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Catalog excerpts

30RAP - 1

Product Data AquaSnap® Air-Cooled Chillers 50/60 Hz 11 to 150 Nominal Tons (39 to 528 Nominal kW) 30RAP018-150 Air-Cooled Chillers and 30RAP011-060 Air-Cooled Chillers with Greenspeed® Intelligence with Puron® Refrigerant (R-410A)

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30RAP - 2

Features/Benefits Carrier’s innovative chiller design provides savings at initial purchase, at installation, and for years afterward. The AquaSnap chiller is an effective allin-one package that is easy to install and easy to own. AquaSnap chillers operate quietly and efficiently. Valueadded features include: • Rotary scroll compression • HFC Puron® refrigerant (R-410A) • EERs (Energy Efficiency Ratios) for all units meet ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Engineers) Standard 90.1-2013 • EERs for 30RAP011-060 units with Greenspeed® Intelligence meet...

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30RAP - 3

All-in-one package AquaSnap chillers provide one of the most comprehensive chilled water circuits available for air-cooled chillers. Included is a brazed plate direct expansion cooler that may be remote-mounted. The cooler is also completely drainable with factory-installed vents and drains. Strainer included A 40-mesh strainer is provided with every 30RAP unit, making the chiller installation easier, lower in cost, and eliminating customer concern. Other manufacturers also require the strainer but may not include it with their chillers, giving the impression that they offer a lower...

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30RAP - 4

Features/Benefits (cont) AEROACOUSTIC FAN vs. PROPELLER FAN MODE Run Status Service Test Temperature Pressures Setpoints Alarm Status Inputs Outputs Configuration Time Clock Operating Modes Alarms PENETRATES BUILDING STRUCTURE SCROLLING MARQUEE DISPLAY 1/3 OCTAVE BAND CENTER FREQUENCY (Hz) PROPELLER FAN FINS MODE Alarm Run Status Ser vice Test Tem peratu res Pressu res Setpoi nts Inputs Outpu ts Configu ration Time Clock Opera ting Modes NAVIGATOR™ DISPLAY MODULE LOW-SOUND AEROACOUSTIC FAN WITH NIGHTTIME LOW SOUND NOVATION® HEAT EXCHANGER TECHNOLOGY WITH MICROCHANNEL CONDENSER COILS

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30RAP - 5

Model number nomenclature AQUASNAP® CHILLER MODEL NUMBER DESIGNATION, 30RAP011-060 30RA 30RA – Air-Cooled AquaSnap Chiller Refrigerant Type P – Puron ® Aluminum Fin / Copper Tube, value sound fan Copper Fin / Copper Tube, value sound fan Aluminum Pre-Coat Fin / Copper Tube, value sound fan Aluminum E-Coat Fin / Copper Tube, value sound fan Copper E-Coat Fin / Copper Tube, value sound fan MCHX, value sound fan MCHX E-coat, value sound fan Aluminum Fin / Copper Tube, AeroAcoustic fan Copper Fin / Copper Tube, AeroAcoustic fan Aluminum Pre-Coat Fin / Copper Tube, AeroAcoustic fan Aluminum...

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30RAP - 6

Model number nomenclature (cont) AQUASNAP® CHILLER MODEL NUMBER DESIGNATION, 30RAP070-150 30RA 30RA – Air-Cooled AquaSnap Chiller Refrigerant Type P – Puron ® Voltage 1 – 575-3-60 2 – 380-3-60 5 – 208/230-3-60 6 – 460-3-60 9 – 380/415-3-50 Condenser Coil and Low Sound Options 0 – Aluminum/Copper, Value Sound Fan 1 – Copper/Copper, Value Sound Fan 2 – Aluminum/Copper, Pre-Coat, Value Sound Fan 3 – Aluminum/Copper, E-Coat, Value Sound Fan 4 – Copper/Copper, E-Coat, Value Sound Fan 5 – MCHX, Value Sound Fan 6 – MCHX, E-Coat, Value Sound Fan 7 – Aluminum/Copper, AeroAcoustic™ Fan 8 –...

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30RAP - 7

*Unit connection is IPS Carbon Steel piping. tFlow switch and strainer are standard on all units, with or without hydronic package. NOTE: 30RAP chillers with Greenspeed® intelligence are not available on unit sizes 070-150. LEGEND EXV — Electronic Expansion Valve MCHX — MicroChannel Heat Exchanger RTPF — Round Tube, Plate Fin (Condenser Coil)

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30RAP - 8

ENGLISH (cont) UNIT 30RAP LEGEND EXV — Electronic Expansion Valve MCHX — MicroChannel Heat Exchanger RTPF — Round Tube, Plate Fin (Condenser Coil) Unit connection is IPS Carbon Steel piping. tFlow switch and strainer are standard on all units, with or without hydronic package. NOTE: 30RAP chillers with Greenspeed® intelligence are not available on unit sizes 070-150.

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30RAP - 9

ENGLISH (cont) UNIT 30RAP LEGEND EXV — Electronic Expansion Valve MCHX — MicroChannel Heat Exchanger RTPF — Round Tube, Plate Fin (Condenser Coil) Unit connection is IPS Carbon Steel piping. tFlow switch and strainer are standard on all units, with or without hydronic package. NOTE: 30RAP chillers with Greenspeed® intelligence are not available on unit sizes 070-150.

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30RAP - 10

*Unit connection is IPS Carbon Steel piping. tFlow switch and strainer are standard on all units, with or without hydronic package. NOTE: 30RAP chillers with Greenspeed® intelligence are not available on unit sizes 070-150. LEGEND EXV — Electronic Expansion Valve MCHX — MicroChannel Heat Exchanger RTPF — Round Tube, Plate Fin (Condenser Coil)

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30RAP - 11

LEGEND EXV — Electronic Expansion Valve MCHX — MicroChannel Heat Exchanger RTPF — Round Tube, Plate Fin (Condenser Coil) Unit connection is IPS Carbon Steel piping. tFlow switch and strainer are standard on all units, with or without hydronic package. NOTE: 30RAP chillers with Greenspeed® intelligence are not available on unit sizes 070-150.

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30RAP - 12

LEGEND EXV — Electronic Expansion Valve MCHX — MicroChannel Heat Exchanger RTPF — Round Tube, Plate Fin (Condenser Coil) Unit connection is IPS Carbon Steel piping. tFlow switch and strainer are standard on all units, with or without hydronic package. NOTE: 30RAP chillers with Greenspeed® intelligence are not available on unit sizes 070-150.

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30RAP - 13

UNIT WEIGHTSMCHX COIL, NO PUMP UNITS 30RAP SIZE MCHX COIL, SINGLE PUMP UNITS 30RAP SIZE NOTES: 2. 30RAP chillers with Greenspeed® intelligence are not available on1. Mounting points are shown on page 18. unit sizes 070-150. 13

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30RAP - 14

UNIT WEIGHTS (cont)AL/CU COIL, NO PUMP UNITS 30RAP SIZE AL/CU COIL, DUAL PUMP UNITS 30RAP SIZE NOTES: 2. 30RAP chillers with Greenspeed® intelligence are not available on1. Mounting points are shown on page 18. unit sizes 070-150. 14

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