Stainless Steel Radiators Catalog


Catalog excerpts

Stainless Steel Radiators Catalog - 1


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Stainless Steel Radiators Catalog - 2

We live In a world where added value is crucial and difficult !o learn. Value can only be added if you. or what you possess. contain elements of unrivaled esteem. Design and technology are two Important tools lor gaining such additional value in life. In business, building competitive advantage in our increasingly fast-moving, information-rich world of global access is not easy and technology alone is not enough. Today's biggest winners went beyond using technology tor its own sake. Instead, they used design to simplify technology, delivering I to consumers in a way that is meaningful,...

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Stainless Steel Radiators Catalog - 3

The world's best radtalor designers use world class materials, and there are few better than Stainless Steel. The knowledge that your radiator Is protected from defects or corrosion, as well as longer guarantees leave you feeling as tine as the radiator itself. Whether the metal Is polished to a mirror surface, or brush treated for a real treat. Stainless Steel radiators offer the best of both worlds with a gorgeous, modern aesthetic as well as the fortitude and quality to stand the test of time. All towel rails and radiators are constructed from 100% stainless steel. There are no chemical...

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Stainless Steel Radiators Catalog - 4


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Stainless Steel Radiators Catalog - 5


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Stainless Steel Radiators Catalog - 90

thermostatic head termDstatik kafa automatic airvent □tomatik purjtir sleeving kits single short tekliki lekli uiun heating elements elektriK kitleri with thermal fuse termal sigortali please ask for thermostat controled models. termoslat tontrollo modeller igin liitfen sorunuz.

Open the catalog to page 90
Stainless Steel Radiators Catalog - 91

icon table ikon tablosu art) closed circuit system option available sadece kapah devre sicA su sKtenWide caksmaya uygundur satin oolished option opsiyonu mekTUtlir. dual system option available electrical and nydrorec option available dual s-stem opsiyonu mevcuttur. elektrikli tstci VE seek su sistemiife cak$r. opsiyonu mevcuttur. electrical version option available elektrtlli versiyon opsiyonu me-ituttur technical data page: teknft veri sayfa no-

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Stainless Steel Radiators Catalog - 92

material maljeme \ finish ftiiey_[ installation mtmtqBpi | wmaufy ga<snti tMrtasKod wtin patited/Minrpciaj *rrtiul / dixy lOrws/Biil Protfircf Code [material ■iilii:in^ j/wlsft | installation immjhp\ j wmatity iji, ,^. ' latin en ■ ;vd / raw* pm-.ii tartul' Mn Prodoc/ Code

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Stainless Steel Radiators Catalog - 93

mUma (dona buna Bbv healing element usage available lillllllUllllH IlllMWII Product Corfe lor tKojnntal earned om add 30 wn to the conwCm centers aa Viter b*#anh badjerti atari 90 mm ima pari otml eileyW

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Stainless Steel Radiators Catalog - 94

rtalSmim ^iisne basno maksnvii caksna acatkp [material malzemc [fiflftft ytfrey warranty garanti mmpaWcd/atinepdisii •rrtinl / lUey Prodoc/ Code

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Stainless Steel Radiators Catalog - 95

matSmw crinm tasna heating element usage available ddlrtt ntttfaa Ubonea trrojn twterrt makeme | ttntst) yiizey Protfucf Code Qrun Kodu

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Stainless Steel Radiators Catalog - 96

heating element usage available etitnlli reastanj IJonrao vfpai | material maljeme \ttMsh y&ey wairanty ga/aK' satin peached / satin* ptf IS*I Prodoc/ Code nufconwi calami scatty 95 "C heating element usage available ektiinlli rrjlslafs tutannwa wgai [material nu\:in*. \linish ;wey | installation immjhp\ j wmatity iji, ,^. ' satin pol ited / sahr* po&saj Product Code

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Stainless Steel Radiators Catalog - 97

twksmm cabana besna healing element usage available ddlrtt retttfan Ubonea trrgjn Product Corfe

