Catalog excerpts

Classic Design Made Flexible for Today's Architecture Engineered Comfort for Today’s Buildings A Tradition of Innovation: “What’s Old is New Again” Ever since Willis Carrier designed the first modern air-conditioning system in 1902, Carrier has led the world in the discovery of innovative ways to provide occupant comfort using sustainable technologies that emphasize efficiency and environmental integrity. The induction beam of today is based on technology invented by Willis Carrier himself in the 1930s and refined by today’s pioneers to meet the needs of the high performance building of the future. Efficient, cost-saving induction beams forward Dr. Carrier’s original principles of utility, occupant comfort and resource accountability, transforming a treasured inheritance into a sustainable future. A Legacy of Training Willis H. Carrier began training members of the heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration industry in 1905. Carrier continues to promote technical expertise in the industry with the expansion of its sustainable solutions curriculum and has recently been named a U.S. Green Building Council Education Provider (USGBC EP). The Future of the World Depends on Our Ability… to Sustain it To earn this status, Carrier’s course materials were reviewed by a panel of USGBC peers and deemed to provide the high level of quality required for training Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED®) professionals. The courses and workshops supporting LEEDAccredited Professional and Green Associate credential maintenance are administered through Carrier University. As the world’s leader in high technology heating, air-conditioning and refrigeration solutions, we believe that market leadership requires environmental leadership. Carrier sets industry standards for environmentally sound business practices and a commitment to sustainability across its products, services and operations. We demonstrate this commitment by creating environmentally responsible solutions that consume less energy and incorporate innovations that improve the world – indoors and out. © Carrier Corporation 2013 Cat. No. 04-811-50027 Manufacturer reserves the right to discontinue, or change at any time, specifications or designs, without notice and without incurring obligations. 1 LEED® is a registered trademark of U.S. Green Building Council. 2 ETL® and Intertek® are registered trademarks of Intertek. ActivAIR™ Induction Beams Engineered Com
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Carrier ActivAIR™ Induction Beams... Engineered Comfort for Today's Buildings Engineered Comfort for Today’s Buildings 4 ActivAIR™... Innovative Technology from Carrier When it comes to maximum occupant satisfaction with a minimum of installation and maintenance costs, high operating efficiency and a practical simplicity of design, the Carrier ActivAIR™ induction beam delivers exceptional performance. The ActivAIR induction beam provides a cost-saving alternative to traditional commercial zoning systems for new construction or retrofit. It is suitable for use in a variety of single- to...
Open the catalog to page 2All CARRIER commercial catalogs and technical brochures
32 Pages
24 Pages
10 Pages
20 Pages
AirStream™ Room Fan Coils
4 Pages
2 Pages
A World of Comfort
2 Pages
940 Pages
Axis™ Overhead Air Terminals
4 Pages
AERO® Air-Handling Units
4 Pages
32 Pages
136 Pages
104 Pages
2019 Carrier Ductless
88 Pages
Carrier VRF
44 Pages
Special Seismic Compliance
1 Pages
Axis Overhead Air Terminals
2 Pages
Roomtop® 50AH036-072
24 Pages
OMNIZONE™ 50BV020-064
64 Pages
A World of Comfort
2 Pages
Low Noise Type CABINET FAN
16 Pages
Performance 16 Heat Pump
4 Pages
ComfortVIEW 3
6 Pages
VVT Zoning System
8 Pages
Heat Reclaim Chillers
2 Pages
Airstream Unit Ventilators
2 Pages
Airstream Room Fan Coils
2 Pages
Aero Air-Handling Units
2 Pages
17DA Centrifugal Chiller
2 Pages
AXIS? Overhead Air Terminals
3 Pages
Comfort? Series
2 Pages
GEMINI? 38AKS028-044
40 Pages
i-Vu Open Standard & Plus
2 Pages
Archived catalogs
6 Pages
AIRSTREAM™ Room Fan Coils
3 Pages
Water-Cooled Chillers
3 Pages
Antimicrobial Solutions
3 Pages