in individual work spaces. A continual supply of fresh air is introduced directly into the zone where people breathe, and stale contaminated air rises up out of the occupied breathing zone. Access Underfloor Systems can also help qualify for U.S. Green Building Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED™) credits in several categories. Copyright 2004 Carrier Corporation
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Access Floor Systems can be applied in a building application in a number of ways. The following Carrier products have been grouped in this publication to provide a single source for obtaining information for your application. 45X — Fan Powered Zone Mixing Unit A specific DDC (direct digital controls) controller for this parallel fan powered box will control both the pressure and temperature of the delivered air to the underfloor plenum. A standard airhandling source can provide 55-degree air, the 45X unit will blend the supply and return air to provide a typical 63-degree air underfloor....
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Features 45X — Fan Powered Zone Mixing Unit A standard air-handling source can provide 55-degree air; the 45X unit will blend the supply and return air to provide a typical 63-degree air underfloor. This allows mixing to be done at a floor zone level and also allows colder 55-degree air to be available for areas that may need additional cooling. The 45X unit is available in 2 fan and cabinet sizes with a number of inlet size combinations, providing an air delivery range from 50 to 6200 cfm. The 45X unit features factory-mounted controls that regulate the pressure and volume of air delivery...
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45X FAN POWERED ZONE MIXING UNIT 45X INLET VIEW PLANVIEW - LEFT HAND UNIT DISCHARGE VIEW ‘Estimated for rpm/torque controlled motor, at 0.1 in. wg static pressure under floor.
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Performance data 45X FAN POWERED ZONE MIXING UNIT (ECM) FAN CURVES Fan Operating Range Outside Operating Range 1800 Fan Operating Range Outside Operating Range 45X FAN POWERED ZONE MIXING UNIT (ECM) UNIT SIZE LEGEND — Electronically Commutated Motor — Full Load Amps *Special order. †This value is based on a signal of 0.03 in. wg differential pressure of the linear averaging flow probe. Minimum Primary flow may be zero. **Rpm/torque controlled motor, at 0.1 in. wg static pressure underfloor. NOTE: Data is based on tests conducted in accordance with ARI (Air Conditioning and Refrigeration...
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Performance data (cont)45X FAN POWERED ZONE MIXING UNIT — ECM FAN SOUND POWER LEVELS — FAN ONLY UNIT SIZE LEGEND ARI — Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute CFM — Air Volume (cubic feet per minute) Lp — Room Sound Pressure NC — ARI 885-98 Test Conditions (see Application Assumptions below) Ps — Static Pressure — — Indicates an NC Level Less Than 20 1. APs is the difference in static pressure from inlet to discharge. 2. Sound power levels are in decibels, re: 10-12 watts. 3. All sound data are based upon tests conducted in accordance with ARI Standard 880-98. 4. NC Application...
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45X FAN POWERED ZONE MIXING UNIT — ECM (cont) FAN PLUS PRIMARY MAXIMUM DISCHARGE SOUND POWER LEVELS INLET SIZE LEGEND Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute Air Volume (cubic feet per minute) Room Sound Pressure Minimum Static Pressure Required to Achieve Rated Airflow ARI 885-98 Test Conditions (see Application Assumptions on page 6) Static Pressure NOTES: 1. Sound power levels are in decibels, re: 10-12 watts. 2. Radiated sound power is the noise emitted from the unit casing and induction port. 3. All sound data are based upon tests conducted in accordance with ARI Standard 880-98....
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Guide specifications HVAC Guide Specifications Fan Powered Zone Mixing Terminal Unit Size Range: 50 to 6200 Nominal Cfm Carrier Model Number: 45XC — Direct Digital Controls, Carrier CCN Part 1 — General 1.01 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION: Variable speed, parallel fan-powered terminal for access floor application to provide pressure and temperature control to an underfloor air distribution plenum. Manufacturer shall supply unit(s) of the design, number, size and performance as shown on equipment drawings and schedules. A. Insulation shall meet NFPA-90A requirements for flame spread and smoke generation...
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Features 45U — Underfloor Series Flow Fan Powered Unit This unit is designed to be installed in the underfloor plenum and will fit between the pedestals of a standard access floor grid system. The 45U unit can be used to assist with high interior loads (example: conference rooms) or with a ducted primary and available hot water or electric heat for perimeter applications. The 45U unit is available in 2 sizes, providing an air delivery range of 280 to 1200 cfm. The standard PSC (permanent split capacitor) fan motor is available in 120, 208/240 or 277 volts (single-phase, 60 Hz). An...
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