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Stainless Steel Radiators Catalog - 98

heating element usage available etitnlli reSstam I Janmwa vyon | material maljeme jflflttb y&ey wairanty ga/aK' satin poMcd / satin* ptf iwnr pcfitM / aim floktaj Prodoc/ Code Ottin Kodu m*Snun calami scatbj 95 "C [material nu\:in*. \linish ;wey | installation rr®mjhp\ j wmatity iji, ,^. ' satm en ■ ;vd / raw* pm-.ii (prbcil' d*n Product Code mlo ttw canntchDn cotftn « tahe dSaxc

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Stainless Steel Radiators Catalog - 99

twterrt mal/eme | ttntst) yiizey tnstaHatkm montajbpi | warranty gaianti Product Code Qrun Kodu Prorfoc/ Corfe f or honiGnti) conmctin; add 90 m» la In correction ctnterc K .alr-e Asa** YIIB bagbnb ion bagbnl atsnt SO am raw pip wnfcttieiiru US'CPiOTBT) n»«no.c—iw»p.bcwT'tiTS

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Stainless Steel Radiators Catalog - 100

rrabmin {iisne tasno 10 bar matar^ catena acattgi 95 °C heating element usage available | material maljeme jflflttft y&ey wairanty ga/aK' satin pceated / satin* ptf iwnr pcfitM / aim eobaj rYotfvcf Code m*Snun calami scttfep 95 "C [material ■iilii:in^ \linish ;wey | installation immjhp\ j wmatity iji, ,^. ' Product Code

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Stainless Steel Radiators Catalog - 102

rrabmin {iisne tasno 10 bar heating element usage available [material maherce \linish ;wey_| Installation nwin; <.o* j wmanty iji,,?:;.' iUnktasteel satin pol-ted / satir* pcfisai verbcaf / tU«v lOvears/BH Prod*/c/ Code ***** for horUontat corwctittfs add SO m to the eofraet OT centers as >ahe distance. Yalaf bagtpti ipn bagtanb atone 90 am •ana pap olaral eiier n:

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Stainless Steel Radiators Catalog - 103

natertf roalieme [flflWi yuze/_| fottaHatiw montajopt | warranty guioii starteistod pointed/oMe fob* •tncd/iAe, OiMn/IOrl Product Corfe

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Stainless Steel Radiators Catalog - 104

rtatSmirn tfrfiaro basno meksrum caksma acatkf | material mal:eme jflfltt* ptfey wairanty ga/aK' rttrtor pcfitM / am pokni Prodoc/ Code

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Stainless Steel Radiators Catalog - 105

heating element usage available twterrt maljeme | ttntst) yiizey Producf Code Qrun Kodu

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Stainless Steel Radiators Catalog - 106

heating element usage available etitnlli reSstam I Janmwn vygai | material maljeme jflflttb y&ey wairanty ga/aK' satin peached / satin* ptf rarror wished / aim pofaaj Prodoc/ Code

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Stainless Steel Radiators Catalog - 107

metBnwi casea beano conned ions materiel m^jgme | finish yiizey Product Code Orun Kodu

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Stainless Steel Radiators Catalog - 108

rtalSmim tfrfiaro basno healing element usage available efetlnlli reastam littanrnu if/oji | material maljeme jflfltt* ytfrey wairanty ga/aK' rttrtor pcfisM / ami pokni Product Code Ottin Kodu maksnun piomi softkf) 95 "C heating element usage available [material ■iilii:in^ j/wlsft ;wey | installation immjhp\ j wmatity iji, ,^. ' / tarn pcAsi Prorfoc/ Code

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Stainless Steel Radiators Catalog - 109

matBflwi cdam beano healing element usage available liiiminililn liirnwn twterrt malrcmc | ttntst) yiizey stOn pgfahcd / atne pokaj Product Code Qrun Kodu

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Stainless Steel Radiators Catalog - 110

rralBmin tfrfiaro basno meksrum calami scatfeji | material mal:eme jflfltt* y&ey wairanly gatant> jaltnpaWed/satirKptfiai irrtial/tUtv Prodoc/ Code

Open the catalog to page 110

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