

Catalog excerpts

Convectors - 2

We live in □ world where added value is crucial and difficult to learn. Value can only be added if you, or what you possess, contain elements of unrivaled esteem. Design and technology are two important tools for gaining such additional value in life. In business, building competitive advantage in our increasingly fast-moving, information-rich world of global access is not easy and technology alone is not enough. Today's biggest winners went beyond using technology for its own sake. Instead, they used design to simplify technology, delivering it to consumers in a way that is meaningful,...

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Floor to ceiling glazing is an indispensible feature of contemporary building projects. The Carisa family of products, which you can use comfortably in your heating and cooling solutions for any space, has become a sought-after brand as a result of the tireless work of our R&D The increase in market share of aluminium radiators and convectors is due mainly to the inability of classic radiators to find a place in modern architecture. High energy efficiency, achieved thanks to their low water capacity, has resulted in a strong preference for working with aluminium radiators. Carisa radiators...

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icon table ikon tablosu only closed cure it system option available sadece kapali devre sicak su sisteminde galismaya uygundur powder coating option available. opsiyunu mevcuttur. option available sistemine uygundur. technical data page: teknik veri sayfa no:

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Convectors - 22

Low water content technology is used in all Carisa Convectors and Carisa Aluminium Radiators. Modem Heating Technology is used in Carisa products since 2005. Low water content is one of the most necessary points, while creating All new Carisa products. Succes of isolation industry is one of the most important assistance for heating industry to devalop the Modem Heating Technology Daha az su ile isitma son yillarda isitma teknolojisindeki yeni trend olarak yerini korumaktadir. Carisa Aluminyum radyatorlerinde ve konvektorlerinde bu teknoloji 2005 yilindan bu yana kullanilmaktadir. Ar-Ge...

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Convectors - 28

DC tangential blower option FORWARD CURVED iLERi EGRi Cizelge: Hava akisj PLEASE CHECK THE AVAILABLE MODELS WITH BLOWERS ON TECHNICAL PAGES. LUTFEN FANL! OLAN MODELLERiMlZE TEKNiK SAYFALARDA BAKINIZ. NEUTRAL CONVECTION FANLI SiSTEM WITH BLOWER GENERAL DESCRIPTION GENEL ACIKLAMA Cross flow fan with haigh air flow Yuksek capraz hava akisj Large outflow surface Genis, cikis, yuzeyi Motor with ball bearing system. Impeller bracket with sliding bearings Rulman sistemli motor. Surgulu yataklan ile carkli braket Fan housing and impeller made of aluminium Housing side parts made of plastic Fan...

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Convectors - 30

CORNER PARTS (for SLIM and SOLO only ) KO$E PARQALAR ( SLIM ve SOLO igin ) THERMOSTATIC VALVES, CONTROLS & ROOM THERMOSTATES TERMOSTATiK VANALAR KONTROLLER / ODA TERMOSTATLARI Paslanmazgelik Linear tzgara PaslanmazgeAkkailamr izgara Ah?ap katlanir izgara Aluminyum Linear Izgara (satineveyaaynapolisaj) (satine veya ayna polisaj) Wooden roll-up grille Aluminium linear grille Stainless steel linear grille Stainless steel roll-up grille (polished or brushed) (polished or brushed) Aluminyum katlanir izgara Aluminyum sabit Linear Izgara Aluminyum sabit izgara Aluminium roll-up grille Aluminium...

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Dunya degi§iyor, Tabikl isrtma teknolojisi de... also the heating technology... Low water content technology Radyatorde dusuk su miktari teknolofisi Water Content Toplam Agirlik Total Weight Thermal Load Heat Transfer CAST IRON Mild Steel Mild Steel

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KONVEKTORLERDE POZISYONLAMA The positioning of the heat exchanger on the window side is a common variant that ensures even circulation of air within the entire room. Isi esanjorunun pencere kenarma konumlandirilmasi turn mekanda dengeli hava sirkulasyonunu saglama acisindan yaygm bir uygulamadir. The positioning of the heat exchanger of the convector towards the centre of the room ensures the function of a "heat barrier" so that cold air close to the window is screened of. Konvektorun ISI e$anjorunu odanin ortasina dogru ( pencereden biraz uzak ) bir noktaya yerlestirilmesi bir "ISI kalkam"...

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H W L 90/7D ZD°C 75/65 ZDDC 55/45 ZDDC

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MODEL H W L 3D/7D ZD°C 75/G5 ZD°C 55/45 ZD°C Turn Carisa Konvektorlerinde; * E§anj6ru sokmek icin sistemden suyun bo§altilmasina ihtiyag yoktur. * Termostatik vana baglanti seti kullanilabilir. * Projelere ozel olcu ve kapasitede urunler uretilmektedir. * Du§uk sicakliklarda maksimum ISI verimi igin bakir borulu aluminyum kanatlar kullanilmi§tir. * Konvektor bataryasi Epoksi boya ile boyalidir. * Konvektor kasasi istege bagli olarak Paslanmaz Qelikten uretilebilir.

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Body and grille colour options Govde ve izgara renk segenekleri

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We export aur products over 40 countries at 4 continents. 4 kitada 4D'i a§km ulkeya iirunlerimizi ihrag ediyDruz. Dur export markets since 2DD1. 2001 yilindan bu yana ihracat pazarlanmiz. please visit for more information... daha fazla bilgi igin lutfen adresini ziyaret ediniz... CARiSA SHOWROOM CARISA MAGAZA Feneryolu - Istanbul - Turkiye

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All Carisa Designer Radiators catalogs and technical brochures


    1 Pages

  2. Catalog 2021

    152 Pages

  3. ATLAS

    1 Pages

  4. FORTE

    1 Pages

Archived catalogs

  1. Catalog 2023

    128 Pages